Sailor Chibi-Moon/Chibi-Usagi
Name: Rini Chiba
Japanese Name: Chiba Usagi, nicknamed Chibiusa,
meaning "small rabbit"
Birthday: June 30
Favorite color: red and pink
Favorite food: pudding
Least favorite food: carrots
Favorite subject: drawing
Worst subject: languages
Hobby: collecting rabbit paraphenalia
Strong point: getting people to give her things
Has trouble with: taking care of the house
Dream: becoming a lady
Gemstone: diamond


NeoPrincess Small Lady
Rini Chiba
Sailor Chibi Moon
Super Sailor Chibi Moon


Moon Prism Power Make Up!


Luna Sphere Kitty Magic!
Crystal Key!! Take me home!!
Pink Sugar Heart Attack!
Twinkle Yell!