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You're the one that changed me.
You're the one that I wanted
You're the one that I could never have.
You're the one that means a lot to me.

You were always there.
You were never there.
You gave me new hope, new life.
You made me who I am.

You made me mad at you.
You made me angry at you.
You made my heart broken.
But you never made me hate you.

You made our friendship stronger.
You kept our friendship alive.
You gave me hope.
You gave me another chance.

You are one of few
That I can really trust.
We built our friendship
In a strange way.
That strange way made it last.

You are one of the many that I
Don't really want to talk to.
You are one of the few
That I avoid.

You are one of the few
That make me really laugh.
You are one of the few
That I can believe in.
You are one of the few
That I can never find elsewhere.

You opened my eyes,
You made me see.
You made me think.
You made me realize.

Even though we aren't as close,
Even though we barely talk,
Even though we barely see each other,
You gave me a new light.

We are so much alike,
Can't you see that?
You are everything that I
Wanted in someone.

But you said no.
It's ok though.
It's better this way
Why must you always
Make me realize things
Why can't I make you
Realize anything?

© 2000·02 AzN1x6FlAmE