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Never Thought

Never thought you would ever
Be the one for me
You were always there
You were always you.

Never thought anything could have happened
Never in a million years
You were only you.
No one else.

Never thought of you much
Not ever.
You were only the computer screen
You had no face
You were just you.

How the past can just change
Change with a second
Change with a minute
Change with an hour

What we once knew all disappeared.
You were no longer the
Computer screen I knew so well.
You were nothing I expected.

You were everything I wanted.
Everything and more
You are almost perfect

The past is good
But the present is even better.
It's even better
Because we have each other

Don't remember the time
I opened up to a person as much
Just being with you makes me comfortable
I don't need to think of anything to say

I miss you everyday
But my heart is content
We are nothing yet
But we are something

We have so much in common
But you are so far away
What makes you think I trust you
We know we have trust issues
We know we have
So many things in common

I think I have shut the door on the other one
You are enough for me
We have a year left
We have a year to make together
A year I want to spend with you.

If you had never found me
If you had never asked me
If I had never said yes
Then you would have still
Been that computer screen.

But I'm glad you found me
I'm glad we found each other
We have nothing but the present
The present and future
That I want to make with you

Just forever be the person you are
I will be here
But when the time gets longer
I am sure that the feelings will fade

But I don't want to let you go
I just found you
I can't let you go
Not just yet.
