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dIz PoEm IsH wRiTtEn bY mAi PhRiEnD sTePhAnInE...aNd IsH oNe oB mAi FaV pOeMs

A PoEm 4 Ur oNe tRuE LoVe

I want you to know how much you mean to me
But things might not appear as I'd want it to be
I want to be more than just your friend
But I'm afraid our friendship would just end
I don't want to lose you in any way
And it seems as if friends is the only way we'll forever stay
I'll just sit here patiently waiting for a sign
Saying that your heart also longs for mine
But all this is making me confused and dying
Deep inside, I think I'm dying
How much I wish that we were already together
Because I can't stand this pain forever
I'll just try to hide my feelings from you
Until I already know what to do
But I don't think I can wait that long
These feelings I have for you are just too strong

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