These Power Levels were brought to you by Sams Otaku Site. One of the best Dragonball sites I know. Please ask him if you want to use them on your site.
Gokou's Manga beginning PL- 10
Gokou's Ohazoru PL- 100 Because going Ohazoru increases a Saiyajin's power level by 10 times.
Jackie Chun's 22nd Tenkaichi Budoukai PL- 139 (NEVER CHANGES in the ENTIRE manga, DB and DBZ)
Gokou's22nd Tenkaichi Budoukai PL- 180
Tenshinhan's PL- 180
Tsurusennin's PL- 120
Gokou's Piccolo Daimaou fight PL- 260
Piccolo Daimaou's PL-260
Gohan's Raditz fight PL- 1 to 1,307
Gokou's Raditz fight PL- 416
Piccolo's Raditz fight PL- 408
Raditz's PL- 1,500
Kuririn's post Raditz fight PL- 206
Kame Sennin'spost Raditz fight PL- 139
Tenshinhan's Post Raditz fight PL- 250
Yamucha's post Raditz fight PL- 177
Gohan's pre Saiyajin fight PL- 981
Piccolo's pre Saiyajin fight PL- 1,220
Kuririn's pre Saiyajin fight PL-1,083
Yamucha's Saibamen fight PL- 1,480
Chaozu's PL during Saiyajin fight- 610
Tenshinhan's PL during Saiyajin fight- 1,830
Kuririn's PL during Saiyajin fight- 1,770
Piccolo's PL during Saiyajin fight- 3,500
Gohan's PL during Saiyajin fight- 2,800
Saibamen- 1,200
Nappa- 4,000
Vegita's Gokou fight PL- 18,000
Gokou's PL during Vegita fight- 8,000
Gokou's 4x Kaio-ken PL- 32,000
Freeza's first form max- 530,000
Nail's maxl- 42,000
Normal Fighting Namek PL- 1,000-3,000
Vegita's first Namek PL- 24,000
Vegita's PL during Ginyu Tokusentai fight- 30,000
Gohan's PL during Ginyu Tokusentai fight- 14,000
Kuririn's PL during Ginyu Tokusentai fight- 13,000
Gokou's PL during Ginyu Tokusentai fight- 90,000
Gokou's PL at Ginyu fight- 180,000
Ginyu max PLl- 120,000
Ginyu when in Gokou's body- 23,000
Gokou's Freezer Fight PL- 300,000
Freezer 50%PL- 6,000,000
Freezer 100%PL- 12,000,000
Gokou Super Saiyajin- 15,000,000.
Trunks's supressed PL before Fighting "someone who had a lot of balls to come to Earth in a tin suit just to be killed"(Trunks, to Cyborg Freezer)- 5