Card Captor Sakura is the magical girl story about Kinomoto Sakura, a 10 year old girl who has to use magic to collect cards, which have escaped from a magical book, by accident.
The cards can take the form of several elements like water, wind, fire and many others, and some of them are very powerful enough to destroy the world.
Unless Sakura can gather all of these cards, there will be a disaster on Earth.
Sakura is not alone in her quest. She have some friends helping her to gather the clow cards, like Cerberos, The Clow guardian and her best friend, Tomoyo Daidouji.
Clamp´s Card Captor Sakura have 35 episodes in the first season, the second season have 10 episodes and a third season is right now being broadcast in Japan. I have yet to see this series but it is coming to the US so I'm really looking forward to that. See myAnime News section for more information.