Sailor Venus


Welcome to the Myth behind Sailor Venus.

Venus (Greek: Aphrodite, Phoenician: Astarte)


     The Roman goddess of love and beauty, but originally a vegetation goddess and patroness of gardens and vineyards.
Aphrodite was the child of Zeus and a Titan, who emerged from the sea-foam at birth (in some accounts, Aphrodite simply emerges from     the foam), and is sometimes called the "Foam Born".  She was the goddess of love, charm, beauty, and the impulses that bind men together in     social communion.  The Roman Aphrodite was more directly sexual than her Greek equivalent.  In addition, the Phonecian Astarte was the goddess of fecundity (baby producing).  Astarte was associated with the moon, and was often depicted standing in a crescent moon.  Aphrodite appeared as the wife of Hephaestus, the mother of Eros, and the lover of Ares (Roman Mars).

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