The Semi-Evil Hentai Bishounen Squad and the Seme Trio of Saviors’ Refuge are having one of their rare, Midgar-free, halfway calm moments… Quatre and Duo are gazing into each other’s eyes lovingly over tea, coffee, and cookies… Tasuki is sulking behind Nuriko, who is making goo goo eyes at Marron… Zoicite and Xelloss are playing chess, both of them cheating like maniacs… Yukito and Kathy are playing cat’s cradle with a silver piece of string… Zelgadiss and Dark Angel are sipping coffee and looking mostly sullen… Delexia is playing with Angel’s hair and humming to the music on her headphones… All and all, the scene is utterly uneventful. Suddenly, the silhouette of a curly haired, leather clad fangirl with a whip appears in the glass window. The SEHB-S panicks. Angel and Del give each other a ‘look.’ Kathy’s face lights up like Christmas. ^_^
The Everclear cover of the Speed Racer theme (you’ll find it on Napster… I love Napster…) starts to play, minus the lyrics. Everyone screams. The silhouette cracks her whip and the glass picture window shatters. Bishies start hiding under tables.
Tasuki: Here she comes, here comes that hentai!
Holy shit, let’s all hide! O.o;;
Zelgadiss: She’s a hentai
and she’s gonna try and stick us in a lemon. >.<
Quatre: She’s spotted Nuriko!
Omigod, we’re gonna die! O.O
Duo: She’s glomping Marron…
Don’t bother flaming her, she just won’t fry. ¬¬
Yukito: And when the odds are against her
And the fic can’t possibly work…
Xelloss: You can bet that Bakahentai’s
Yaoi dreams will come true.
Delexia: ¬¬ Bakahentai!
Angel: >< Bakahentai!
Kathy: ^^ Bakahentai-chan!
Nuriko: She’s got a Bishounen Whip
And super-ecchi pen attacks ^^.
Zoicite: She won’t rest until Relena’s dead
And never comin’ back!
Marron: There’s twisted fanfiction ahead! - -;;
Delexia: ¬¬ Bakahentai!
Angel: >< Bakahentai!
Kathy: *_* Bakahentai-chan! *glomp*
Delexia: ¬¬ Bakahentai!
Angel: >< Bakahentai!
Kathy: ^^ Bakahentai-chaaaaan! *snuggle*
PPD: *solemn* Here she comes, here comes the hentai
She’s got too much time on her hands...
She’s got way too much time on her hands...