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Inside Colin's Castle

Right inside, guarding the castle doors,
are the dragons of Colin's Castle.
They do a very good job
of keeping unwanted visitors away. Be
aware, because they are very mean!

BeeBee, Flame, Royal, and Lazy

Those that are lucky enough to
get past the dragons at the
entrance, must then face the guardians
of Colin's Castle.

CALIBAN, Guardian of Warriors & the GODDESS OF FIRE

BALTHAZAR, Guardian of Wizardry & the GENIE

The dragons and guardians are protecting
their masters, the prince and princes
of the castle.

The royal children, always unaware of
goings on, are busy playing
in their room.

Taking care of the castle duties
very magically, are the elves of
the castle.

In a tiny room, is hidden
the treasures of the castle.

A castle would not be a
castle, of course, without entertainment; which
are step dancers in Colin's Castle.

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Page created: 11/26/99

This page is maintained by my MomO
