Shadows of the Dark Kingdom

Part 6


"How do you know Zoisite?"

Usagi stared at him with eyes wide with shock. "Kurama....?"

Kurama gave her his best "What are you talking about, I'm completely innocent" look. "Zoisite spoke the truth. I saw them at a clothing store. We ended up conversing- I only learned his name by chance, when Nephrite called to him." He spread out his hands palm up in a supplicating gesture.

Usagi grinned in relief. Luna, however, remained suspicious. "Why didn't you mention meeting them before?"

"There was no reason," he replied with a casual shrug. "I couldn't do anything there in the store, and he didn't say anything particularly significant, so I deemed it unimportant. I hope you understand. If I knew you'd be so interested in something so insignificant..." Well, that was mean, but better to be rude and give gullible Usagi the impression that Luna was overreacting than to be more diplomatic about it, and leave her with suspicions. Of course, with her attention span, she was probably incapable of remaining suspicious for more than ten minutes at a time.

Luna "hmphed" loudly. "Well. If we'd known you'd spotted him, we could have searched the area."

"I'm sure both of them would've been long gone by the time you'd gotten there." He was beginning to get irritated. Right now, all he wanted to do was go home and think. "If that's all, I guess you should run along and report this to the others-

"Wait, Kurama," Usagi said with a thoughtful frown. "You said Zoisite and Nephrite were together, right?" He nodded. "Did they seem to be there... together?" Again, he nodded, puzzled.

"But they were enemies!" Luna exclaimed excitedly.

"Well, they didn't seem to be." He frowned. "I only heard them exchange a few words, mind, but they seemed friendly enough." Enemies? His recollection of the times Zoisite had mentioned Nephrite said differently- he'd spoken of Nephrite with detached affection, in fact. When had they become enemies?

"Hmmm...." Luna looked thoughtful, whatever suspicions she'd held apparently forgotten for the moment. "How odd."

"Are you sure they were enemies?" Kurama had to ask.

Usagi nodded, giving Kurama an apologetic smile as she recounted Naru's story of the fight she'd been an unfortunate participant in. "I can't believe I forgot to tell you that."

"I understand," he told her reassuringly. 'I understand, all right. Out of sight, out of mind. No thoughts lasting for more than a minute. Your basic infant mentality,' he thought dryly.

"Do you think it's important?" Usagi asked.

"Perhaps," Luna replied softly, glancing briefly at Kurama. "We'll see."


Normally, Zoisite would've been delighted to rest in his lover's arms, while Kunzite carried him to safety. Only, his lover wanted to carry him back to the Dark Kingdom, and was shocked speechless when Zoisite requested that he be taken to Nephrite's human mansion, instead.

"Please, Kunzite," he begged. "Don't take me back to the Dark Kingdom."

Kunzite's expression was one of tender concern. "If this is about Linarite..."

"Please," He didn't ever want to return to the Dark Kingdom, now or if Linarite ever left. Especially since finding Kurama- the pain made him cry out.

"Zoisite! What's wrong with you?!"

"Don't worry, Kunzite... I'll be fine. Just... please, let's go to Nephrite's."

Kunzite bowed his head in aquisience, still frowning. "If that's what you really want, Zoisite," he said doubtfully. "However, I must report back to Beryl."

Zoisited rested his head against his lover's shoulder as he teleported them into Nephrite's home.

If Nephrite was surprised when they appeared in his living room, he showed no sign of it. "Welcome back," he said, each word carefully enunciated. Zoisite wondered how much he'd had to drink since Kunzite had took him away.

Kunzite gave the other King a suspicious glare. "You'd better not harm Zoisite while I'm gone, Nephrite. If you harm a single hair on his head-"

"Kunzite," Zoisite groaned. "Nephrite will behave himself."

Nephrite frowned at him. "Are you all right, Zoisite? You aren't your usual bitchy- er, cheerful self."

Kunzite carefully set his lover down. "If you need anything, Zoistie, I'm only a thought away."

"I know, Kunzite-sama," he murmured. "You worry too much."

Kunzite gave him a final, searching glance before stepping back, pulling his cape around him as he disappeared.

"So," Nephrite's voice, right by his ear, caused him to jump with a squeak. His old nemesis chuckled as Zoisite whirled around with an angry expression. "Were you hurt fighting the brats? Or did Kunzite drag you off for some other reason?"

"Uh..." He blinked uncertainly. Nephrite seemed a lot less drunk than he had a moment ago. "The Senshi didn't hurt me, Nephrite," he muttered.

"Then what's wrong with you?" The taller man tossed his head, auburn mane swinging with the movement.

"It was Linarite!" The words tumbled out, followed by a blinding flash of pain that sent him to his knees.

"Zoisite!" Nephrite dropped to his knees beside him, taking the effeminate man into his arms. Zoisite collpased helplessly in his arms, biting back a whimper.

"What do you mean, Zoisite? How was it Linarite?" He shook the smaller man gently.

"K-kurama..." he groaned softly.

"Who's Kurama?" Nephrite was puzzled.

"Minamino... the redhead..." Grimacing, he dug the picture out of his pocket, where he'd shoved it before Kunzite had a chance to see. He waved it in front of Nephrite's face. "The card... by the phone, Nephrite. Tell him to come here. I.. need him."

Nephrite took the picture. It was amusing in a way to watch his eyes widen with shock, and the blood drain from his face as he looked at the picture, and understood all that it meant. "What? H-how could this be possible...?"

Zoisite pulled himself out of Nephrite's arms and stood slowly. "Just call him, Nephrite. Bring him here. He and I really need to talk. I'll be resting on the couch."


Kurama was walking through the door when the phone rang. "Shuichi," his mother called. "Phone for you!"

He kicked off his shoes hastily and took the phone from his mother. "Arigato, Kaasan," he murmured warmly. "Moshi moshi?"

"Is this... Kurama?" The deep voice was hesitant. 'And vaguely familiar,' Kurama thought.

"Hai," he answered. "And is this... Nephrite?" He made his voice sound slightly amused. Truthfully, however, he was anything but.

“That’s right.” He didn’t sound amused. “You’re a… friend of Zoisite’s?”

“I am,” he said slowly. ‘Careful,’ he thought.

“Sometime you’ll have to tell me how you manage it,” Nephrite said wryly. Kurama chuckled in spite of himself. “Anyway,” he continued, “Zoisite insisted that I contact you- he’s been hurt somehow, and he says… well, he says a man named Linarite was responsible. He seemed to think you’d know something.” The question was clear in the man’s voice.

“Zoisite’s been hurt?!” Concern for Zoisite replaced caution. “Where is he?” Nephrite gave him an address. “I’ll be over soon,” he promised before hanging up. “I’ll be back soon, Kaasan,” he told his mother. “I need to go talk to someone.”

She smiled sweetly. “Oh, you,” she said, giving him a playful swat. “Always running off on your own. You hardly ever spend any time at home anymore. And your poor little brother gets so lonely with you gone…” Her eyes sparkled with mischief.

He hugged her tightly and planted a kiss on her cheek. “I promise to try and spend more time at home, Kaasan. But now I need to go…”

“Alright,” she said as he left. “But try to be home for dinner!”



Nephrite poured another glass or wine for himself, then leaned over to refill Zoisite’s glass, though he’d only drunk half of his. The green-eyed little hellcat didn’t notice at all; his attention was elsewhere. Every once in awhile he’d wince, as if in pain.

So,” he said casually, “will you tell me what the hell is really going on?” It was the same question he’d asked at least a million times after hanging up the phone. “Explain it to me, Zoisite. This picture…” he waved said photo in the smaller man’s face. “It just isn’t possible, Zoisite.”

His fellow King favored him with a pained smile. “I know that, Nephrite.”

“Then how-“

“Just wait, Nephrite. Kurama will be here soon.”

He grunted, tossing back the alcohol in a single gulp. “I don’t know… it seems like you’re putting too much faith in this Kurama fellow.”

Zoisite shrugged. “Wait. You’ll see,” he promised.

The ding dong of the doorbell seemed to echo through the house. They exchanged glances, and Nephrite rose. “I’ll get it,” he said dryly.

He hadn’t gotten a good look at the redhead in the store; now he took a moment to study him. He had big green eyes, fine pale skin (he wondered if it was as soft as it looked), thick red hair, and a slender build. The only thing that saved him from being too feminine was the broadness of his shoulders, and even that could be disguised by the right clothing. But the button-up cotton shirt he wore at the moment seemed to emphasize the broadness, not disguise it.


“Nephrite.” He had a gorgeous smile, but Nephrite could make out a tightness around his eyes, and the set of his mouth hinted at anxiousness. Despite their newfound friendship, Nephrite couldn’t understand why anyone would be anxious to see Zoisite. Anxious to get away, maybe…. “This way,” Nephrite murmured, gesturing him inside. “At the end of the hall.”

Kurama nodded shortly and strode quickly down the hall. Nephrite followed more slowly, and hung back when the two greeted each other, watching with astonishment as Zoisite flung himself in the redhead’s arms. His jaw dropped as Kurama twirled him around laughing, and held the shorter man close. He blinked several times, trying to reconcile what he was seeing now with the Zoisite he’d always known. Well, thought he’d known, anyway.

And then he realized with a start that they were both staring at him. He must have looked like an owl, with his eyes gone wide as saucers, and blinking constantly. Zoisite giggled. “Close your mouth, Nephrite,” he advised. “You look like a fish.”

Nephrite hastily clamped his jaw shut. Kurama’s lips twitched, as if he wanted to smile- or worse, laugh. “Uh…” was all he managed.

“I told you, Nephrite,” Zoisite said with a grin. “We’re old friends.” Suddenly he cried out in pain, clutching at his head. Kurama caught him before he fell to the floor. “Zoisite!”

“Put him on the couch,” Nephrite ordered. Kurama laid him out gently, smoothing back his hair.

“What’s wrong with him?”

Nephrite shot him an irritated glance. “He said you’d know what the problem is.”

“Me?” He looked puzzled. “Tell me what he told you.”

Nephrite frowned. “Well, he said Linarite injured him some way, and that you’d know-“

“Linarite!” He snapped his fingers. “Of course,” he muttered. “It would have to be harder for him. There’d be more risk if he ever remembered…”


Kurama pursed his lips. “It’s a memory block, Nephrite.” He absently ran his fingers through Zoisite’s hair. “The pain- obviously, Linarite meant to discourage him from ever remembering. Jadeite probably has the same sort of block…” He shot Nephrite a sideways glance. “Where is Jadeite, anyway?”

Nephrite’s jaw was hanging once again. “You know Jadeite, too?” Well, obviously he did, but Nephrite was starting to feel… well, stupid. Where had he been when all this was happening?!

“Aa.” Kurama smiled, as if sensing Nephrite’s frustration. “We’ll explain it all to you as soon as we can get rid of Zoisite’s block. I promise you.”

He regarded the redhead with suspicion. “That could take awhile, couldn’t it?”

Kurama shook his head. “I think there’s a quick way to do this. Please excuse me for a moment.” Nephrite just shook his head as the strange young man headed back in the direction of the door.

“Where’s he going?” To Nephrite’s ears, the diminutive King sounded almost frantic. “Nephrite, why is he leaving?” Zoisite had propped himself up on his elbows, staring after the redhead with distress.

“He’ll be back,” Nephrite said soothingly. “He said Linarite put a memory block on you, and that he knows a way to remove it.” His tone suggested that he was speaking to a little child instead of a grown man, but Zoisite didn’t seem to notice.

When Kurama returned, he was trailed by a short, spiky-haired boy wearing a long black coat. Nephrite took a sip of wine. A very large sip that emptied half the glass. “Kurama…”

The redhead was smiling. “Nephrite, Zoisite, this is my partner, Hiei.” He was grinning down at his friend. “Hiei has agreed to help us.”

“Hn” was all little Hiei had to say. Nephrite examined the red-eyed little boy doubtfully. What could he do?

Zoisite shared his doubts. “I’m not calling you a liar, Kurama, but what can chibi-chan there do to help?”

Those fierce red eyes flared at the address, and quite suddenly he had a katana in his hand. The only thing holding him back was Kurama’s hand on his arm. But if little Hiei was enraged, Kurama was anything but. His eyes widened with amusement, and he was grinning broadly. He seemed on the verge of laughter.

Nephrite cleared his throat. “Now, Zoisite,” he said in a patronizing tone. “There’s no need to tease him just because he’s the only one shorter than you.” That red glare was turned on him, but he didn’t care. The indignant look on Zoisite’s face was more palatable than his favorite wine.



Linarite caught up with him in the maze of hallways going from Beryl’s throne room. “Kunzite,” the blue-haired man called. Kunzite turned to face him, grimacing in spite of himself. Gods, but he hated Linarite. And not only for Zoisite’s sake.

“What do you want?” he asked coolly. “Please make it quick. I’ve got things to attend to.”

Linarite smirked. “This won’t take long.” His tone was insufferably arrogant. “I just wanted you to, ah, expand on the nature of Zoisite’s illness.” Oh, smooth. Kunzite’s smile was a mere baring of teeth. “Don’t worry about Zoisite, Linarite,” he growled. “You should be more concerned with your own well-being.”

Linarite’s smile irritated Kunzite no end. “How could I be concerned with myself when one of my comrades lies injured? We’re all practically family here in the Dark Kingdom.”

Kunzite considered himself a calm, collected person, not given to fits of pique. He was in control of himself. Right now, he wanted to beat the smirk of that bastard Linarite’s face- in a calm, controlled manner, of course, as befitted a King of the Dark Kingdom. But doing that would put his position in jeopardy. Beryl had made it quite clear that she favored Linarite, and that her retribution would be swift and brutal for any who dared harm him. Or oppose him. He contented himself with a grunted “Of course.”

“Kunzite, please go on.” Was he being sarcastic?

Kunzite shrugged. “Well, that Minamino fellow got close to Zoisite and the next thing I knew, Zoisite was on the ground, and Minamino was escaping.”

“And naturally you saw to Zoisite before giving chase.”

Kunzite’s eyes flicked to him and away. Well, they didn’t have to know that he hadn’t chased after the enemy. His lover was more important by far than that blonde brat and all her companions combined. “That’s right.”

“What else? Did he say anything? Do anything unusual?”

“Well, he did beat us using a whip made from a rose… I thought that was a little unusual…”

Linarite narrowed his eyes. “Very funny, Kunzite.” He didn’t sound very amused.

Kunzite favored Linarite with his most guileless smile. “I already told Beryl-sama all I know about this Kurama guy, Linarite. Now leave me be.” He turned to go, but Linarite grabbed his arm and whirled him back around. Kunzite’s eyes widened with alarm. The man’s face was twisted with rage, and the look in his eyes… Kunzite nearly shivered. “WHAT did you say?”

“I said I told-“

Kurama!” Kunzite was taken aback by the vehemence in Linarite’s voice. “Aa.. that was what he called himself…”

Linarite snarled. “I knew we should’ve killed him when we had the chance,” he growled.

“Who is he?” Kunzite demanded.

Linarite grimaced, the rage fading from his expression. “He was a companion of Zoisite and Jadeite before we located them. He isn’t human; we couldn’t figure out what he is. That was why Beryl let him live. She was curious about him.”

It took a moment for it all to sink in. Zoisite… Minamino… his lover had lied to him! But what had Minamino done to him, if they were friends? Now it was his own face that was twisted with rage. “Damn him, what did he do?!”

Linarite looked thoughtful. “Head pains…” he murmured.


“Was that what was ailing Zoisite? If so..” he scowled. “If so, that probably means that Minamino was trying to break through the memory block I put on Zoisite.”

“You bastard,” Kunzite snarled. “I should kill you for causing Zoisite so much pain…”

“Fool!” Linarite snapped. “The pain was meant to discourage Zoisite from trying to remember!”

“Well it obviously didn’t work too well!”

The two men glared at each other for what seemed like eternity. It was Kunzite who first looked away. "Where is Zoisite now?" Linarite asked.

"With Nephrite," he replied.

Linarite closed his eyes. "I thought they were enemies."

"Yes… they were…" Well, they had been. Kunzite himself wasn't entirely sure what was going on between them- but he wasn't about to tell Linarite that.

"Hmph." Linarite ran a hand absently through his hair. "I think we'd better bring Zoisite to the Dark Kingdom, before this Kurama can get to him again."

For once, Kunzite and Linarite were totally in agreement.



"It's done." Hiei's eyes slowly opened as his Jagan closed. Zoisite slumped down, his own eyes shutting.

Kurama sighed in relief. "Then the block is gone?" It wasn't really a question. He smiled gratefully at his friend.

"Aa." Hiei rose slowly, and Kurama's smile faded as he studied his friend with concern. "Daijoubu desu ka, Hiei?"

"Hn." He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand. "I'm just tired. That block was very well constructed. Not so easy to break through. And I made sure to remove all traces of it. That's hard work, kitsune."

"Would you like to rest? I've got plenty of spare rooms," Nephrite offered. He'd taken a chair across the room, and had been drinking nonstop since Hiei had begun.


"Kurama?" Zoisite opened his eyes. "Wha- did it work?" He sat up on the couch, his expression one of amazement. "I- I remember!" His face crumbled. "Oh, Jeddy-niisan…"

Kurama sat down beside him, drawing the smaller man into his embrace. "What happened to Jadeite anyway? Can we help him?"

"It'd take a miracle," Zoisite moaned. "Beryl locked him in an ice crystal. I don't think there's anyway to free him…"

"Well, not unless you can convince Beryl to release him." Nephrite put in.

Kurama and Zoisite both glared at him. Hiei remained unmoved. "If it can be done," he said dryly, "it can be undone."

"It’s not as simple as that." Nephrite told him. "Even if you could somehow free Jadeite, Beryl would know the instant you tampered with her work."

"So? Kill her."

Nephrite snorted, and Zoisite rolled his eyes. "If it was that simple," he said dryly, "we'd have done it a long time ago, believe me."

"Beryl is extremely powerful," Nephrite added. "I doubt even the combined powers of her four most powerful minions- Kunzite, Jadeite, Zoisite and myself- would be enough to defeat her."

"What about Linarite?" Kurama asked. His expression was solemn. Zoisite shivered, and Kurama briefly squeezed him.

Nephrite shrugged. "I don't know about Linarite," he said softly. "Honestly, I have no idea of how powerful he is."

"Well, you're about to find out."

Kurama's head jerked around in time to see two men materialize by the doorway. One of them was the man he'd seen earlier, Kunzite. That meant the other was…

"Linarite!" Zoisite gasped. Nephrite surged to his feet.

The man's cold blue eyes took in everything: Nephrite and his glass of wine, forgotten in his hand; Hiei, his katana out, red eyes gleaming eagerly; Kurama and Zoisite, still embracing one another. Kurama started to draw back, but Zoisite clung to him. Linarite's eyes were cold, but Kunzite's seemed almost on fire as he stared at Zoisite and Kurama. Kurama realized with an uneasy start that Zoisite had never told him what his relationship with Kunzite was. Could they be lovers?

"I'm surprised, Nephrite, Zoisite," Linarite said with a smirk. "You realize you're consorting with enemies of the Dark Kingdom, yes?"

"Enemies?" Nephrite's tone was mild. "That's funny Linarite, because just now they were aiding the Dark Kingdom by ridding Zoisite of a little… problem." Kunzite's face reflected what could only be alarm. Linarite's eyes widened as well. Nephrite took a sip of wine, smiling slightly.

"These two," the blue-haired man gestured to Kurama and Hiei, "are allies of the Sailor Senshi." Nephrite choked. Linarite laughed. It grated on Kurama's ears. "What, Nephrite? Didn't Zoisite tell you who his new friends were?"

"That's enough, Linarite." Kunzite growled. "Let's just kill them and get it over with. We can deal with Nephrite later."

Zoisite rose unsteadily and took a halting step forward. "You... bastard... " His expression was furious. “How can you support him after what he- what he-“

Kunzite took a step back, uncertainly scrutinizing the smaller King. Definitely lovers, Kurama thought. “Zoisite….”

Zoisite clenched his fists at his side, as if to keep himself from lashing out. “You helped him.” His voice reflected horror, hurt, and no small amount of anger. “You knew, and you still helped him. Damn you, you knew!

“Knew what?” All eyes turned to Nephrite. The auburn-haired King stared back, meeting each gaze. The emotions varied, but they all knew what was going on. Even Hiei. Kurama didn’t doubt that he had studied Zoisite’s memories even as he freed them. Nephrite saw it, too. “Damnit, am I the only one who has no idea what this is about?”

The pain in Zoisite’s eyes was almost too much for Kurama to bear. “He- he-“ The small King shook his head, a wild look coming into his eyes. “No! I can’t!”

Kunzite reached out to his lover. “Zoisite!”

But the other King saw him coming, and disappeared, leaving Kunzite grasping at petals. “Zoisite!” The name escaped his lips before he could stop it. Hiei gave him an unreadable look.

“Gods be damned!” Kunzite’s voice was anguished as he clutched the petals to his chest. “Why did he have to find out?” Now he looked up at Kurama, his face a mask of rage. “I’m going to make you pay-“

“Not now Kunzite!” Linarite’s voice cracked like a whip. “Let’s get Zoisite first, before he causes any trouble.” His stared coldly at Nephrite. “Come with us, or stay with them. It’s your choice.” Nephrite opened his mouth to speak. “But if you stay,” Linarite cut him off, “I’ll report you as a deserter. You’ll be cast out of the Dark Kingdom… forever.”

Nephrite gazed long and hard at the blue-haired King before glancing back to Kurama. “I think I made my choice long ago, Linarite. I was just to afraid to stick with it.” He smiled slightly, and Kurama recalled suddenly Usagi’s story about Nephrite and her young friend Naru.

“I’m staying.”

Kunzite snarled something unintelligible. Linarite shook his head. “Very well. The next time we meet, we’ll meet as enemies. I can’t say I’m sorry to see it end this way.” He smirked as Nephrite glared sourly. “Farewell.”

Linarite grabbed Kunzite’s arm, and the two Kings disappeared together, leaving a stunned Nephrite to gape after them.

Silence reigned between the three for several long moments. “I… I can’t believe I just did that.” Nephrite said. His face lit up with something Kurama could only call joy. He smiled slightly, and Hiei shook his head. “I never imagined…” Suddenly his face fell. “Oh, damn… Zoisite…”

Kurama shook his head, attempting to gather his wits- they had seemingly scattered across the four corners of the world with Zoisite’s disappearance. “We have to find him before they do.”

“Right.” Nephrite frowned thoughtfully. “Hmm. If I were Zoisite, where would I go?”

Kurama and Nephrite exchanged glances. This was going to take a long, long time.

On to the next part

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