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Nausicaa Images

Nausicaa's little "chat" with her dying father.

Nausicaa leavin' the fightin' up to Kushana!

Nausicaa doin' SOMETHIN'. I just don't remember exactly what just now. ^^;

Nausicaa with OHMU (joy).

Nausicaa crying with Teto on her shoulder. ::sniff sniff::

Nausicaa saying (AGAIN) "thank you".

Nausicaa givin' thumbs up to "Nausicaa and her Mehve HQ" (i am evil) lol

Nausicaa with a buncha Ohmu feelers around her (to avoid tasteless humor i will NOT comment on this one)

Nausicaa explainin' herself to Asbel.

Nausicaa with her sword.

Nausicaa as a wittle kidd

Click right here for Nausicaa's full character profile.