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The Namek/Freiza Saga

I wrote these saga summaries myself. IF you print them you MUST print them in a whole. If you want to use them on your site you can ASK me first and then give ME FULL credit. If I find out anyone has taken them you will be hacked. Now be a good lil fan and dont take my stuff.

This saga starts with Bulma, Gohan, and Krillen all taking off in a space ship for planet Namek. While flying to Namek they encounter a ship full of many children who take them as prisoners. Gohan and Krillen break out of course and the children try to kill the two. However, Gohan and Krillen save one of them and they are freed. They take off once again in their ship for Namek. They reach a small planet, which they mistake for Namek and land. When they awake from the rough landing they meet 2 Nameks who (are really aliens that aren’t Nameks) “help” them find the Dragonballs. They go through many obstacles while finding them all. They find 6 and while finding the 7th the fake Nameks reveal themselves and leave Gohan and Krillen trapped by giant sea monsters. The two escape and defeat the monsters and head off to the space ship. They get there and quickly show the two aliens who is boss and leave them on the planet they were trapped on long ago. Gohan and the others finally reach the real Namek a while later. When they get there they are attacked by some henchmen of Freiza who Gohan and Krillen kill easily. They realize that there is a strong force on Namek (Freiza) and also Vegeta is there. They stay low for a while until they find Freiza, Zarbon, and Dodoria attacking a small Village to get a Dragonball. While Dodoria is about to attack some little kids, Gohan can no longer take it and he kicks Dodoria through a small house. As Dodoria is getting up Krillen also flies in taking Dodoria back down. The two quickly grab the kid and fly off. Freiza sends Dodoria after them to find out who they were. Gohan, Krillen, and Dende (the name of the kid) narrowly escape the creature. As Dodoria is flying back to Freiza, he encounters a revived and much stronger Vegeta. Vegeta kills Dodoria (who tells Vegeta that Freiza was the one who really destroyed Planet Vegeta in an attempt to save himself) easily and goes off searching for Dragonballs. Gohan and the others go back to where Bulma is and rest/eat. Dende tells Krillen about how Guru could help them and Dende and Krillen go off searching for him. During this time Vegeta has found a Village which Freiza missed and he gets a Dragonball. Vegeta hides the Dragonball in the nearby lake thinking that no one will ever find it there. Zarbon is sent off to find Vegeta and bring him back to Freiza. Zarbon finds Vegeta and they fight with Vegeta having the upper hand. However, Zarbon transforms and quickly defeats Vegeta and leaves him in a lake. Zarbon flies back to Freiza who tells him to go back and get the Prince. He does this and they heal Vegeta in Freiza’s ship. Vegeta breaks out of the rejuvenating tank and creates some large commotion. As Freiza and Zarbon are finding out what happened, Vegeta takes all of Freiza’s Dragonballs and leaves a very pissed Zarbon and Freiza. Meanwhile, Krillen is at Guru’s where he receives a Dragonball from the old Namek and a charge-up, which awakened some of Krillen’s hidden powers. Krillen heads back to Gohan and Bulma with a Dragonball and twice the strength of before. Gohan has the Dragon Radar and finds the Dragonball Vegeta left behind. Krillen gets back to Bulma, but Vegeta and Zarbon show up too. Vegeta defeats Zarbon this time and takes Krillen’s Dragonball. Thinking that he has all the Dragonballs Vegeta is quite happy as he heads off toward his hidden Dragonball. He encounters Gohan along the way who has his Dragonball but luckily Vegeta doesn’t find it. Gohan flies back to Krillen and Bulma with a Dragonball and Vegeta becomes very pissed when he realizes that Gohan had his last Dragonball. Krillen and Gohan head off for Guru’s so that Gohan can get stronger also. (During this time Bulma loses the Dragonball in a lake and also to two of Freiza’s henchmen. She gets it back both times though.) Vegeta trails Gohan and Krillen to Guru’s and while he about to attack them they sence someone coming to Namek. At first they think it is Kakarot and then Vegeta realizes it isn’t Kakarot but that it is the famous and powerful Ginyu Force. Vegeta know that they can’t beat the strong team so they fly off to get the Dragonballs. (At this point Vegeta now joins the Z fighters, although he is not ever nice to them,) The Ginyu Force arrives before they can make a wish and Captain Ginyu takes the Dragonballs back to Freiza. (In order of strength the Ginyu Force members are: Captain Ginyu, Jeice, Burter, Recoome, and Guldo.) Captain Ginyu takes the Dragonballs back to Freiza and the new Z fighters are left to fight the rest of the team. Guldo is the first to start on the Ginyu force and Gohan and Krillen face of against him. Gohan and Krillen power up and fly high in the sky before firing two huge blasts at the small 4-eyed freak. Guldo freezes time and gets out of the way of the blast but can’t find Gohan and Krillen. He unfreezes time and this continues over and over with Gohan and Krillen firing at Guldo and Guldo freezing time and getting away. Then Gohan and Krillen attack head on and Guldo freezes them in place. As Guldo is about to kill them both with a giant tree grinded to a point however, Vegeta fires a blast through Guldo’s neck and Krillen and Gohan barely escape. Vegeta then kills Guldo. Next Recoome steps up to fight. Vegeta fights Recoome first and uses some really powerful attacks but hardly hurts Recoome at all. As Vegeta is about to be killed, Gohan and Krillen step in and save Vegeta. Recoome then breaks Krillen’s neck with one kick. Now Gohan will fight Recoome. Gohan gives everything he has and does fairly well (considering he is only a child). As Recoome is about to kill Gohan Kakarot arrives on Namek. He quickly rushes to the battle area and gives Gohan, Krillen, and Vegeta a Senzu bean. Then Kakarot turns to fight Recoome. He shows off his speed first before defeating Recoome with one punch to the stomach. (Right now Vegeta thinks Kakarot is already a SSJ). Then Burter and Jeice both attack Kakarot. They never touch him once and Kakarot takes out Burter with a few blows. He lets Jeice go, who runs back to Captain Ginyu. A little bit later Jeice and Captain Ginyu show up. Gohan and Krillen head off for the Dragonballs while Kakarot and Captain Ginyu fight. (Vegeta was supposed to help Kakarot, but he took off after the Dragonballs also). Kakarot fools around with Ginyu for a while, then he shows them his real power, 180,000. Ginyu is quite angry at this cause he only has a power level of 120,000. Ginyu then thinks up a way to defeat Kakarot. Ginyu punches a hole in his chest making him very weak. Then he fires a blast into Kakarot’s mouth, which causes them to switch bodies. Captain Ginyu flies off in Kakarot’s body and leaves Kakarot in Ginyu’s weak body. Meanwhile Krillen and Gohan have found all 7 Dragonballs. They sence someone coming and quickly hide. When they see Ginyu in Kakarot’s body they think it is Kakarot and come out. Kakarot starts to attack them when the real Kakarot shows up. He tells them that they can easily defeat Ginyu. Ginyu thinks he is crazy and powers up for them only to reach a very low power level, which continuously is dropping. Krillen and Gohan begin fighting Ginyu and do well for a while. Then Ginyu finds out how Kakarot’s body works and begins fighting back. Kakarot joins in with Krillen and Gohan, but they are all beaten. Meanwhile Vegeta has taken care of Jeice like it was nothing. Vegeta then turns and beats Ginyu no problem. Before Vegeta could kill Ginyu though, Ginyu tries to switch bodies with Vegeta. Kakarot jumps in front of the blast and Ginyu and Kakarot are changed back to normal. Then Ginyu tries again to switch bodies with the much more powerful Vegeta. However, Kakarot again spoils Ginyu’s plans and throws a frog in front of the beam. Ginyu is put into the body of a frog. They all take the very weak Kakarot inside Freiza’s ship where they put him in a rejuvenating tank to be healed. (Before the fake Kakarot had arrived, Krillen and Gohan had tried to raise the dragon but discovered there had to be a password) Krillen heads off toward Guru’s to get the password for the Dragonballs. Vegeta and Kakarot both stay inside healing. Dende is sent from Guru’s to find Krillen and the others to give them the password. Krillen meats up with Dende on the battlefield and they both rush back to Freiza’s ship. They take the Dragonballs away from Freiza’s ship so that Vegeta couldn’t stop them if he woke up. They summon the Dragon and use 1 wish to bring back Piccolo and another to transport him to Namek, Vegeta has waken up now and he rushed to the dragon. He told Dende to wish for him to be immortal. However, as Dende is making the wish, Guru dies and so does the dragon. (UPDATE TIME: During all of this Freiza had went to Guru’s to get the password for the Dragonballs. Guru told Nail to fight Freiza to give the others some time. Nail and Freiza have been fighting this whole time. Nail tells Freiza that their plan had worked perfectly. Freiza demands to know what he is talking about and Nail tells him that by now Dende had reached the others and given them the password for the Dragonballs. Freiza had immediately rushed back to his ship.) They are sad except for Vegeta who is pissed that he isn’t going to be immortal. Then they turn around and look up and Freiza is waiting for them. They begin to fight the powerful Freiza. Vegeta starts out fighting and does pretty well. However, Vegeta knows that Freiza can transform making himself stronger with each transformation. He challenges Freiza to do this and he does. They now have to fight a huge monster with giant horns and a power level of over 1,000,000. Freiza stabs Krillen through the chest and throws him to the water below. Gohan, thinking his friend is dead, gets really pissed, he pretty much beats the crap out of Freiza while Vegeta watches on in amazement. However, Freiza isn’t going down that easily. He gets up and Vegeta flies off trying to get away. Freiza easily follows him and forces Vegeta to go back. When they get back Krillen is alive and waiting. Dende had went down after Krillen and healed him. Now Krillen cuts off part of Freiza’s tail and then runs off to distract him while Dende heals Gohan. Krillen gets back safe but was almost killed. During this time Piccolo has found the severely injured Nail. Nail tells Piccolo to fuse with him and he does so making himself twice as strong. He is now taking off after Freiza. Kakarot is still healing right now but can sense what is going on outside. Now Vegeta, Krillen, and Gohan all try to attack Freiza at once without much success. Then as Gohan is about to attack Freiza head on, Piccolo arrives. Piccolo and Freiza begin fighting and Piccolo does very well. However Freiza transforms again and the stronger Freiza beats up Piccolo. Then Freiza transforms a final time to his ultimate transformation. During the transformation, Dende heals Piccolo. Vegeta tells Krillen to beat him within an inch of his life so that when Dende heals him, he will be strong enough to beat Freiza. Krillen does this and Dende heals him making Vegeta twice as strong as before. When Freiza finishes his transformation he immediately kills Dende so that the others can’t be healed anymore. They all try to fight Freiza but none of them get a single hit on him. Freiza begins beating up Vegeta badly. Then Goku is healed and he bursts out of the Rejuvenating tank and rushes to the battle. By this time Vegeta is barely alive, but is quite happy to see him. As Goku is talking to Vegeta about what happened and about Super Saiyans, Freiza fires a beam through Vegeta’s chest. (Very emotional and amazing speech here by Vegeta) Vegeta, with his dying breath, tells Goku how Freiza had made him the way he was. He said that he made him conquer planets for him and kill people without reason. He also tells Goku that Freiza was the one who destroyed Planet Vegeta. As Vegeta dies he tells Goku to avenge him by killing Freiza (During this time Vegeta has been crying, believe it or not). Goku then baries Vegeta and tells Freiza that somehow he will kill him. They go to a different island and begin fighting. Freiza begins fighting with no hands, which he soon changes after Goku hits him. They continue fighting with Freiza having the upper hand most the time, but occasionally Goku would get in a good hit. Then Goku begins charging a Genki Dama (Spirit Bomb). Freiza thinks he is just stalling his one death, so Freiza only attacks him a couple times. Then Freiza realizes what Goku has been doing and desperately tries to kill Goku before he can use it. Piccolo comes out of nowhere and attacks punches Freiza away from Goku. He begins trying to finish the attack and Freiza comes back to kill Piccolo. Then two blasts come from nowhere and Krillen and Gohan hit Freiza. This gives Goku the time he needs to finish the attack. He throws it at Freiza who tries (Yea like he could stop it) to stop the giant ball of energy. There is a giant explosion and everyone is soon found and ok. They are all celebrating when Krillen sees Freiza standing on the ledge above. He fires a beam at Goku, but Piccolo pushes Goku out of the way and takes the blast. Then Freiza fires a blast at Krillen. Freiza can now control him and he throws Krillen up in the air. Freiza then closes his hands and everyone watches in horror as Krillen explodes. Goku gets extremely pissed at this and he begins powering up. His hair flashes gold a couple times before he finally explodes in a rage has a Super Saiyan. Gohan is ordered to leave the planet with Piccolo. As Gohan does this (Everyone is sorta in amazement and kinda confused at what is going on) Freiza tries to fire a blast at Gohan and Piccolo. Goku, seeing this, darts to Freiza with unseen speed and grabs his hand. Freiza is amazed and in pain as Goku squeezes his hand almost breaking it. Goku then proceeds to pretty much beat the crap out of Freiza. Freiza, thinking there is no way to win, fires a giant blast through Namek’s core. The planet will explode soon and since Freiza can breathe in space, he will survive. Freiza then decides to use his full power (He has only been fighting at 50% of his full power) and powers up to 100% of his true power. It seems now as if Freiza has the upper hand once again, but eventually Freiza is getting very tired and Goku still has incredible power. Goku tries to leave Freiza without destroying him, but Freiza fires a Kienzan at Goku, one that he can control. Goku is getting mad, but he only avoids the Kienzan for a while. Then Freiza makes another Kienzan and Goku now has to run from two Kienzans controlled by Freiza. Freiza stops controlling them for a sec and forgets about them. Then as Freiza and Goku are talking, the Kienzans come up behind Freiza and cut him in half. Goku gives Freiza enough energy to move and begins to leave. However Freiza just floats up and fires the energy at Goku. Goku turns and fires a huge blast back at Freiza, destroying him. Goku then rushes back to Freiza’s ship to try to escape. However the ship doesn’t work and as the planet explodes, Goku is yelling. (Ok time for a note…During the fight with Freiza, Mr. Popo has found all the earth Dragonballs and they have made a wish to bring everyone back who Freiza has killed. This includes many of the Villagers, Dende, Vegeta, and most importantly, Guru. Dende is then told to go to the dragon [there was one wish left remember?] and wish for everyone except Freiza to be transferred to earth. Goku makes a change in this and makes it where only Goku and Freiza are left on the planet. Vegeta gets to see Goku as a Super Saiyan though and he is happy and amazed. So everyone has been wished to earth right now). Back on earth they are waiting for the Dragonballs to re-charge to wish everyone back. They try to wish Goku back to life but the dragon tells them that Goku is still alive. They wish for him to be transferred to earth, but again the dragon tells them this can’t be done. He says that the one named Goku does not want to be brought back to earth at this time. So they wish back all the others. And so the Freiza saga ends with everyone being wished back and no one knowing where Goku is. Vegeta has also taken off in a space ship to train, since that’s what he thinks Goku is doing.
Summary written by Gohan (Chris) and property of Gohan's Dragonball Page.

Adult Gohan x10@aol.com
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