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Fan Fiction
These are works done by other Slayers fans who were so kind as to include Gaav in their stories and allow me to post them. If you have any fan fiction concerning or involving said Demon Dragon King, please feel free to e-mail it to and I will post it up here. If you particularly like a fic, please drop a note in the guestbook. Many thanks.

Author: Beautiful Midnight
Title: Mina's Super Cute Slayers Newlywed Game
Summary: This story is just what the title says it to be. The couples are Zelgadis/Xelloss, Sylphiel/Amelia, Gourry/Lina, and last but not least, Gaav/Valgaav. As you have gathered there is lots of sex jokes and situations homophobes won't want to read, so be forewarned.
Rated: R (SS)

Author: ThresherII
Title= Second Chances
Summary= Sweet sappy goodness involving Val getting to know his former master all over again, much to Filia's chagrin. A great portrayl of Gaav's paternal relationship with Valgaav, as well as an "Odd Couple" fic that couples Gaav and Filia. Safe for most audiences.
Rated: PG