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Shadows of the Dark Kingdom

Part 4


Kurama, aka Shuichi, sat in the sandbox, dumping the grains into a plastic bucket for no reason. Why? Because that was what ningen children did. He snorted softly in disgust.

All around him the shouts and laughter of the children filled the air. Teachers scurried about, looking harried. Kurama figured that any youkai planning on taking over the world starting with preschools and kindergartens would inevitably fail. Ningen children, with their limitless stores of energy and exuberance and their complete lack of anything even remotely resembling common sense, would be impossible to control. As the teachers had undoubtedly discovered. Kurama could fully sympathize with them.

He wondered if Shiori realized how lucky she was to have him as her son. She wouldn't ever have to deal with the disgusting, loud, annoying ningen kids. Unfortunately, he had to deal with them just about every day at school.

Two children approached him. One was of medium height and build, with blond hair. The other one (Kurama thought this one was a girl) had longish coppery locks, big green eyes, and a delicate build. Kurama half-stood, narrowing his eyes. He felt a strange ki emanating from them.

The green-eyed one reached him first. Up close, Kurama saw her confident pose, the arrogance in those green eyes reflected in the set of her mouth. His eyes flicked to the other one. This boy seemed mild by comparison, his whole posture proclaiming "calm." He returned his attention to the fiery little girl.

She planted herself firmly in front of him, hands on her hips. "They call me Tanaka Sakura here. My real name is Zoisite."

The boy winced. "Zoi- Sak- Zoisite, are you sure this is a good idea...?"

Zoisite snorted decisively. "Of course it is. That's my.. well, here he's my brother. We used to be partners in the Silver Millennium. He's called Tanaka Jirou, but his real name is Jadeite."

Kurama looked from one to the other suspiciously. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because you felt funny." Kurama raised an eyebrow. "Well, strange. You don't feel like the other children. You're... different, somehow." Zoisite elaborated. "I- we- have never felt anything quite like you before."

He considered this for several minutes. "I'm known as Minamino Shuichi here. But my real name is Kurama."

Zoisite nodded. "Would you mind telling us what you are, exactly?"

Kurama shrugged. "Well, I guess it all starts back in the Makai-"

It took two "playtimes", or breaks from class, to explain to them about youkai, the three worlds, and himself. Zoisite (who was, in fact, male) and Jadeite were both fascinated by his tale.

"That's so strange... we've been alive for so long, and yet we've never even heard of these places."

Then it was their turn. Kurama found himself just as amazed, if not more, at their story of the Silver Millennium. "So, as far as we can tell," Zoisite told him, "somehow our souls ended up being sent into the future with those of the Senshi. Of course, if we were sent ahead, then Nephrite and Kunzite probably were, too." He paused, biting his lower lip. "I'm still not sure how we ended up with our memories, though. Assuming they've even been born yet, I doubt the Senshi would remember. I think Queen Serenity took care of that."

Jadeite, who had thus far contributed very little, cleared his throat. "Well, it could be possible that since Serenity's spell was obviously not directed to us, and we were caught somehow by accident, that we may be exempt from the conditions and rules she set on the spell."

Zoisite nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah.. that could be it, Jeddy-niisan."

He gave Zoisite a sour look. "I thought I told you not to call me that!"

He smirked. "You might have. I don't recall." He quickly became serious, though. "If any of these theories are true, though, I think we can expect the Dark Kingdom to come after us shortly." And then, strangely enough, he hugged himself, bowing his head. When he spoke, his voice was thick with tears. "But I don't want to go back."

Jadeite wrapped his arms around Zoisite, murmuring reassurances to him. Kurama patted the small boy awkwardly on the shoulder.

Zoisite pushed away from Jadeite. He brushed his tears away, sniffling. "I'm all right..."

Kurama hesitated, and then gave the smaller boy a quick embrace. "Don't worry, Zoisite."

Jadeite slid his arm around Zoisite's waist. "Yeah, Zoi-chan. Don't worry. I'll always be here for you."

Feeling strangely protective of him, of both of them, gave them an overly cheerful smile. "Both of us will."

The coppery-haired boy gave him a tiny smile. "Thanks, Kurama."

* * * *

Kurama slumped against the wall, eyes closed. So many memories.. the three of them had been constant companions for almost three months before the two had disappeared. And shortly afterward he had completely forgotten about them.

He pulled all the pictures with the two out of the album, and then returned the album to the box. Tucking the pictures into his pocket, he dragged the box back to the closet.

He hoped Zoisite would call soon.

* * * *

Zoisite slumped in the chair, idly twirling a wine glass in one hand. He was on his third glass, and it was only one in the afternoon. Damn, he was becoming as bad as Nephrite.

"-and it's always a good idea to invest in the Internet. Microsoft is always a good idea. Buy a lot when it's down, sell when it's up, buy when it's down..."

Zoisite gulped down the rest of the wine, trying to ignore his drunken host. He knew he should contact Kunzite, to let his lover know he was all right, but... he knew if Kunzite was truly worried about him, the silver-haired King could easily track him down. And then there was this business with Minamino.

He sighed, setting the empty glass on the table and standing up. "Nephrite, can I use your phone?"

"The phone? Ah, I suppose so.." He grinned. "You gonna call that kid from the shop?"

"However did you know?" he didn't sound too sarcastic.

Nephrite shrugged. "It shows."

Zoisite shook his head slowly as he left Nephrite alone with only his bottle of wine for company. Amazing how not too long ago he would have rather died than spend time in Nephrite's company, and now not only was Zoisite his house guest, but actually enjoying his former rival's presence.

Zoisite plunked himself down on a seat next to the phone, digging out the card Minamino had given him. His hand trembled slightly as he reached for the phone. He paused, staring at his hand as if he had never seen it before. He took a deep breath, trying to analyze the strange, alien feelings he was experiencing. Apprehension, nervousness.. He resolutely shook his head, picking up the phone and dialing before he could change his mind. Soon enough he would find out what it was about this girlie redhead that caused him to feel so insecure.

"Zoisite!" He rose, haf-turning as Kunzite pulled the smaller man into a tight embrace.

"K-kunzite?" The tall King buried his face in his lover's hair, breathing in his scent. Zoisite dropped the phone, wrapping his arms around Kunzite.

Kunzite pulled back, looking into Zoisite's eyes. "Where have you been, love?" he murmured. "Beryl has an assignment for us."

Zoisite blinked. "Really? What does she want?"

Kunzite placed a finger on his lover's lips. "First, tell me what on earth you're doing here. Can you imagine how surprised I was to find you staying with Nephrite?"

The petite King shook his head. "I dunno... Nephrite isn't so bad, Kunzite. I just needed to get away from.. away from.. Linarite." He pursed his lips and closed his eyes.

Kunzite frowned worriedly. "What's the matter, Zoi-chan? What did that bastard do to you?" He sounded outraged.

"Nothing, really..." He bit his lower lips and pulled himself out of Kunzite's arms, picking up the fallen receiver and placing it back on the cradle. "He was just.. unbearable, Kunzite. I don't know why Beryl puts up with that jerk."

Kunzite nodded slowly. "All right.. well, as I said, Beryl has an assignment for us. Apparently the Sailor Senshi have found some new allies. Beryl wants us to check them out.. and kill them, if we can."

Zoisite tugged on a coppery lock, frowning. "More Senshi?"

His lover shook his head. "No. Apparently these allies come from some place known as the Reikai."

"Reikai?" Now why did that sound so familiar?

Kunzite shrugged. "That's what we're going to find out."

Zoisite took Kunzite's hand and the taller King teleported them to their destination. But nagging doubts plagued his thoughts. I don't think I want to be taking orders from Beryl- or anyone from the Dark Kingdom for that matter- anymore.

* * * *

The phone rang. Kurama stepped out of the shower, hurriedly wrapping a towel around his waist. "I'm coming!" he shouted, knowing very well that whoever was calling couldn't hear.

He managed to pick up on the fifth wring. "Moshi moshi," He heard voices on the other side. One of them sounded familiar. "Hello?" Louder this time. Suddenly he recognized one of the voices. "Zoisite? Zoisite!"

A click, then the buzz of dead air.

"Damnit!" He slammed the phone down, biting his lip to keep from shouting more obscenities. If only he had gotten to the phone sooner!

If he was lucky, Zoisite would call back. If he wasn't...

Well, there was always a small chance Kurama would run into him again.



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