Sailor Jupiter/Lita
Name: Lita Kino
Japanese name: Kino Makoto, meaning "honesty of trees"
Birthday: December 5
Favorite Colors: Pink and Green
Favorite Animal: Horse
Favorite Food: Cherry Pie
Least Favorite Food: None
Favorite Subject: Home Ecenomics
Least Favorite Subject: Physics
Hobby: Bargain Hunting
Strong Points: Great at cooking and cleaning,
very strong, mentally and physically.
Has trouble with: Airplanes
Dream: To open her own world famous restaurant and to be a good wife
Gemstone: Emerald


Lita Kino
Sailor Jupiter
Super Sailor Jupiter


Jupiter Power
Make Up!
Jupiter Star Power
Make Up!

Jupiter Crystal Power
Make Up!


Supreme Thunder!
Supreme Thunder Dradon!
Sparkling Wide Pressure!
Jupiter Oak Evelution!