Episode 31

Dragonball GT Episode 31 -- 33 (Aired 11/20/96)

Atto odoroku!? Suguroku kuukan dai hou kai What the...!? The Sky of Suguro-ku Studio is Collapsing

Ok, these are the few episodes that I missed while I was on my way to Japan. However, it turns out that two factors are currently at operation here. First, I CAN get Dragon Ball GT on the TV down here (when I was last in Kudamatsu, Dragon Ball Z was not broadcast in this area.) Second, we have not missed many episodes for some reason. The last episode I was able to rent in Texas was #30. The first one I could watch in Japan is #34. The missing episodes will have to wait until I return to Dallas in April.

What we missed -- Bulma transported everyone from Earth to Plant.

The Suguro-ku studio broke up for some reason, and Gokuu escaped. Turns out that Suguro is some little green guy, who gets rescued along with Gokuu.

Kaiou-bit teleported Gokuu and Suguro to Dai Kaiou-shin's planet, where they decided that for Gokuu to use SSJ3 at its fullest, Gokuu must regrow his tail. However, they don't have much time, so the three aliens use a giant pliers to try to extract Gokuu's tail from his butt.

Uubu confronts Vejiita-Baby, and gets almost killed. Buu also confronts V-B and does get killed (Buu uses his magic against Vejiita-Baby, and accidently turns hundreds of people into chocolate.) But, the essence of Buu contacts Uubu, reminds Uubu of who the boy really is, and they merge to form Super Uubu. Then, Super Uubu fights Vejiita-Baby, and loses by having his magic spell reflected back against him. Gokuu's tail is full-length now, but he can not get to planet Plant in time to save Uubu the chocolate bar from being eaten by V-B. And, even with the tail, Gokuu's SSJ3 is not strong enough to pose a serious threat to Vejiita-Baby.

At the end of episode 33, Gokuu is lying on the ground, staring up at the full Earth floating in the sky. The light from the full Earth behaves just like the light from a full moon, and Gokuu starts changing into a golden were-monkey.

Note: V-Jump confirms that the Perfect Vejiita/Baby combination is called "Vejiita-Baby".

V-Jump also implies that turning into a giant golden were-monkey (oozaru) is the base from which Gokuu can continue on to SSJ4. However, Vejiita-Baby can also become a golden oozaru.

More on the Ougon Ouzaru (Golden Giant Monkey): V-Jump issue #3 (1997) describes in a little more detail things that won't be mentioned in the TV series for a while. First and foremost, Gokuu is NOT becoming Super Saiya-jin 4. He is becoming Super Gokuu 4.

Basically, the nature of SSJ1 to SSJ3 revolves around the length and color of the hair, plus the amount of bulk on the body. But, Gokuu's hair is black again, and he essentially looks like he did as an adult. The differences being that now, most of his body is covered in red fur, and his eyes are also outlined in red. And, he has his tail.

According to V-Jump, Gokuu-4 may actually be the true Legendary Super Saiya-jin. Since Saiya-jin never pulled out their tails, it seems likely that if a Saiya-jin went ballistic, it would be during the Ouzaru phase. And, Gokuu's going ballistic before, (SSJ1) occurred when he didn't have his tail.

Either way, the only way to accomplish Gokuu-4 is first, to have his tail extracted from his body again (regrown). Next, look at the full moon/Earth/whatever and turn into a golden were-monkey (not a normal occurance, since most Saiya-jin Ouzaru have brown fur). Finally, make the power up (which involves either great rage, or longing) to Gokuu-4.

Gokuu-4 is a LOT more powerful than SSJ-3 is. But, since Vejiita-Baby can also become a Ougon Ouzaru, there is a chance that Vejiita-Baby can still remain stronger than Gokuu-4 is.


This summary is the copyright of Curtis H. Hoffmann, January 1997.

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