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Gohan is studying in his room with his knew tutor. Gohan senses a terrible evil approaching planet earth. He stops studying and goes outside. Vegeta and the others also sense this evil. Two evil powers are approaching, one is similar to Freeza's and there is also an unknown power. Vegeta is wearing a Pink shirt and Yellow pants. The space ship lands on earth and Freeza and his father King Cold come out as well as their henchman. Suddenly a young teenager comes out of nowhere to confromt Freeza, his father, and their henchman. He makes quick work out of Freeza's henchman with his sword.

The young hero then approaches Freeza and transforms into a super saiyan right before Freeza. Freeza takes a few steps backwards as he is reminded of Goku on planet Namek. Freeza powers up one of his infamous planet destroying energy balls, similar to the one he used to destroy planet Vegeta. The young saiyan hurles it back at Freeza and Freeza destroys it. Then the teenager slices Freeza down the center and then proceeds to slicing him into millions of pieces. Then he ki blasts the remains. His next target is King COld. King Cold declares that the only way he defeated his son was because of the sword and asks if he may have it. The warrior hand the sword to King Cold. He tries attacking the young saiyan with his own sword but is still defeated.

After defeating Freeza and his father, the young hero tells the others that if they want to find out where and when Goku will arrive they should follow him. They follow him to see if he really knows when and where Goku will arrive. He tells them that Goku will arrive in three hours at that spot he led them two. They wait impatiently for Goku's arrival.

Three hours go by and a space pod similar to the one the Ginyu force arrived in lands on earth. Goku comes out and waves hi to everyone. The saiyan approaches Goku and asks to speak with him privately. They both go away where they can be alone. He asks Goku to go super saiyan and Goku does. Then he goes super saiyan. He takes out his sword and waves it at Goku but stops. He asks why Goku did not block and Goku replied that he did not sense any danger. He waves it again and Goku blocks with his index finger. The youngster does this a few more times but Goku blocks each time with his index finger.

It is now that the young saiyan introduces himself.His name is Trunks and he is from the future. He is the son of Vegeta and Bulma. He came to the past to foretell of the upcoming androids. He gives Goku the exact date and time when the androids will show up, which is in three years. Also, he tells Goku that he will get sick and die from a rare heart disease. Goku is disappointed that he won't get to fight the androids. Trunks gives him some medicine that will cure the disease so he would be around to fight the androids. He tells Goku to relay the message to the others except the part that he is the son of Vegeta. At this time, Trunks goes into his time machine and leaves.

Goku goes back to the others. Picollo announces that he overheard and tells everyone, except the part about Trunks being Vegeta's son. Everyone goes their seperate ways to prepare for the androids. This ends the future Trunks saga.