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Hey, this is the "extra" page, that tells about extra stuff and . . . . stuff.

Status Effects

Poison-If you get Poisoned,take 5% off of the victim's HP every time the victim gets a turn.Poison can be cured with an antidote, or the antidote spell.

Sleep-If you get put to sleep,roll a 1d6,whatever number you rolled, is how many turns the victim is asleep for.You can be hit out of sleep too.

Paralysis-If you get paralyzed, roll a 1d6,whatever number you roll is how many turns the victim is paralyzed for.You cannot be hit out of paralysis.

Stone-Beware of stone!Stone is a very dangerous status effect.If you only have one person in your party,and that person is Stoned,It's over!So make sure your opponent does not have a spell or item that has a stone effect,or be in a group of more than one.A Soft can cure stone effect.

Critical Hits

Attack like you would normally,then roll a 1d10, if it's a 9 or 10, that's a critical.Next take your level and multiply it by 10, then add that number to the damage it would have done normally for your sum of the critical hit.Ex: 40 (normal damage) + 70 (extra damage [7x10])= 110 total damage.

The Holy Prayer- The Holy prayer must be learned before you can start learning the Holy spell.Contact me to begin your session for learning the Holy Prayer, plus you must remember it exactly because it's in an ancient language.It takes as long to learn it as it takes for you to remember it.
