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You’re the only thing
I’m sure of.
You’re the only person
I want.

You’ve been so good to me.
I’ve been a bitch to you.
I didn’t know what the hell I was thinking.
I didn’t know what the hell I was doing.
But I all I know is that I want you.

Now I just sit and wait.
Wanting to dial your number,
But I can’t.
Waiting for you to IM me,
Like you used to,
But you don’t.

I’ve been trying to let
My guard down around you.
But sometimes, I can’t even
Get past my own wall.

I want to be in your arms.
I want to feel your touch.
I want you to know that.
But I also want to know how you feel.

I wonder if you’re over her…
Maybe I’m just making a fool of myself…
But I can only wait so long,
Before my desire fades with time.

© 2000·02 AzN1x6FlAmE