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Updates **So What's New?**

Updated 12-30-00
Hi Minna! I have a new page...I am doing translations of NY NY by Marimo Ragawa (aka-chan to boku). This is a shounen ai (which means Boy/Boy love story. Well if you're open minded or just curious stop by NY NY English Translations

Updated 12-14-00
Hi Folks! I've finally added a 3rd Gallery Page so please check it out HERE

Updated 8-01-00
Well, I'm back with a few more days to spare before school starts :) So I should have some scans up by the weekend and more character profiles (I actually took Japanese Lessons over summer! Well, I'm NO expert (duh) but it is a start ^_~)

Updated 6-27-00
Man it's been a while since I last updated *when I first started the page I expected to update it atleast once every week; then reality kicked in! I probably won't have much time to dedicate to this page; but I think I've accomplishe most of my goals :) Ja ne

Updated 5-01-00
I finally had some time to scan more manga images :) The page is up in the Manga Gallery section or you can click here Kotobuki's ScrapBook 2

Updated 4-28-00
I've posted a rather condensed summary of the manga story-line but considering I don't have any knowledge of writen japanese this is the best I could come up with...Well I will continue to add scans from the manga periodically. Hopefully someone else(hopefully japanese literate) will be inspired and start another site.

Updated 4-21-00
Hi, well nothing major...For those who are interested in buying the manga for "Oshare Kozou wa Hanamaru" I've added a page with information thay may help you out(ISBN #,publisher etc)You can find this link on the Main Page.

Updated 4-18-00
I'm soo Glad that people actually have shown interest in this manga (Thanx). Well, I've added a second Manga Gallery. Also, I finally got someone to help me out with the manga synopses... So hopefully the first two volumes will be posted by the end of the week or Early next week (I'm keeping my fingers crossed)....

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