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Wing Zero Plus

Stuff related to Wing Zero.

Pictures of Wing Zero
Information and Stats.
The list. In other words why Wing Zero kicks monkey butt.
My fanart of Wing Zero, it's just a slight obsession of mine.
My Gundam fanfic, Wing Zero is one of the main characters.

Ok I've probably scared you enough,well I don't care Wing Zero ROCKS!!!!!!! And he deserves all the credit he can get, my advice to the Gundam fans out there who can create a website, DON'T BE SHY about making one for your favorite Gundam, if you did people wouldn't think these pages would be weird!!!!! Besides don't we owe our Gundams the attention and respect they deserve!? Ohhh in case anyone is wondering, I stole Wing Zero from Heero, it's now my Gundam, and MINE ALONE!!!

My Favorite things about Wing Zero

The Best Gundam, from Gundam Wing.

Which is your favorite Gundam?

Wing Gundam Zero Custom
Wing Gundam Zero
Wing Gundam
Sand Rock
Shenlong (Nataku)
Death Scythe
Death Scythe Hell
Heavy Arms
Talgeesee (1,2,3)

Current Results

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