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One More Chance

I want to be more than just friends.
We were once,
But it never worked out.
But I am afraid,
To be more than just friends.

Afraid that after breakup,
Nothing would be ever same again.
Afraid that we won't have
As strong as our friendship that we have now.

But you told me once,
"Nothing and no one will destroy the friendship that we have."
But I think,
'What if it's us that destroys the friendship?'

That is why I'm scared,
To ask you for a second chance.
Scared of the challenges
Scared of rejection
Scared of what you might think and say
Scared of losing what we already have
Scared of the future.
But we must conquer our fears, shan't we?

That is why I'm asking for a second chance.
To work out things,
That we never had a chance to do.
To not make the same mistakes,
That we once had.
To give first love
A second chance.

But there are always second thoughts.
Second thoughts for wanting a second chance
Second thoughts of who I like
Second thoughts on who I want
Second thoughts on what I want.

But what if you or I die one day?
Maybe even tomorrow?
I'll never have the chance
To let you know how I feel
Never have the chance to do what I had wanted to do.

While I still can,
I'd like to ask for one more chance
To start all over again.