Dark Moon Kingdom

Neherenia She is obsessed with being beautiful forever. One day while looking in her mirror, her face was replaced with that of an old hag. Realizing her beauty wouldn't last she tried to find some way to retain her beauty. She then found out that she could do that by eating her subjects' dream mirrors (the things that contain dreams). Eventually she ran out of dream mirrors and found out about the Moon Kingdom, and it's ruler Queen Serenity. Not only were the Queen and her daughter beautiful, everyone in the Moon Kingdom was happy. Serenity was also the holder of the ginzuishou which she desperately wanted. She then attacked the Moon Kingdom. Queen Serenity then defeated her and trapped her in a mirror. Later, she needs the Golden Crystal, which is the Pegasus' horn, to set her free. She sends her helpers, the Dead Moon Circus, to find it for her. She not only appears in SuperS, her storyline continues into Sailor Stars. At the end of SuperS, she is trapped again in the mirror. In the beginning of Sailor Stars, she is released again. She ends up kidnapping Mamoru, who is under her control because a shard of her dream mirror fell into his eye. When Sailor Moon comes to rescue him, she confronts her. She is then defeated by Sailor Moon and wakes up as a little girl having a nightmare.

Zirconia She is a rather ugly and old lady. She looks sort of like a cockroach in my opinion. She is Queen Neherenia's subordinate. She is the leader of the Dead Moon Circus. She, the Amazon Trio and the Amazoness Quartet all look for the pegasus to get the Golden Crystal to free Neherenia. Neherenia tells her to destroy the trio after they fail several attempts at getting the crystal. She then sends an evil clown to kill them. After Neherenia is freed she kills her because she is of no use to her anymore. Neherenia was actually using the Dead Moon Circus members for her own purposes.

He is the little flying eye thing on top of Zirconia's staff. In the beginning of Sailor Moon SuperS, his job is to fly around and take pictures of people who he believes might have the dream mirror in which the Pegasus hides. The Amazoness Quartet are always tormenting him.

Amazon Trio

These three guys are the first group to help Zirconia find Pegasus, in order to free Neherenia. The three were not always humans. They used to be a tiger, a hawk and a fish (hince their names). Zirconia tells them that it is only a spell that makes them look human, and if they keep failing their missions, the spell would break and they would resort back to their true forms. They all use a backboard which appears behind the victim as they count to 3, then the dream mirror of the victim appears so they can see if the Pegasus hides within it.

Tiger Eye
Tiger Eye He was the first one to get to work. He believes that the beautiful dream the Pegasus hides in can only be in the most beautiful girls. He always charms them into his trap and then magically makes a curtain appear in front of him to transform out of his disguise. He seems to be a ladie's man. He also thinks he is god's gift to women. When a lady opposes his advances he attacks. He often uses a whip as his main weapon. He turns into his true form (a tiger) and then as he is dying, Pegasus gives him a dream mirror. He then dies as a human.

Hawk Eye
Hawk Eye He prefers to attack older women. In one episode he tries to trick Usagi's mother into believing that she reminds him of his dead mother so she will let him get close to her. However, he is only trying to capture her mirror. He trys to act like a tough guy all the time. He often argues with Tiger Eye on what victim to choose next. He dies to save Fish Eye. He then returned to his true form (a hawk). Pegasus also gave him a mirror as he was dying so he died as a human.

Fish Eye
Fish Eye His victims are men. He falls in love with Mamoru. Yes, i know they're both men. As a result of this he finds out Sailor Moon's true identity and that Chibi-Usa is the keeper of the pegasus. He attacks with knives. In an attempt to become human and save his and his friends' lives, he kidnaps Chibi-Usa. When he sees how Usagi's dream mirror is breaking and the way Hawks Eye dies to save him, he and Tigers Eye decide to use the magic spell that would turn them into humans, to save Usagi's dreams. He then returns to his true form (a fish). As he is dying, pegasus gives him a dream mirror. He then dies as a human. He was the first one to realize that destroying beautiful dreams is wrong.

Amazoness Quartet

They are four girls between the ages of 12 and 14. Before the Amazonesses became evil, they were kind and lived happily in the rainforest. One night, they saw a pink ray from the sky point to a place in a lake. There they saw a mirror in the sand under the water. Nepherenia appeared to them and gave them their tama or gems (amazon stone). They use their Amazon Stones as billiard balls and use pool cues to shoot their victim in the back and make the dream mirror come out of the victim's chest. At the end they all realize that Neherenia was using them. When Zirconia traps them all and tortures them to get their energy they do what Sailor Mercury advise them to do: They destroy their magic balls. Although they have lost most of their powers ParaPara is still able to play some magic tricks. So she switches the golden crystal in Neherenia's hand to a little pineapple and helps the senshi to win the final battle.

ParaPara She is the gem rider. Her attacks are Tamatsuki, Kyakutama, Obaketama, Tamaayatsuri, Tamakorogashi, Tamatsukuri, and Tamashibari. She is the evil equivalent of Sailor Mercury. She is very childish, talks in third person, and is a crybaby. She likes to play with dolls in her own cruel way, she pulls the head off one doll and her puppets explode. She tries to look at as many dream mirrors as possible by attracting a large crowd and shooting all of their dream mirrors out at the same time. When she hears Sailor Moon saying that she wants to be a child and Chibi Moon wishing to be an adult, she switches them. She also changed her ball into a voodoo Sailor Moon doll and all the senshi become under her control. She lifts them into the air and begins to stretch them so they will die. Only Tuxedo Kamen can save them. During the fight against the senshi, She rides on a big ball and chases Sailor Mars around. Later she creates a huge doll of Chibi Moon and switches the real Chibi Moon to the doll. She also put an energy bridle on Pegasus because she wanted to ride him. After the Amazoness Quartet leaves and Nepherenia has the Golden Crystal, she gloats to Sailor Moon. She then finds that the Golden Crystal in her hand has been replaced by a Pineapple. It was ParaPara's work, of course^_^.

CereCere She is the trapeze artist and flower manipulator. Her attacks are Hanasaimin, Tamatsubute, Tamatsuki, and Tamahiraki. She is the evil equivalent of Sailor Venus. She is the calmest of the group, and instead of getting frustrated when she can not decide on a solution to a problem, she will pick the petals off of a flower and decide on the last one. She likes gardening, and has magical plants that she can control and make into a giant Venus Fly Trap. The purpose of the plants is to make people fall asleep (they produce a sleeping gas). She once used it on her sisters because they were arguing over a mission. She's very quiet. Her motto is: Don't get mad, get even. She is smart, and kind of shy. She likes to target men when stealing dream mirrors, and if she does not want their mirror, she will listen to them talk about their ambitions.

VesVes She is the wild animal tamer. Her attacks are Tamatsuki, Tamafuuji, Tamanatsutou, Tamanozoki, and Tamasukashi. She is the evil equivalent of Sailor Mars. She hates to take orders. In the first episode she is in, she fights against Zirconia. She is a little power hungry and says she will get all the power once she defeats Zirconia. She almost wins but Zirconia just barely beats her and she then goes on her mission. She seems to be competitive and likes to win. She normally goes for one target at a time. When she does not get the target she wants, it may be because VesVes used one of her own tricks to get it. She also gets stuck with targets when the other members of the quartet do not want to work. Like her sisters, she likes to play games. One of her favorite activities seems to be torturing Zirconia's little flying eye (that thing on Zirconia's staff, Zircon).

JunJun She is an acrobat. Her attacks are Tamatsuki, Tamakorogashi, and Bakuhatsutama. She is the evil equivalent of Sailor Jupiter. She is the loudest of the group. She tends to swear and yell a lot. She likes to yell at Zirconia and yells at ParaPara when she starts to cry. She hates to take orders. Whenever Zirconia asks her to do something she resists. She goes for mostly one target at a time. She often gets stuck with targets the others don't want. She usually comes in, takes the dream mirror, yells, and leaves. She is the first to wonder if what they are doing is wrong. When she saw Chibi Moon save Pegasus, she felt she had something missing. The quartet was superior in power but Chibi Moon had something they didn't.



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