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Inu-Yasha in Anime

The all new Inu-Yasha anime Has hit the air waves in Japan!!!

The Information Thus Far.

The new Inu-Yasha Anime that joined the vast variety of converted comics this september, has been in well loved Newtype: The moving Pictures Magazine, based in Japan, it has loved Inu-Yasha and has even featured the anime on at least one Magazine cover, and has writen many articles about it including in the mini Magazine that can be found inside the November issue entitled Mega-Animation 2000, in what I'm guessing is something to be highly regarded (I wouldn't know as Newtype is in Japanese, a language I cannot read, or speek as yet.)

I have seen a total of three fan subbed episodes and I believe it to be a very good and well drawn anime.


Change the world, the theme song is stupendus. I've been listening to it for a few hours now, non-stop. which means its really good. I suggest you download it from Napster because its absolutely awsome. or get it from you can find it on the Inu-Yasha products page click here to go

My will, the end theme song, is very pretty. Its a young woman singing and the music is soft and sweet. I like it.

Now for some previews as to what Inu-Yasha Kagome Kikyo, Miroku,Shippo-chan and the others will look like as Anime, I hope your as impressed with them as I am.

This is part of a little sample that can find in the November issue of Newtype
And this is the second part of the Newtype preview.

Find the lyrics to Change the World

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