Death Busters

Mistress 9Professor TomoeEudialMimeteTelluViluyCyprine & PikurollCyprine & Pikuroll

Professor Tomoe
Professor Tomoe He is the head of the Death Busters. In civilian life, he was a teacher at Mugen High School. He was a widower who lived with his daughter, Hotaru, in a mansion. One day, while in his lab, a fire erupted and killed baby Hotaru. Then, a demoness, Mistress 9, appeared before him. Mistress 9 promised to bring Hotaru back to life, as long as he gave his soul to Pharoh 90, her master. He agreed, and that is when the Deathbusters began. Mistress 9 neglected to tell him that SHE would inhabit Hotaru's body. His job is to get the Holy Grail and help Pharoh 90 escape from the Tau Ceti Star System and enter ours. He also has to awaken the dark messiah. He creates Daimons to take the pure hearts of people.

Kuromine Kaolinite
Kaolinite She was the first person to search for the talismans. She was seemingly killed when the inner senshi attacked her with Sailor Planet Power, and Uranus's "World Shaking" knocked her off the roof. She appeared again as a maid in the Tomoe house going by the name of Kaori. She then reappears as Professor Tomoe's lab assistant and a tormentor to Hotaru. She is in love with him. She is the one who stole Chibi-Usa's heart crystal, and fed it to Hotaru who turned into Mistress 9. While Tomoe congratulated her on finding such a pure heart, Mistress 9 let loose a blast that killed her.

Witches 5

Eudial She was the first witch. After Kaolinite dies the first time, Professor Tomoe contacts the Witches 5 Agency and hires Eudial. She uses a computer to select Daimon targets. She also uses a gun which she uses to extract pure hearts. Her attack is Fire Buster (she uses a flame thrower). She eventually discovers that Sailors Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto hold the 3 talismans, and she takes them. She then loses them and flees the scene in her car. She then falls off a cliff and dies because Mimete put the breaks out in her car.

Mimete She is the second of the Witches 5. She poses as Hanyuu Mimi. She is the youngest witch, with a love for bishonen (cute guys) and manga. She takes over after she kills Eudial. Her attack is Charm Buster. Her plan for getting pure hearts is to find a cute guy and take his heart crystal. She then developed a plan to defeat the senshi. She got a hold of Eudial's machine, called the Witches' Electric Warp, that had been created to make a witch extremely powerful. She got into the machine and Tellu pulled the plug on her. She then died.

Tellu She takes over after she kills Memete. She only lasted for one episode. Her attack is Mandoragola Buster. She obtains heart crystals by using plants that suck the life out of people and release a heart crystal. The senshi look into the plant store. They come back to check it out and they arrive to see her steal some customers' heart crystals. They transform and she attacks them. She collected the hearts in a black star but then Tuxedo Kamen destroys it. Her plant then turns on her and swallows her. Gulp!!

Viluy She is a computer simulation. Like Tellu, she only lasts for one episode. She disguises herself as Bidou Yui, an honor student and president of the Science Club. Her plan is to release a virus into the school computer network that would remove all the students' pure hearts and bring them through the computer screen to her to turn them into the slaves of Master Pharoah 90. Ami, Haruka, and Michiru find out and try to stop her. She then uses Motaiku Buster (a wrist device) to emit a computer virus that shocks them. Michiru and Haruka overcome it and transform. They attack her, damaging her device. Sailor Moon appears and attacks too, further damaging her device. She tries to attack again but is killed when her device backfires.

Pikerol & Cyperol
Pikerol and Cyperol They are twins but they are so identical that they are considered one witch. Pikerol is basically the leader of the twins. Like the last two Witches, they only last for one episode. The Senshi were fighting them in a room and then turned the lights out. The twins then couldn't see and attacked anyways. Their attacks hit one another and killed them.

Mistress 9
Mistress She is actually Hotaru, Professor Tomoe's daughter. Hotaru holds an evil entity (Mistress 9) within her. Upon swallowing Chibi-Usa's heart crystal Mistress 9 takes over her body. She then has the power to destroy the world. She is sometimes called the Dark Messiah. She tries to get the Holy Grail so that she can call forth Pharoh 90 and bring upon the Silence.



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