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Heero Info, Stats and Stuff

Heero Yuy Data

Code Name:Heero Yuy (Yui)

Real Name:Odin Lowe Jr.

Identity:MS Wing Gundam / Wing Gundam Zero / Wing Gundam Custom pilot

Age:15 (I've seen 17 also)



Origins:L1 colony

Family: Doctor J

Height: 156 cm (5'1")

Weight: 45 kg(99lbs)

Eye Color:Prussian Blue

Hair Color:Moss Green/Dark brown

Special Characteristics:Slender body and feminine features often cause him to be mistaken for a girl.

Personality:Relatively quiet for his age. He also has a rough way of speaking that repells others.

Gundam Wing was the main feature in a magazine called "Animerica" and the following is the bio of Heero from "Animerica" magazine.

Age: 15

Ethnicity: Japanese

Height: 156 cm (5'1")

Weight: 45 kg (99lb)

Eye color: Piercing Prussian blue

Hair color: Dangerous dark brown

The scoop: Heero is the pilot of the Wing Gundam. He was trained from childhood to be the perfect soldier, guerilla fighter, and terrorist. But he's still got a good heart beneath that spooky exterior...well, deep, deep beneath.

Friends and allies: Heero was raised by the mad scientist Doctor J, and has no other friends or relatives. He relies on his computer-hacking skills to get money, food, and shelter.

Pet peeves: That he can't bring himself to kill Relena, even though he's supposed to take out anyone who interferes with his mission.

Fun fact: "Heero Yuy" is actually just his code name, in honor of the leader of the space colonies who was killed 20 years ago.

To find out more about "Animerica" Magazine check out their website at.

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