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How Could You

How could you do this to me?
Just shattered me up with a few words.
I thought you cared
I thought you were my friend.

You’ve been there for
Me when I needed you the most.
You were the only one who understood.
So many times I wanted to cry.
To cry in your arms.

How could you lead me on
When I thought you cared?
I thought maybe you were interested
But I guess not.

If you were really my friend,
You’d stay and be with me and help me out.
But instead, you dropped me behind.
Left me to deal on my own.

How could you pretend and lie to me?
Lie and say that everything was all right?
Do you think I’m stupid?
Do you take me for a fool?
Do you think that I’ll never find out?

How could you throw away our friendship
Just with those words you said?
You were such a great friend to me
I’m just sorry it had to all end.

© 2000·01 AzN1x6FlAmE