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June 20, 2003

MYFC IS FINALLY UPDATED ^_^!!!! Sorry if took me around 20 days before another major update, but school's been keeping me busy for the past couple of weeks x.x. Anyway, let's congratulate these following happily married couples ^o^!!!
(in alphabetical order)

Aragorn and Toni
Cat and Chris Wright
Chichiri and Caitlin Kettle
Dr. Daniel Jackson and Lady Liz (WOOHOO!!! stargate sg1 r0x0rs!)
Dave Douglas and Katie Jean McMahon
Elijah Wood and Kate Harrison
Inuyasha and Eden-chan
Inuyasha and Jessy J
Inuyasha and Ojosama-chan
Seto Kaiba and Jessica Rhiannon
Kouji Minamoto and Shizuka
Li Syaoran and Helen Liu
Magus/Prince Zeal and Kreca
Orlando Bloom and Diana Dorrell
Ranma (female) and Donald Joseph Quinn III
Rath Elyucer and Eeveesama
Riku and Heartless_Kairi
Seifer Almasy and Samantha McCathy
Sesshoumaru and Cat
Solid Snake and Meryl Snake
Sniper Wolf and Malek Thanatos
Evil King Stanley Hihat Trinidad XIV and Ruka-san
Tala and Itoshii
TAO and Fox
Tidus and Heartless_Kairi
Xander Harris and Trish
Youko Kurama and Rachel Cooley
Zelgadis Greywords and C-chan

May 31, 2003

MYFC IS FINALLY UPDATED ^_^!!!! And these happy couples just got married today ;)!!! Congrulations to the following husbands and wives ^____^! *cue wedding theme song here* ^_^

(in alphabetical order....)
Aoi Sakuraba and ADAM
Brock and Cat
Clay Aiken and Connie Bouvier
Darien and Cat
Hiei Jaganshi and Cat
Joey Wheeler and Cat (man, cat has a lot of husbands now O.o)
Keanu Reeves and Silver Yuna
Kenshin Himura and Eden-chan
Keiichi Morisato and Tess chan (looks like tess is a monogamous wife ^_^. heheh)
Leonardo DiCaprio and Maddie Gilmore
Malik Ishtar and Rachel Cooley
Neo "Mr. Anderson" (heheh) and Silver Yuna (yeah...she even got keanu's other identity ^_^)
Ryou Bakura and Ojosama-chan
Vegeta and Cat
Wesley Windham Price and Claire

Unfortunately, Squall Leonhart and Sara Kim have decided to go their separate ways (probably because of rinoah. heheh)

Thank you so much for your support and patience ;)!

May 22, 2003

AN UPDATE ^O^!!! YES!!! FINALLY, AN UPDATE and what a great update it is ^_^!!! Anywayz, let's all CONGRATULATE these happy couples that got married today ^_^!!!

Genjo Sanzo and Arianna
Josh Groban and Caroline Maria Harkins
Kira Sakuya and Rachel Cooley
Nina Williams and Dash Snake
Rune and Ojosama-chan
Rupert Giles and Anne
Sniper Wolf and Dash Snake
Squall Leonhart and Ashley L. Wiehl
Youko Kurama and Eden-chan
Yuki Saiko and Cue

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR GETTING MARRIED ^_~! Looks like we had varying marriages today ^_^. Someone actually married Josh Groban and Rupert Giles!!! O.O (they'll be seeing and hunting vamps for their wives, i guess ;). heehee)

May 12, 2003

WELCOME TO OUR NEW MEMBER SEPHY ^_^!!! She just got married to FF8's Laguna Loire ^_^! Robert JT also got married to another FF character...RIKKU ^_^!!!

May 10, 2003

Ryu Kashin for marrying Serenity Wheeler (Yu-Gi-Oh) and Yukina Aka (Yuu Yuu Hakusho) ^_^! Wow, man...you have a thing for younger sisters O.O!
CONGRATS to Kyona Aithoshiima for marrying FF8's bishie sharpshooter Irvine Kinneas ^_^!!
ALSO CONGRATS to me for marrying Sakura Taisen's Commander Yoneda ^o^!!!


May 8, 2003

WOOHOOO!!!! AN UPDATE AFTER A WEEK LONG HIATUS ^o^!! WE'VE GOT SO MANY HAPPY MARRIED COUPLES (and new members) TODAY ^_^!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT ^o^!!! anyway, let's get on with the list of couples who just got married, shall we? ^_~!

Hawk Eye and Skyler
Jin Kaze and Felicia
Seto Kaiba and Warrior of Purity
Kouichi and Ojosama-chan
Malik Ishtar and Gabbi
Youko Kurama and Gabbi
Seifer Almasy and Sita SilverBreeze
Tiger Eye and Cattra Montoyo Kyle Kaiba
Tiger Eye and Warrior of Purity
Tristan Taylor and Marinia
Vash the Stampede and Aqua Snake (HI, AQUA ^o^!!!)
Yue and Laura Booth
Tasuki and Eden-chan


April 30, 2003

FINALLY!!! AN UPDATE ^o^!!!! sorry if i haven't updated in almost a week...i've been pretty busy with some offline shtuff (LIKE COSPLAY ^o^!!!) anywayz, CONGRATULATIONS TO TODAY'S COUPLES ^o^ (wow...also our first "split up" too O.O)!!!

- Alexander the Great (Reign: The Conqueror) and Elizabeth Reyes - Brilliant Dynamites Neon and Elizabeth Reyes - Sesshomaru and Elizabeth Reyes - Tea Gardner and Sharp Aznable - Li Syaoran and Ojosama-chan - Seto Kaiba and Cattra Montoyo Kyle Kabia - Yami Yugi and Kassidi Roberts - Selphie Tilmitt and Trunks Leonhart (today's only real life couple ^_^)

Connie Bouvier also divorced Jon Cornelius. Heheh...looks like it's about time, girl ^_~! lol..JK!

April 24, 2003

THESE COUPLES JUST GOT MARRIED TODAY ^o^!!! CONGRATULATIONS, EVERYONE ^_^!!! not only that, but the ff6 section is now open too ^_^!!! woohoo!!!

Terra Branford and Sonny Khounlo
Genjo Sanzo and Genny
Spike (from Buffy) and Cat
Cid (from FF6) and Cmdr. Gabe E.

April 22, 2003

CONGRATULATIONS TO TODAY'S NEWLY WEDS AND NEW MEMBERS ^o^!!! Hmmm..looks like we don't have much anime brides or grooms today O.o...video game characters have just taken over the marriage aisle ^o^!!! A special marriage goes out to Keru and Isa too ^_^! CONGRATS AGAIN ^o^!!!

Mei Ling and Matthew Oldakowski
Seifer Almasy and Sorceress Kat
Cloud Strife and Tifa Takahashi
Trowa Barton and Rachel Cooley(edited)
Kerusei Aburiru & Isa Ustavalkova

April 20, 2003


Iori Yagami and LadyOfDarkness
Tsume and LadyOfDarkness
Hiei Jaganshi and Ojosama-chan
Trowa Barton and Craig C
(to craig, er, is this your name? i got your email but i didn't fill up the field where you have to put in in the name you want in the certificate @.@...please email me asap ^_^! thanks!)

April 18, 2003


- Akito Hayama and Connie Bouvier
- Arima and Connie Bouvier
- Bulma and Vanessa Engleby
- D and Kimiko
- Emma Emmerich and Fallen
- George Clooney and Cheryl M
- Goku (Gensomaden Saiyuki) and Famiglia Firullo
- Izzy Izumi and Annike Irvine
- Kiba and KaoruNagisa
- Kira Sakuya and Kaoru Nagisa
- Rei Kon and Annika
- Rukawa Kaede and KaoruNagisa
- Sephiroth and LaPimpa
- Shion and KaoruNagisa
- Shiroi Kumo and Aya
- SpongBob SquarePants and Vanessa Engleby
- Squall Leonhart and Sara Kim
- Takuya and Connie Bouvier
- Tidus and Siwolae
- Tifa and Kyle Mathis
- Tooya and Aya ^_^
- Yuna and Vanessa Engleby

By the way, I modified the rules a bit :)...To make sure that the site is updated as soon as "marriage proposals" are sent, both new and old members can now just marry only one character per week. I'm really so sorry about this sudden change, but it's the best way to ensure that the certificates don't get cluttered ^_^, especially if a lot of people are getting married ^_^! hey, but that doesn't stop the fun, right? ^_^. and come on...it does add to the challenge of who gets who first ^_~! THANKS AGAIN, EVERYONE ^_^!!!

April 15, 2003

EDIT EDIT!! IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT!!! Every member is advised to sign up for the mailing list ^_^! this will make it easier for me to inform everyone of site updates, and inform those who have emailed me if their marriage certificates have already been posted ^_^! Thank you very much ^o^!!!

WOOHOO!!! THIS HAS TO BE ONE OF OUR BIGGEST UPDATES EVER ^o^!!! Sorry if it took me a while to update, but i've been out of town last weekend x.x. Anyway, enough of that ^_^! Let's CONGRATULATE THESE HAPPILY MARRIED COUPLES ^o^!!!

- Elhaym van Houten and Qtub Ayback
- Vash the Stampede and Suz
- Ranma Saotome and Suz
- Kai from Beyblade and Chaz
- Utada Hikaru Steven Provenzano
- Bulma Briefs and Alexander Curtis
- Ryuichi Sakuma and Sapphiryn
- Legolas Greenleaf and Chaosprince
- Alec and Chaosprince
- Irvine of Zoids and Chaosprince
- Kai from Beyblade and Chaosprince
- Ominae Yu and Chaosprince
- Ranma Saotome and Chaosprince
- Vegeta and Chaosprince
- Daniel Radcliffe and Leanne
- Yami Yugi and Tyce
- Hiei and Tyce
- Kenshin and Tyce
- Kai from Beyblade and Tyce
- Kaiba and Samatha McDuce
- Sean Paul and Samatha McDuce
- George de Sand and Samatha McDuce
- Sanosuke Sagara and Siwolae
- Chi-Chi and Mark McDuce
- Buffy Summers and Mark McDuce
- Kikyo and MarkMcDuce
- Britney Spears and Mark McDuce
- John Frusciante and Merel Herder
- Matt from Digimon and Kat

WOOHOO!!! you could just imagine how many honeymooners we're going to have tonight ^_~! once again, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR PATIENCE AND THANKS FOR GETTING MARRIED ^o^!

April 11, 2003

CONGRATULATIONS TO TODAY'S NEW COUPLES ^_^!!! One of our new members, Chaz, just got married to Teen Goten, Zell Dinch of FF8 and Tenchi Masaki ^o^!!! Another one of our new members, Jay, got married to Asuka from Evangelion ^_^, and the last of our new members for today, Jill, got married to Tasuki and Quatre ^o^! Asuka_Excel also got married to our first slam dunk groom, Hanamichi Sakuragi ^o^!!! THANKS, GUYS!!!

April 9, 2003

CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR NEW MEMBER HERSHEY!!! ^_^!! She's now married to BeyBlade's Tyson and Yu-Gi-Oh's blondie, Joey Wheeler ^o^!!!

April 8, 2003

WOOHOO!!! HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY!!! OH YU-YEVON ^o^!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MARRYING EDEA ^o^!!! NOW HEADMASTER CID IS ALL MINE!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! aaah...now this is what i call a happy ending. yu has edea...and i have CID ^_^! WAHOOO!!! Tyce has just gotten married to Inu Yasha too ^_^!!! Talk about everyone's dreams coming true ^o^!!!

April 7, 2003

WELCOME TO OUR NEW MEMBER RYOHINASHI ^o^!!!! She's just gotten married to Vash, Riku (from Kingdom Hearts), Tenchi Masaki, Son Gohan and the main man in G Gundam, Domon Kasshu ^_^!!! Asuka_Excel also got married to the cute little bishie, Li Syaoran and Pokemon's Tracey ^_^ (Kenji in Japan). CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL ^o^!!!

April 6, 2003

ANOTHER NEW MEMBER GOT MARRIED TODAY ^_^! Asuka_Excel just married Max from BeyBlade and Sha Gojyo from Gensomaden Saiyuki ^_^ (heheh..son goku from Saiyuki is the only one not married so far ^_^!)

April 6, 2003

CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR NEW MEMBER REIKA for tying the knot with Konzen Douji (Sanzo's former self) from Gensomaden Saiyuki ^_^! Suz also got married to Eminem (Marshal Mathers) and Link (adult one) from the Legend of Zelda ^o^! WE HAVE AN "INTERSPECIES" MARRIAGE TODAY ^o^! and it has me in it ^o^. lol. The TV section is now up because i just got married to someone from Babylon5 LOL!!! aaah, check it out and see who i bagged (and man, i'll probably regret maryring him someday x.x). CONGRATS AGAIN, GUYS!!!

April 5, 2003

NAOMI HUNTER FROM MGS has finally tied the knot with Squall Leonheart, our newest guy member ^_^!!! I also altered some certificates as a request from some of our members ^_^! The link to Wolf's Rain has been fixed too :D! thanks for visiting ^_^!

April 4, 2003

WOW!!! CHECK OUT ALL OF VEGETA'S WIVES ^o^!!! He's just been happily married to our new members Suz, Cat and Burma ^_^! Hannah also married Link from The Legend of Zelda series and badboy EMINEM O.O!!! Aside from maryring Vegeta, Suz also married Sesshomaru from InuYasha and Tasuki from Fushigi Yuugi ^_^! Our "busy" wife Connie got married again too ^o^! She's added Naruto, Dark Schneider, Vash and Keiichi Morisato in her husbands list ;)! Cheri and Kyle, one of our real-life couples also got married ^o^! THANKS, EVERYONE! TAKE CARE!!!

April 2, 2003

WE HAVE NEW COUPLES AND AN UNEXPECTED COUPLE TODAY ^o^!!! First i'd like to welcome our new member, Hannah, who just married the Takahashi boys InuYasha and male Ranma Saotome, and also married our gun-toting 60 million dollar man, Vash the Stampede ^o^!!! Sha'Uri got married again today to Cloud from Kingdom Hearts, Sephiroth from Ehrgeiz (heheh...yeah, she got away with the crime of marrying FF7 characters :P), and Arty from Lufia 2 (i love that game ^o^!!!). And speaking of Sha'Uri, she also married David Bowie!!!! O.O (and yes...they are today's unexpected couple O.O). CONGRATS TO ALL ^o^!!!

March 31, 2003

FINALLY!!! AN UPDATE ^o^!!!... and right before the the start of april too ^_^!!! anyway, sorry if i wasn't able to update for the past few days :(. My cable internet was unstable, so i had to wait until i could upload files safely again ^_^!

anyway, enough of that! LET'S CONGRATULATE OUR NEW COUPLES ^o^!!! Samatha got married to her fiancee Tighe ^_^, while also bagging our favorite Dragonball nerd Gohan ^o^!!! On the other hand, JC Quinn just married all of Breath of Fires' NINA!!! O.O (wow, quinny...talk about having different wives under one name O.o).

I ALSO ADDED ANOTHER SECTION CALLED "Celebrities" ^_^! Basically, here's where your marriage with a favorite actor/actress/singer will be posted ^o^!!! And speaking of singers, Ele just married the guy with a Blaze of Glory, John Bon Jovi ^_^!!! THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO GOT MARRIED!!! and thanks for waiting too ^_^!!!

March 29, 2003

AND THE BELLS KEEP ON RINGING ^o^!!! Welcome to our new brides and grooms, JK McGrath, my pal JC Quinn Tanim, Sha'Uri Iquilison and wildgal Nice Girl Eddie ^_^!!! JK married our favorite MGS heroine Meryl, JC Quinny married his winged girlfriend Nina, Nice Girl Eddie raped the guy with the big sword Auron and Sha'Uri married 3 bishies: Quatre, Irvy and Vincent Valentine ^o^!! Silver Yuna just tied the knot with Dante too ^_^!!! THANKS FOR GETTING MARRIED, GUYS ^o^!

March 28, 2003

WOW!!! WE HAVE ONE HUGE UPDATE TODAY ^o^!!! Through the request of some of our sweetest members, I've added a "Real-Life Couples" page featuring real-life couples married through this site!!! ^o^!!! CONGRATULATIONS to our newly weds Connie Bouvier & Jon Cornelius, Rose & Chenzi, and I posted my marriage to my real-life fiancee, Robert ^o^! YAY!!! Our new members got married too ^_^!! My buddy MikeXXXdaPop married his life-long girlfriend Mei Ling and JB married goddess Belldandy and nasty girl Faye!!! And speaking of faye, I married my cowboy bebop boyfriend, "JET BLACK!!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO EVERYONE ^o^!

March 25, 2003

CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR NEW COUPLES TODAY ^o^!!! Alexis just grabbed Riku from Kingdom Hearts and my good friend Silver Dragon married our favorite hero Sssssolid Snake ^o^!!! Enjoy the honeymoon ;)!

March 22, 2003

AND MORE JUST GOT MARRIED TODAY ^o^!!! Welcome to our new member, Elaine Ewe, who married Saiyuki's CHO HAKKAI ^_^!!! Dejiko just married Toboe of Wolf's Rain and Weiss' Omi ^_^!!! Samatha just grabbed InuYasha's brother Sesshomaru too ^_^!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! ^o^!

March 21, 2003

LOVE IS IN THE AIR ^o^!!! Congrats to new couples Dejiko and Ginji (GetBackers), and Samatha with hus husband/s Hiei and Kenshin ^o^!!! Looks like Sammy has best of both worlds, eh? the quiet type and the cheerful type ^_^

March 20, 2003

MORE NEW HAPPY COUPLES TODAY ^o^!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO THE following new members and couples, Silver Yuna and Solid Snake, Kurama and Dana, Inu-Yasha's Miroku and Nikore, and Charity for bagging both Gren from Cowboy Bebop and Tsukaka from HACK!!! HAVE A NICE HONEYMOON ;)!

March 19, 2003

ANOTHER NEW COUPLE TODAY ^o^! Congratulations to Dustyn and his wife Kagome from the anime InuYasha :D!

March 19, 2003

CONGRATULATIONS TO OUT NEWLY WEDS ^o^!!!! Steven just claimed Quistis Trepe as his wife, while Elizabeth married Sora (.hack), Vegeta and Spike Spiegel. The Peacock Goddess also married ff9's badboy bishie, Kuja ^o^!!! Ahhh...love is in the air ^o^

March 17, 2003

And the number of happy couples keeps no growing ^o^!!! Welcome to our newly weds, Andrea and Trunks, Heero Yuy and Kilo, Maya and Terry Grandchester (he's pretty popular, eh? ;), Kira and Uzumaki and the weirdest couple yet, Sara and Black Waltz No. 3 from ff9!!! O.O!!!!

March 16, 2003

YAY!!! THE SERVER IS BACK UP, that means the certificates are accessible again. AND WE HAVE SOME NEW COUPLES TOO ^o^!!! I would like to welcome CaskaLangley for marrying Shinji, Kestrel (helllow ^o^!!!) for snagging FY bishie Hotohori, and Connie for marrying more of her dream men in anime, including Tenchi from Tenchi Muyo and Samurai bishie Kenshin just to name a few ;)!

March 13, 2003

ANOTHER UPDATE FOR TODAY!!! ^o^...a big CONGRATULATIONS to another new couple James (Team Rocket) and Stefanie ^o^!!

WHOA!!! Jeff definately doesn't care about age at all ^_^! He just married both the young and the adult Zelda from the Legend of Zelda series ^_^! WE ALSO HAVE NEWLY WEDS HERE ^_^!! Aleksandra just married Jesse Blue AND Tery Grandchester ^o^! Hi, aleks! ^_^

March 11, 2003

WOOOHOOO!!! CONGRATULATIONS to Zero and Reyi Ayanami ^_^!!! Added him to the member's page too, together with his shrine to none other than rei ^o^! THANKS FOR GETTING MARRIED!!

March 11, 2003

Our no. 1 wife Connie got married again ^o^! and this time it's to Falcon of PowreStone ^_^!!! Fixed her link in the member's page too ^_^

March 10, 2003

Sin just Married SailorMoon ^o^! A big congrats to the lunar couple ^_^!!! OooOohhh...maybe i should marry someone from Lunar Silver Star Story? O.o

March 10, 2003

Got my friend Ele married to 4 more of her potential husbands ^_^! Another kewl thing is that most of them are from old animes such as Candy Candy ^_^!

March 9, 2003

Lookie here!!! Another Jessie has been married ^_^! Yeap...I married Jessie Black from XenoGears!! HOO-HA!!!

JESSE BLUE (from Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs) and Ele just got married ^o^!!! I added her to the female members page too ^_^! Congrats, guys ^o^!

March 8, 2003

ANOTHER MARCH 8 UPDATE!!! ^o^ ADDED NEW MEMBERS and got more characters married ^o^!!! WOOHOOO!!! Check out the new list of animes, video games, and married characters ^_^!

March 8, 2003

First of all, I JUST ADDED AN FAQ PAGE!!! yay ^o^! I also modified the Rules listed in the rules page :) and i've removed the line asking for the "page you're going to put your certiticate on" in the "get married" page since you do have a choice whether you wanna post it somewhere or not :). either way, you can still check our your certificates in their appropriate pages under your married character ^_^! Corrected some errors in the rules page too :)

Looks like a lot more people are going to get married today ^o^!!! WOOHOOO!!!

March 8, 2003

GREAT UPDATE TODAY ^O^!!! New members and tons of marriages added! Congratulations to all the NEW COUPLES ^o^!!! Anyway, the new members are Connie Bouvier, Jeff Raiden Kubler and Will Kuhn! ^_^ I'll be adding MY new marriages soon too ^_^. heehee #^_^#

March 7, 2003

UPDATE UPDATE!!!! I RE-EDITED THE ALL THE CERTIFICATES to make the background image (of your wife/husband) clearer and more visible ^_^! I also enhanced the quality of the certificates to make them look bettah ^_^! To Jeff, Will and Connie, i'll upload your certificates and post you in the members page soon ^o^!!! TAKE CARE, GUYS!!!

March 6, 2003

GENDO GOT MARRIED AGAIN!!! but it's okay since she's my friend Daeva ^o^! Added her in the members page and the link to her certificate under Gendo in the Neon Genesis Evangelion married characters page ^_^!

March 5, 2003

MY FRIEND STEFANIE JUST MARRIED OTACON from the game Metal Gear Solid!!! ^o^. Posted her certificate in the Metal gear solid married characters page and added her profile in the members page ^_^

March 4, 2003

WOOHOO!!! The site's finally up ^_^! Well, i'm the only married member so far, but i do hope you guys/gals will get married to your desired characters soon ^_^! See ya in the married members area ;)!

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