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The Daikaisho, as explained by Matriarch of the Valley of Wind:

"According to the chronicles, the Daikaisho is a time when the forest suddenly boils over and rises like a tidal wave to cover the land. It is written that there have been three such waves since the Seven Days of Fire."

"In the tongue of the ancients, Daikaisho means 'The Great Wave of the Sea.' The last was 300 years ago. In those days, the tribes of the periphery were bound together in the kingdom of Eftal... the forest lay far distant in the heart of the continent, and oases glittered in the desert like the stars in the sky."

"In the towns and cities of Eftal were still preserved many of the miraculous technologies from before the Seven Days of Fire. In the factories, geniuses worked their wonders. Giant ships were built, the like of which no longer ply the heavens, flying hither and yon on missions of trade."

"But in time, a shadow fell upon the peace that prevailed in Eftal. Sparks from a dispute over succession to the throne spread across the country, and grew into endless civil war."

"The warriors vied to outfit themselves with weapons of Ohmu shell. The arms merchants scoured the forest in search of cast-off shells."

"Fired by greed, they made no effort to understand the forest, and in time found cunning ways to hunt down and kill the Ohmu."

"The secret of their methods has not survived the years. But the Ohmu were slaughtered in fearsome numbers..."

"The Wormhandlers who roam the forest today are the descendants of those cursed arms merchants, those who destroyed their homeland by their own hands."

"The Sea of Corruption trembled with rage-- and in the end, it overflowed. Countless maddened Ohmu charged wildly from the forest."

"A tidal wave of insects, scattering spores like the foam on the ocean."

"All efforts to stop them were in vain. The giant tide of Ohmu swalled up town after town. The people perished. The king fell. The miracle technologies were forever lost..."

"For twenty days the Daikaisho covered the land of Eftal. The enraged Ohmu would not be calmed until starvation brought their lives to an end. A full 2000 leagues beyond the fringes of the forest, the Ohmu finally perished."

"Their corpses became rich cultures for the spores, which stretched their roots deep into the soil in search of water. And when they found it, they began to bloom. A black growth spread from corpse to corpse, until in time it had transformed the dessert into a vast new Sea of Corruption..."

"The tiny handful of people that survived continued to live on the fringes of the forest. Never again bringing forth their own kings, they fell under the sway of the Torumekian Empire..."