Sailor Mercury/Ami
Name: Ami Anderson
Japanese Name: Mizuno Ami meaning "beauty of water"
Birthday: September 10
Favorite Colors: Light Blue and Aquamarine
Favorite Animal: Cat
Favorite Food: Sandwiches
Least Favorite Food: Yellow-tailed Tuna
Favorite Subject: Mathematics
Least Favorite Subject: None
Hobbies: Reading, Studying
Strong Points: Extremely intelligent, good at calculating
Has trouble with: Love Letters
Dreams: To be a doctor
Gemstone: Sapphire


Ami Anderson
Sailor Mercury
Super Sailor Mercury


Mercury Power Make Up!
Mercury Star Power Make Up!
Mercury Crystal Power Make Up!


Shabon Spray!
Shabon Spray Freezing!
Shine Aqua Illusion!
Mercury Aqua Rhapsody!
Mercury Aqua Mirage!