
Name: Bebi
PL: 30 040 400
Y- 1 000 500
Items-Weighted Clothing, Weighted Clothing Lv. 2, Ginyu Armor
Status- ALIVE
Recent Team-Garlic's G-Force
Space Ships-None
Training-Kururin, King Yama, king Kai, Kami
Punch- 3 507 360
Kick- 3 507 775
Ki Blast- 3 508 060 (1 Charge)
Lashing Punch- 3 509 020 (2 Charges)
Lashing Kick- 3 509 050 (2 Charges)
Tri Form- 3 Forms of yourself until ended or 2 forms are defeated (3 Charges)
Detection- Detect opponents pl and find dragon ballz without scouter
Kaio Kin- everything doubles for 20 seconds(3 charges)
Special 1: Power Beam- 4 511 970 (3 Charges)
Special 2: Guruguru Gum: Stuns opponent for 30 seconds (3 charges)
Special 3: Daichiretsuzan- 4 554 670 (3 charges)
Special 4: hankokubikkurisho- 4 540 790 (3 charges)
#of earth dragon balls-0
#of namek dragon balls-0
# of dark star dragon balls-0
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