Sailor Mercury


Welcome to the Myth behind Sailor Mercury.

               Mercury (Greek: Hermes)

     The prematurely born son of Zeus and Maia (Maia was a fertility goddess; one of seven Pleaids/Pleaides, a group of nymphs that were      changed into a constellstion).  He seemed to be a very intelligent baby; by noon of the day of his birth, he left his cradle, and invented the lyre, building it from the shell of a tortoise.  Hermes was the god of good luck, wealth, commerce, sleep, and dreams.  He was a patron of merchants, thieves, and deception, the messenger and herald   of the gods, and the conductor of the souls of the dead to Hades.  He appeared as a young man, wearing a broad-brimmed hat and winged sandals,  holding the caduceus (Hermes' staff, which was the symbol of the art of medicine), and was a staff with two snakes wrapped around it.

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