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The White Rose

It had once been a man, young and virile and with his whole life ahead of him. The last time that the Sabbat had swept through Chicago, trying to create an assault force to take the city at best and break the Masq at the least, he had been out on the town with his fiancee. She had been so beautiful, classic and elegant with her blond hair and blue eyes, she was prettier than the girl in the video for Warrant's Cherry Pie. Had it really been so long ago? He couldn't remember the details anymore ... barely remembered her face. He had been reaching for his lighter, to light her cigarette, when the Pack had overwhelmed them both. She died, so horribly and he could still hear her screams every waking moment ... unless he silenced them with the screams of others.

I believe them bones are me
Some say we're born into the grave
I feel so alone, gonna end up a
Big ole pile a them bones

He had been embraced, meant to be cannonfodder, mere shock troop material, pointed like the weapon he had become. They told him nothing, about what he was, only Dominated him and ordered him to destroy all he could before he was stopped. There were others with him, a full assault force ... they caused quite a riot, but stood no chance against the foes the Camarilla enforcers sent out to stop them. He was the lucky one, the Brujah he'd been fighting had been torn apart in a hail of gunfire and he rolled away under a parked truck, watching the others get literally torn apart, by visions that belonged only in horror movies directed by Wes Craven or John Carpenter. He had been bright enough to find shelter from the sun, and get out of Chicago. He'd been drifting, and killing ever since.

Dust rise right on over my time
Empty fossil of the new scene
I feel so alone, gonna wind up a
Big ole pile a them bones

He had been in this latest city about a week. Or was it more? Feral blue eyes glittered in the dark of the alleyway outside his haven of sorts ... a condemned building that was literally caving in on itself kept the mortal street trash away. He was starving, though he had hunted the night before, slain the night before. It was never enough, that red wash silencing the screams of memory for such a short time ... yet he always wanted more. No control other than enough to keep him hidden, enough to keep him the silent killer in the shadows. He invariably killed enough people to throw the authorities into a panic, not that he was aware of it, before he drifted on, over and over again. This would be no different. He felt no remorse, for there was nothing in him left to feel it.

Toll due bad dream come true
I lie dead gone under red sky
I feel so alone, gonna end up a
Big ole pile a them...

Or so he thought. He was in the park, even in winter it was a great hunting ground, exercise fanatics and drug dealers abounded. Though none had been quite so sweet to him as the young man he'd taken three nights ago. He had been walking with a group of laughing friends, and the shadow had stalked ... he had stopped to relace his shoe, setting his pack down. The perfect opportunity, the moment was not wasted ... those wide gray eyes as he had turned at the last second to view his death, that scream! It had been joy to him as little else was. He had shredded that willowy young man, ripping apart his body and leaving it in the white snow, the contents of his back pack fluttering in the cold wind ... they were beautiful sketches, landscapes and people done so naturally with rare talent. Talent that had died just as his screams did.

I feel so alone, gonna end up a
Big ole pile a them...
I feel so alone, gonna end up a
Big ole pile a them bones

After that perfect kill, he had stayed away from the park, until tonight. Perhaps there would be another one, to match it? He waited in the shadows, feral eyes aglow ... and he saw her. Evelyn?! It was, it had to be! No one else was that lovely ... blond and blue eyes and so pretty. She had to be a ghost, sent to tell him she loved him still. She was ethereal, her steps so graceful that they were unheard in the fresh snow, as she floated towards him, her long gown sweeping the surface in lovely white waves that blended with the snow drifts. She had never looked so gorgeous, her lips dark, her eyes so wide and deep that he felt like he would drown in them. He stood, almost ashamed in his need of her, his clothing filthy and ragged in the chill wind, he nervously straightened them as best he could, smoothing his wild hair as he took a step towards her, and then another. She extended a hand to him, and there was a bracelet of gold around it that glinted in the moonlight, a black pearl held in the jaws of a double serpent. He almost paused, that detail not something known, but then that gorgeous mouth smiled, and her lips parted so invitingly. He ran to her, stumbling with his need. He almost missed what she said.

"You are him. You killed Anthony."

He knelt before her in the snow, his gaze pleading with her. He saw something moving in her eyes, some sadness he could never touch. Her soft deft hands reached out, stroking his hair back from his forehead, one trailing down his cheek. Then her arm drew back with a swiftness he could not follow, he didn't even feel it as the stake pierced his heart. She arranged him gently in the snow, and he couldn't move as this angel of death left him for the sun ... but he heard her final words to him.

"Thou shalt not kill."

"them bones" by Alice in Chains

Mina Elizabeth Alicia Westenra Slayer
"If I could write the beauty of your eyes,
And in fresh numbers number all your graces,
The age to come would say,
This poet lies,
Such heavenly touches ne'er toucht earthly faces."
Wm Shakespeare

lyrics from "Cold" Static-X ...

Copyright White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
Copyright White Wolf Publishing, Inc.

Gothic-Rose: Destiny's Bitter-Sweet Seduction

I'm Death!
Which Member of the Endless Are You?

Image of Mina is copywritten to Kallen 2004 and the mun of Kerrinne. It is not to be used without the express permission of the player of Mina, and the permission of the player of Kerrinne.

Mina's Links

Mina's Graven Image
Gallery as the Garden Grows
Desirae Slayer
Henri V Slayer
Brotherhood of Darkness
Ghouls of the White Rose
The twilight is my robe
Dark Side of the Net
Goth Rosary
ImageNETion:Pin-ups,Erotic,Fantasy,Sci-Fi,Classics,Digital Art-Artistic Nudes
BoD's Storyboard
Something special (gifts)
Another Graven Image