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As the webmistress, I consider its a duty... iie! A _privledge_ to have acquired so many bishounen.
It is only fitting, therefore, to have a little place for them to be intro'ed.
*cracks a whip and blows a whistle*
A noise like a herd of buffalo is heard and they all come and stand in line.
And they are...

Kai "Sick Puppy" Valentine
Co-founder of the Archive, Twin of the CW Nuriko No Miko, official Master of Editing and Bishounen Feeder. Winner six weeks running of the Worst Fic Author in the Universe award.

Terry D.
Assistant Bishounen Feeder, official Gusher over Midgar's Awesomeness, Patcher of Kai's Bruises, Gatekeeper of Spandex Space (that odd place where Midgar keeps her spare mallets and Heero Yuy keeps his gun) and Master of the Bishounen Whip and Collar Keys... He makes sure the SEHB-S doesn't escape.

Valentine Midgy
General-Priest-Bishy Researcher of the Author... Nothing much is known of him except that he is drop dead gorgeous, wears a Chichiri mask, says "No da" and "Sore wa himitsu desu, no da." endlessly and he has a j-rock star as a boyfriend.
Midgy: Kau-kun, no da! *smooches* ^_^ Kauru: *heart eyes*

Celestial Warrior Nuriko
The Original SEHB! He has his own webpage, a registered profile in Yahoo! and entirely too much time on his hands. His current boyfriend (#2... He's back!) is Marron Glace. Wai!

Strangely Quiet Tasuki
Unlike the Tasuki we all know and love, this one never seems to talk. All he does is follow CW Nuriko around and drool. Hmm...

GAH! He's the founder and president of the snottiest role-play club to ever grace a chatroom, Saviors' Refuge. He is also madly in love (lust? no, love) with RPSK Quatre... or so says the rumor. He has his own webpage also.

RPSK Quatre
He is the co-founder of Saviors' Refuge and pocket pet of Kathy Duncan. He likes to bake cookies, blush, and seems to have acquired a few fetishes... Lord have mercy on us all.

Permanently glomped onto Kai Valentine, this former Sailormoon enemy loves cross-dressing, white haired biseinen, and chili peppers. Spicey! His favorite website is Saint Erythros' Cyberbakery. Wai!

Deux Damnitgetoffthefurniture
The only original character in the bunch, Deux is a very pettable ultraviolent purring sexy nekoboi with a permanent gutter-mind and siblings so kawaii they should all be drowned. He also wrote his own profile. ^_^()

Hentai Yukito
If you ever wanted to see what would happen if Yukito of CCS went hentai... you're in the right place.

OOC Marron Glaces
He's not terribly ooc, just enough to be here and have Nuri-chan glued to his hip.

Mazoku Xelloss Metallum
If you thought he was perhaps slightly flaming or even excessively bisexual or something like that... Well, you turned out to be of the same mind as Midgar and Kai. He has a strong tendancy towards kinkiness... hence his feeding Midi-chan melted oreos in the opener... and he likes violence, but that's to be expected. His current love interest is Chimera Zelgadiss Greywars... but he and Lina are scuffling over that...

And Last, But by no means least, the Seme Auxiliary of the SEHB-S...
I resent that. I AM NOBODY'S UKE.
Midgar: I know, darling, I know. You're the Exception to the Rule.
Marron: As long as that is clear...
Midgar: Right. ^_^;; So anyways...

Zechs/Milliard Peacecraft
Prince Diamond
Kauru Memoaya
Zelgadiss Greywars
CW Nakago

These dashing, tall, sexy blond biseinen enjoy torturing Quatre, being evil, shopping for their mutually impeccable wardrobe, and the attentions of all the SEHB-S excluding Marron. ^_^;;

Zelgadiss and Kauru: We aren't tall, blond, or evil.
Midgar: -.-;; You're both seme, dammit. Cut me a break. Yeesh. Everyone's a critic.
Xelloss: Who says Zel's seme?
Zelgadiss: You do, if you ever want sex again in your life of any kind.
Xelloss: Understood! ^_^;;
Sephiroth: Shouldn't we mention that Dimando and I got married?
Midgar: As soon as you tell us which one is uke, we'll go there.
Sephiroth: Consider the question dropped.
Nakago: *snickering*

^_^ Their Favorite Sites! ^_^

Reccomended by Marron: Dark Angel's Vault
Reccomended by Quatre: Gundam Wing on Acid
Reccomended by Zoicite: St Erythros-sama's Cyberbakery

Yahoo IDs For the Crew