Deadeye Duck is the meanest gun in the Aniverse. His reputation is so well known to the Toads that the mere mention of his name has been enough to bluff the Righteous Indignation out of harms way. Although slow to trust, as seen with Willy’s first appearance and the appearance of Al Negator as Engineer, once the trust is gained he will put his neck on the line. .
Deadeye is a Corsair Canard, a band of four armed duck pirates that scour and pillage throughout the Aniverse. Secretive like the Artificers of Aldeberran, outsiders are rarely allowed to be present for meetings of the Corsair Canards. Unlike the Artificers, however, the group is rather Democratic. If there is an issue, it is brought to vote. If that fails, the matter is brought before a test of skills, which determines which of the Corsair Canards is most able in their ancient arts.
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