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undefined TEAM HOKAGE


AGE: 16
SKILLS: those of a ninja; Martial arts, weapons, gymnastics, etc.
MADOUGO: none, as the son of a flame master, he inherited the ability to shoot flame out of his arm. Also, has the special ability to summon 8 dragons of fire, each an incarnation of a great flame master of the past and has a special skill.
QUOTE: "I will protect my Hime no matter what!"
CHARACTER: He is completely infatuated with Yanagi and calls her his princess. He hates it when someone comes close to her or says anything about her that might be displeasing; very protective without admitting that he likes her. He is an okay guy, absolutely obssessed with Ninja's and with an easy going personality. Plus, any scene that is between him and his dad is bound to have you bursting with laughter.


AGE: 17
SKILLS: He is a master of 'Hyomon Ken', a very powerful sword form taught to him by his master, Meguri Kyoza
MADOUGO: Ensui, a sword formed from water that slices through everything and can take all the forms of water including ice and steam.
QUOTE: "Nei-san will be avenged!"
CHARACTER: At the beginning of the series, it seems that Tokiya only cares about avenging his sister, who was killed when he was 7 years old in front of him. Later, he meets Yanagi and becomes attached to her because she looks exactly like his sister. I think the manga hints that he had fallen in love with her.This naturally comes between any chance he and Recca might have had of becoming friends, in the beginning that is...After he first meets Recca he is made to believe that Recca had something to do with his sister's death and fights Recca. He wins the first fight and loses the next, barely. Later, when the misunderstanding is cleared up, he teams up with Recca and the others for a common goal, to protect Yanagi. His personal goal however is still to find his sister's murderer.


SKILLS: Martial Arts, gynmastics, her speed, fighting with her darts.
MADOUGO: Fuujin, an armband that controls the wind. Although it is missing it's main crystal, it is a very powerful weapon. It has four small crystals that, in their true form, are adorable furry foxlike animals.
QUOTE: "Wait, I can still fight!"
CHARACTER: Fuuko is so cool!^_^ *Ahem* She is Recca's childhood friend. Ever since they were kids, those two fought. Fuuko would always lose and Recca would always taunt her(and anyone else he fought)by saying that if she beat him, then he would serve her as her personal ninja. Hence, all her life, it was her goal to make him serve her. So, when Yanagi suddenly showed up as Recca's master, she got really angry. She wasn't, I REPEAT, SHE WAS NOT JEALOUS!! Fuuko says it herself "The only one I want him to serve is me". She also states that her pride insists that she beat him and makes him her servant.

Fuuko is a very intelligent girl and impresses everyone with the new fighting techniques and tactics she comes up with. In my opinion, she is very beautiful, with untamed good looks that go with her fierce personality. She has a quick temper(don't ever call her ugly) but her other qualities more than make up for that small detail. Fearless, never knowing the meaning of the words 'give up', she is the Hokage's only female fighter; loving and understanding with very strong ideals. I think, that although Fuuko is self assured when it comes to her fighting skills, she lacks some self esteem when it comes to her looks. She states, "Fuuko-chan was never very ladylike. I always had the bruises and stuff, and I'm not the cutest..but that's me" It's her all right and we love her for it ^_^.

AGE: 16
SKILLS: pure strength, powerful punches
MADOUGO: Saturns ring, strength enhancing nose ring
QUOTE: " I'm the strongest!"
CHARACTER: Domon's greatest asset is his strength. When it comes to muscles, he is the stronges of the Hokage. However, he is not as smart as his teammates. He is considered as the weakest member of the Hokage but he is a valuble member of the team. He has a crush on Fuuko and would do anything for her. She on the other hand shows absolutely no romantic interest in him. She does however, care deeply for him as a friend(my conclusion)They train frequently together (actually, Fuuko trains him)and you might call Fuuko his idol. He loves wrestling and his fighting style shows it.


AGE: 13
SKILLS: Martial Arts, he is good with his hands and puzzles
MADOUGO: Kougon Anki, a weapon with 5 forms and a hidden form
QUOTE: "Peace! Yay!"
CHARACTER: Kaoru is a happy go lucky, easy going and laid back kind of kid. He is also a member of the worship Yanagi club meaning that along with Tokiya and Recca, he also likes Yanagi. He is a cute kid who has mastered his elemental weapon. An orphan , he was adopted by Kurei, Recca's half brother. However, when he saw how Kurei had his scientist's test on and Yanagi, he left him. In the second stage of the Urha buto Satsujin, a tournament that gathers elemental masters from all over, he takes Fuuko's place in a fight and eventually joins Recca and his group, "If you lose,then Yanagi Nei-chan will be in trouble, right." And so, he joins the Hokage.


AGE: 16
SKILLS: As a fighter, none that we no of..
MADOUGO: None, however, like Recca, she does have a power. Wheras Recca can summon flame, Yanagi has the power of healing. Although she can heal others, she cannot heal herself.
QUOTE: "Recca-kun"
CHARACTER: I have to be honest and say that Yanagi is not my favorite character, not by a long shot. But, I should be fair so I'll just say she is like a flower. She has to be watered and taken care of; very fragile. She looks very pretty and since Mori Kouran (the bad guy) wants her power, there is a constant threat over her. Most of the Hokage's male members(Recca, Mikagami, even Kaoru) have a crush on her.

Kage Houshi/Kagero
Mori Kouran