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The Saiya-Jin Saga

I wrote these saga summaries myself. IF you print them you MUST print them in a whole. If you want to use them on your site you can ASK me first and then give ME FULL credit. If I find out anyone has taken them you will be hacked. Now be a good lil fan and dont take my stuff.

The Saiya-jin saga (also called the Vegeta Saga) starts with the arrival of Raditzu, Goku's brother. Raditzu Lands on a farm and kills a farmer before flying off to locate Goku. On the way he meets Piccolo who he has no interest in and leaves him alone. He soon finds Goku who has with him (for the first time) his son Gohan. Raditzu reaches Kame House and tells Goku how he was sent as a child to take over the Earth. He also informs him of his real name, Kakarot. Raditzu is quite pissed that Kakarot has forgotten his orders and hits Kakarot a couple times before leaving with Gohan who is crying his eyes out. As he leaves he tells Kakarot that if he wants to see his son again he has to bring him 10 dead humans. Soon after Piccolo arrives (At this point Piccolo is still considered an enemy of the Z fighters). They are all amazed and scared that Piccolo has showed up. However, Piccolo just offers his help to Kakarot to get his son back and defeat the foe. At this they take off after Raditzu together. During this time Raditzu has taken young Gohan back to his space ship and soon locks him in the space ship due to Gohan's continuous crying/whining. Piccolo and Kakarot arrive and they begin to fight. During most of the fight Raditzu has control but Kakarot finds out that Raditzu's weak spot is his tail. While Kakarot holds Raditzu's tail Piccolo charges his Mankansappo and fires at Raditzu. However he misses and Kakarot foolishly lets go of Raditzu. Raditzu quickly takes advantage of this and attacks Kakarot hurting him badly. Gohan, not being able to stand seeing his father hurt, explodes in rage and busts out of the space ship. Young Gohan rushes Raditzu and hits him with his head in the shoulder and injures Raditzu greatly. Raditzu gets mad and while he is about to kill Gohan, Kakarot grabs Raditzu from behind. He tells Piccolo to charge his attack again and fire it at Raditzu while he is being held. Piccolo does this but the blast unfortunately goes through Raditzu and Kakarot killing them both. Piccolo tells Raditzu as he is dying that Kakarot will be back very soon though because of the Dragonballs. Raditzu is shocked, but tells them they have made a big mistake. The scouter on Raditzu was a 2-way radio and 2 stronger Saiya-Jins has heard everything. He told them they would come to Earth soon to avenge his death. And so Raditzu dies and Kakarot is killed for now. Piccolo takes Gohan off for training in the desert (which of course makes chichi quite pissed) and the others also go off for training (Yamcha, Tien, Chao-zu, Krillen, and Yajirobe). We are informed that Kakarot will under-go training from the famous Kaio-sama (King Kai), however he has to first endure a long journey along Snake way (which takes him about 3 months). Along this journey he ends up in Hell (HFIL in the dubbed version) which causes him to have to start all over. He also meets Princess Snake, who he mistakes for Kaio-Sama, and almost kept there forever. He finally reaches Kaio-Sama's small planet where he finds out (the hard way) that the small planet has 10X the gravity of Earth. He again mistakes Bubbles (Kaio's ape) for Kaio-Sama. Kaio-Sama comes out and Kakarot finally will start his training under the powerful mentor. He begins by having to catch Bubbles, which Kakarot soon learns won’t be an easy task. After he finally catches the ape he must hit a small cricket named Gregory. This is also not an easy task considering Kakarot can hardly lift the Giant mallet and Gregory is incredibly fast. After he finally does this (and he only taps Gregory on the head since Kakarot is such a kind-hearted person :) ) he starts learning Kaio-ken and the Genki-Dama(Spirit Bomb)attack. (They really don’t show too much of this except for Kakarot using the Genki-Dama to crush a giant block) All during this time the Z fighters have been training hard and getting much stronger. Gohan is now a lot stronger but has hardly any experience, which will make him weak in the battle to come. Then a couple days before the Saiya-Jins are to reach Earth, Kaio realizes that he didn’t figure in the time for Kakarot to get back. They realize they have made a big mistake and Kakarot takes off full speed for Earth (he has already been wished back, but has to get back to Earth now). The Z fighters have started fighting the Saiya-Jins now, but are have started fighting some alien creatures that Nappa has brought. During this battle Yamcha gets killed by one who self-destructs while attached to Yamcha. Krillen shoots a blast and defeats all of the alien creatures except one, who Piccolo kills. Now they start fighting Nappa. Chao-zu grabs onto Nappa’s back and self-destructs trying to kill Nappa. However, Nappa is not even affected by the blast and Chao-zu is now dead. Tien gets very angry and begins fighting Nappa. He puts up a good fight but hardly hurts Nappa at all. Piccolo and Krillen start fighting Nappa but they also hardly hurt the huge Saiya-Jin. Tien is later killed by Nappa and Krillen is taken done but not killed. Nappa fires a powerful blast at Gohan hoping to kill him, but Piccolo jumps in front of the blast and saves the young Saiya-Jin. Piccolo is badly injured and right about now is when Kakarot arrives. He gives Krillen and Gohan a Senzu bean and begins fighting Nappa. Nappa soon realizes that Kakarot is much stronger and is getting very pissed at this. Vegeta decides to kill his worthless (not to mention stupid) partner. Now Kakarot and Vegeta begin to fight. They both don’t try hard in the beginning and soon realize it will take everything they got to defeat the other one. Kakarot uses a Kamehame Ha in Kaio-Ken x4 and sends Vegeta flying off for a while. When Vegeta gets back he transforms to Oozaru stage and badly beats up Kakarot. Then out of nowhere Yajirobe comes and cuts off Vegeta’s tail, causing a weak Vegeta to go back to normal. As Vegeta is about to finish off Gohan, Kakarot gives Krillen a Spirit Bomb to throw at Vegeta. Krillen misses Vegeta barely and the Bomb flies toward Gohan. Kakarot uses telepathy to tell Gohan to deflect it back to Vegeta. Gohan does this and hits Vegeta. Vegeta however is not dead yet. Gohan’s tail grows back and Gohan turns Oozaru. As Vegeta is trying to get away from the Giant Ape, he throws a Kienzan at Gohan’s tail. Gohan’s tail is cut off but the giant ape lands on Vegeta. Vegeta, now very weak, crawls back to his ship. As he reaches the ship Krillen stumbles up with a sword and tries to kill the Saiya-Jin prince. Kakarot uses telepathy to tell Krillen to let him go though and Vegeta flies away. Master Roshi, Bulma, Chi-chi, and Korin all arrive. They take everyone to a hospital and everyone is pretty much ok except for Kakarot who is in a FULL body cast. Realizing that since Piccolo died the Dragonballs are gone, so they must travel to Namek to wish the others back. They try to use Nappa’s space ship but it is blown up by Bulma. Then Mr. Popo shows them another space ship (Kame’s space ship) which they will use to get to Namek. Krillen, Gohan, and Bulma all leave for the Planet Namek while Kakarot heals.
Summary written by Gohan (Chris) and property of Gohan's Dragonball Page.

Adult Gohan x10@aol.com
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