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Last Updated 9/19/00

Son Gohan is the son of ChiChi and Son Gokuh. He is first seen in the begining of the DBZ Series.

Gohan could have esaily been the strongest of all of the DBZ characters. The only thing Gohan needed to be the strongest was for him to be able to belive in his own power. Gohan never thinks he can actually do anything unless he is motivated by his father to defeat one who stands in his way, or when he dosen't even relize it. His power is much controled by his emotions.

In the Cell games, Gohan turns SSJ, then SSJ2. Is that sweet or what! He then is the only Z member left after his father dies, again, and all the others figure out there's no way they can beat cell. Even Vegeta can not kill Cell, he even apologizes to Gohan for being a burdon on him, that's very much against his pride, so Vegeta thinks he truly will die. Gohan then starts to fight Cell, but Cell gains a little power over Gohan. Gokou watches and wonders why Gohan is not winning, he knows he's stronger that that. He relizes Gohan's afraid he'll destroy the planet if he goes all out. Gokou tells him not to worry and they an wish it back later. Gohan uses his full strenght while the remaining Z worriors distract cell a little. Gohan uses his stongets Kamehameha at Cell and blasts him into oblivian. This truely was Gohan's greastes moment.

Gohan truely is one of the coolest characters in DBZ

When Gohan grows up he meets Videl, Mr. Satan's daughter. She's strong, but not as much as Gohan. They both go to the Oragne High School. They eventually fall in love and get married. Atleast Gohan knew what love was, unlike his father who was conned into marring ChiChi. Gohan and Videl have a daughter named Pan. Gohan did become a scholar of sorts and he looks pretty hot still, but his hair stick strait up and a little to an angel(but not much and he waers glasses). Gohan does not do much after this but he does fight Vegeta while possesed by Baby and he pritty much kicks Vegeta's ass, with a little asistance of Goten(also possesed.)

Gohan Pics:
