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Goku has been taken to a rejuvination chamber so he can help out in the battle with Freeza. Vegeta takes a nap in the meantime. Dende arrives and Krillin and Gohan dig up the dragonballs and prepare to summon the dragon. Nail reveals to Freeza that he has been stalling him this whole time so that Krillin and the others would have a chance to summon the dragon. Freeza flees in rage and races to where the earthlings are. Porunga, the namek dragon is summoned. The first wish is to bring Picollo to life. With Picollo revived, Kami and the earth dragonballs have been restored as well. The second wish was to transport Picollo to the planet Namek. Vegeta awakens and rushes to where Krillin, Gohan, and Dende are. He demands them to use the last wish to make him immortal. Just as the wish is being made, Guru dies and the dragonballs turn to stone. Vegeta is outraged that his wish was not granted and prepares to destroy Gohan and Krillin. Just then, Freeza arrives.

Freeza discovers that the dragonballs are gone and begins his assault. Elsewhere, Picollo journeys on Namek to where Gohan is. On his way, he comes upon the beaten Nail. Nail talks Picollo into fusing with him so he can help fight Freeza. Once the fusion is complete, Picollo senses that his power has grown and blasts in the direction of Gohan. Vegeta tells Freeza to transform and show them his true form. Once Freeza completes his transformation, he becomes much stronger than before. Freeza stabs Krillin the the chest impailing him. Krillin then falls into the water down below. Seeing this enreges Gohan and unleashes a tremendous attck on Freeza. Vegeta watches in amazement. Meanwhile, Dende puts his healing powers to use and heals krillin. After Gohan's attacks, Freeza wounds Gohan as payback for his actions. The newly healed Krillin cuts off Freeza's tail with a kienzan. Freeza chases Krillin and Krillin leads him away from the others to give Dende time to heal Gohan. Gohan is healed and Picollo finally arrives.

Picollo, now merged with Nail, unleashes an assault on Freeza. Picollo can anticipate each one of Freeza's moves due to the merge with Nail. Freeza transforms to a more powerful form. Picollo then summons the combined power of him and Nail to defeat Freeza. Even with this power, Picollo is still no match for Freeza. Freeza gives Picollo a beating in his new form. Gohan, now stronger than ever after being healed, powers up a huge masenko and shoots it toward Freeza. The masenko seems to be working and Freeza has a hard time blocking it but manages to withstain it with an attack of his own. Meanwhile, Vegeta tells krillin to beat him up so when Dende heals him, he will be stronger than ever. Krillin blasts Vegeta and wounds him. Dende refuses to heal Vegeta at first and finds Picollo wounded. He heals Picollo and Krillin and Gohan try to convine him to heal Vegeta. Nail, through Picollo, tells Dende that it is the only way. Dende finally heals Vegeta. Meanwhile, Freeza has transformed to his final form..

Once Freeza's transformation is complete, he kills Dende after figuring out that he has the ability to heal. Freeza then aims another blast at Gohan but Vegeta knocks him out of the way, the blast hits a mountain and blows it up. Vegeta and Freeza begin their battle. Unfortunately, it seems that Vegeta, even stronger from the healing, is still no match for Freeza. Vegeta takes a beating from Freeza and the others can do nothing but stand back and watch. Meanwhile, Goku has been fully restored. He heads towards Gohan and the others.

When Goku arrives at the battlefield, Vegeta is beaten close to death. He tells Goku all about how Freeza killed his father and destroyed their home planet. Freeza shots a laser beam at Vegeta to try and shut him up. Now Vegeta is weaker and has only a few seconds to live. He tells Goku to destroy Freeza for the entire race of saiyans, then he dies. Goku buries Vegeta and then turns his attention to Freeza who does not hesitate one moment to attack. Goku quickly dodges the attack and kicks Freeza, and they begin to spar.

Freeza aims his attacks at the planet. Goku notices this and tells Freeza to leave the planet alone. He agrees and they continue the battle. Goku goes underwater and sets two ki blasts to blast of a different times to distract Freeza so he can land a punch on him. This works but then Freeza traps Goku in an energy ball set to explode on contact. Then, Freeza challenges Goku and tells him that he will use only one hand to fight him. Eventually, Goku pushes Freeza far enough forcing him to use the other hand. Elsewhere, Captain Ginyu now as a frog swaps bodies with Bulma and heads to the battlefield. Freeza powers up to 50% of his ultimate power. Goku seems to be outnumbered in strength so he prepares to form the Genki Dama(Spirit Bomb). The bomb starts to from high up in the sky so Freeza will not notice it. Picollo and the others give Goku energy as well to make the bomb stronger.

While Goku prepares the spirit bomb, Freeza attacks Goku to try and stop him from collecting energy. Goku manages to get back on his feet and resume the collection of energy. Picollo decides to intervene and delay Freeza long enough so Goku can collect enough energy for the Genki Dama to be strong enough to defeat Freeza. At last, Goku completes the Genki Dama and launches it at Freeza, it hits Freeza directly but Freeza uses all his strength to try and stop it. It is no use and Freeza hits the the ground along with the bomb creating a huge explosion. After the dust clears, Freeza is no where in sight and everyone thinks that the battle is over.

Freeza appears on top of a rock. He delivers a final blow to Picollo and telekinetically raises Krillin into the sky. He closes his fist and Krillin explodes in mid air. Goku seeing this, curses at Freeza and fills up with anger, Freeza just laughes. Goku undergoes and enormous transformation and becomes a Super Saiyan. His hair turns gold, his eyes turn green, and a gold aurura surrounds his body. Goku tells Gohan to take Picollo far away because he is still alive. Now Goku unleashes his anger onto Freeza.

Seeing that Goku is far superior, Freeza launches a direct attack on Planet Namek. Goku is unable to block it and it hits. The attack obliterates the planet's core and it is only a matter of time before the planet is destroyed. Back on earth, the dragonballs have been collected and everyone killed by Freeza is brought back to life except the ones who have been revived once already. On Namek, Freeza launches a final assault on Goku and he falls. Meanwhile, the dragon of Namek reappears and Freeza and Dende speed to the dragon to make a wish. Goku rises and is now enraged and rushes to the dragon as well. Dende makes the wish that everyone on Namek except Freeza and Goku be sent to Earth.

Back on Namek, Freeza and Goku continue to fight. Freeza as a desperate attempt, unleashes a Kienzan and aims it at Goku. Freeza follows Goku with the Kienzan. Outraged that Goku is able to dodge it, he creates another and launches them both at Goku. Goku manages to lead the attack back at Freeza slices him in half and cutting off his left arm. Freeza lays down on the ground close to death. Freeza begs Goku to spare his life, Goku being the nice guy he is, gives Freeza some of his energy and flies off. Freeza is unwilling to accept defeat and uses the energy to kill Goku. Goku seeing this lets out a blast of energy obliterating Freeza once and for all.

The namekian dragonballs are now on Earth and have the power to bring Goku back to life. Porunga is summoned and Krillin and Yamucha have been restored to life. They try to use the last wish to revive Goku but it can't be done, Goku is still alive. It seems that Goku does not want to return to Earth so he can learn to control his super saiyan powers. This is the end of the Freeza saga.