Heero: Enjoys what little company he gives to her. Believes that he is a great pilot and shares a lot in common with him. Even though they don’t talk much, he still understands her and so does she. When it comes down to close battles, they are there defending each other and the other Gundam pilots.
Duo: Loves this guy too much; his funny disposition and cheerful mood is appreciated much. On occasion he can even make her smile a bit. Can confide in him when things are bugging her. Kind of like a close brother to her, she would be devastated if anything happened to him.
Quarte: On her point of view, she sees him as the wisest of the Gundam pilots. Listens to what he has to say with a quiet acknowledgment and will follow it directly if it is in the best interest. On occasion Quarte becomes her traveling buddy and they like to hang together when they are off duty as Gundams.
Trowa: As her childhood best friend, Trowa usually ends up knowing what’s going on in her life. She tells him everything from good to bad. He’s a great listener and can sort her problems and make her feel better. She would be willing to risk her life to save him and probably wouldn’t be able to continue if he was eliminated.
WuFei: Loves to annoy the heck out of this guy considering he gets ticked off easily, but holds him in high respect as a noble fighter Gundam. Likes to be taught new things and can usually find them coming from this guy. When she’s in a pinch for advise he’s the one that comes around.
Relena: Once she was almost assassinated by OZ, she took a great liking in the curious girl as tried to defend her where possible. But once she surrendered to Romafeller and held as queen, her ideas toward her changed. Now that she is with Heero a slight jealousy has come over her and doesn’t really associate with Relena much. Sure she’ll be nice to her, but that’s about it.
Zechs: Although he tried to kill the Gundams, she still believes in what some of this guy has to say. Wary when he is around she will talk to him on war basis and just listen otherwise. Also believes that he is a heroic soldier and handy to be around if you know which side to take with him.
Doesn’t exactly enjoy this guy much. Does however like to piss him off by ignoring him and his commands. Thinks that he is a traitor and can not be trust with a weapon in hand or during battle. With previous experience with a nifty duel, knows that he is a cheater and devious.
Lady Une: Totally cannot stand her and if she had the chance would eliminate her. Since that would cause an uproar, she just prefers to get into evil staring contests with her from a safe distance. Hopes that one day she would get the chance to have an all out duel to the death with her for all the suffering she has caused.
Lucrezia Noin: A past good friend from when she first became a soldier, she and Noin are good friends. As a joke, once told her that she and Quatre would be good together. Now they have many inside jokes to refer and torture Quarte with. Just like to have fun together. Knows that she is very trustworthy and would defend her if the time came to it.
In a way rather fond of her, and believes that she has potential to become a good soldier. Enjoys teaching her different techniques in battle when she has the spare time. Doesn’t really see her that often, but thinks her sweet from what she knows.
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