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Shadows of the Dark Kingdom

Part 7


He didn’t know what to do. All the memories… they overwhelmed him. His vision wavered, his steps faltered. People on the streets avoided him. Their expressions said he was something distasteful; something they wanted no part of. ‘They probably think I’m on drugs or something,’ he thought with a giggle.

It wasn’t all that funny, really. He wanted distractions. No, he wanted… wanted to act. Now was not the time to think, it was the time to act. He stopped abruptly, his head beginning to clear. What needed action? What could he do? He sat on the curb, thinking, trying to ignore the memories that persistently assaulted him, pulling at his attention. He shook his head vigorously, as if to clear it of them. It didn’t work.

Finally, he just gave in and let the memories come. Playing together in park, at school, at Kurama’s home. He remembered the people he’d called Mother and Father: a loving young couple, the Tanaka’s. Ryuichi, small, dark and Japanese to boot, and his wife, tall blonde, beautiful, Norwegian Mette-Marit. He wondered how they were. Were they both still alive? Had they moved from Japan? Did they have any more children? To think that he’d been calling Jadeite his ‘niisan all this time, and he really was!

Suddenly it clicked. Jadeite. He had to save Jadeite somehow. Why hadn’t he thought of it sooner? ’But… how? I certainly can’t free him by myself. My powers won’t be enough to break the crystal. Maybe if I was Sailor Moon I could…. That's it!’ He leapt up excitedly. ‘All I need is Sailor Moon! I’m sure together we could manage to free Jeddy-niisan… even if she is a bumbling idiot…’ His elation faded. ‘But how could I find her? I haven’t the faintest clue where to start looking…’ Then he laughed. ‘Yes, yes I do! Nephrite’s girl- Naru- is a friend of hers! I’ll bet she’d know where to find the brat!’



It took Zoisite nearly an hour to locate the girl. She was at a café with several other girls, each with a large bowel of ice cream in front of them. Her stared at her discreetly from the street, absently smoothing his clothing. His human clothing, he realized with a start. He'd completely forgotten that he was no longer wearing his uniform. Well, all the better to blend in. He decided it would be best not to make a scene. Hopefully she'd recognize him. Then again, that might not be such a good thing…

He shook his head, dismissing the thoughts. 'Damnit, I'm stalling.' Straightening his clothing one more time, he resolutely stepped into the café.

Naru and the other girls- a few of who seemed oddly familiar- were deep in discussion. About boys. Zoisite's lips quirked at that as he approached them, though he fairly quivered inside with anxiety. What if she didn't know the real identity of Sailor Moon? What if- He forced his worries back as he approached the table.

"Excuse me…. Naru?"

The girl looked up at him. "Yes, who-" She cut off abruptly as her eyes widened in recognition. He anxiously jerked his head towards the doorway, and spoke quickly. "I need to talk to you about… mutual friends. In private," he added for the benefit of her friends, who stared at him curiously. One, a pretty blonde with buns similar to those of Sailor Moon, even frowned at him.

Naru stared at him, her face slowly draining of color. 'She must think I'm talking about Nephrite,' he realized.

"Yeah… yeah, I'll talk with you." She stood, giving her friends an absent good-bye, her eyes fixed on Zoisite. "Let's go."

He led her outside, and on an impulse decided to take her to the park to talk. "Whatever," she replied when he told her. She was glaring at him. He felt her gaze on him the entire way, an uncomfortable weight. He was greatly relieved when the park came into view.

Naru was not in the mood for games. She plunked herself down on the nearest bench, fixing her gaze on a group of children playing in the distance. "What do you want from me?"

He planted himself directly in front of her. “I want to know where Sailor Moon is.”

Naru actually seemed surprised. “But I don’t know where Sailor Moon is!” she cried.

“I don’t believe you!” he shot back. “You’re her friend- don’t deny it! Now tell me where to find her, or else-“ he paused, not entirely sure what “or else” should be.

Her face paled. “It’s Nephrite, isn’t it? Oh god, you’re going to hurt him if I don’t tell you!” Tears welled in her eyes. It was then that Zoisite’s previously non-existent conscience kicked in. “Actually-“ he began.

“Hold it right there!” Zoisite and Naru both turned at the call.

“Sailor Moon! Help! He’s going to hurt Nephrite.” Naru looked happy and relieved. ‘Sailor Moon can’t solve all your problems, kid’ he thought dryly.

“’Bout time you showed up. I was looking for you.”

Sailor Moon look glared- no, pouted- at him. “Don’t think you can escape me, Zoisite!” Her voice held a faint tremor. ’Of fear?’ he wondered.

“Run? Why would I run? Didn’t you just hear me say I was looking for you?” He placed his hands on his hips and scrutinized her with a sarcastic smile. “It’s not like I’m going to take hostages or hurt anybody…” He gestured half-heartedly to Naru, who slowly got up and backed away from him, glaring suspiciously all the while.

Sailor Moon alternated between watching her friend and watching Zoisite. “If you’re not here to hurt anybody… than what do you want?”

“I need your help.”

She looked puzzled, then angry. “I’ll never help an evil cause!”

“I don’t, of course,” he added hastily, “expect you to do this without something in return. You do this for me, and… and… I’ll help you get the rest of the nijizuishou.” The last came out in a rush, and Zoisite felt a cold tingle down his spine as he said it. ‘Could I do it? Could I really betray the Dark Kingdom? …To save Jeddy-niisan, yes. Yes, I could.’

“What?!” Sailor Moon looked shocked. “You mean you’d help me…?” Her expression hardened with suspicion. “Why would you do a thing like that?”

His face heated and he found himself looking away. “Maybe… maybe because I’ve finally realized that some things are more important than… than others.” ‘That Jadeite is worth more than the entire Dark Kingdom, and stupid Beryl and her stupid minions. Even if I was one of those minions.’

Naru took a hesitant step forward. “What about Nephrite?”

“Nephrite was peachy the last time I saw him,” he replied. Then he realized that Nephrite might very well be dead. He had, after all, left him in the company of Linarite. And Kunzite. That last pained him. ‘Why, oh why would Kunzite do this to me? I thought he loved me. Would he still kill Nephrite? …No,’ he realized. Aloud, he said, “He should still be peachy. Between him, Kurama, and Chibi-chan, I’m sure they could have defeated- well, if not defeated, at least esacaped- Linarite and Kunzite.”

“What?” Naru looked confused.

“WHAT?!!” Sailor Moon didn’t. Then Zoisite remembered what Linarite had said about Kurama and his friend being allies of the Sailor Senshi. “What was Kurama doing with Nephrite?”

“It doesn’t matter,” he told her impatiently. “Will you help me or not?”

Sailor Moon shot a helpless glance at Naru, who shrugged slightly. “I think he’s telling the truth,” she said. Zoisite shot her a surprised- and grateful- look.

“She’s right. For maybe the first time in many years, I’m telling the whole truth.” For some reason, it felt good to say that.



Usagi didn’t know what to do. He seemed sincere enough- even Naru believed him. Usagi believed him, too. But… 'I wish Luna was here. She’d know what to do.’ Should she help him… or not?

She looked more closely at the King. He was short, little taller than her, and dressed in designer jeans and a lightweight flannel shirt, open and the ends tied around his waist, revealing the white undershirt. It was, she realized, the first time she’d seen Zoisite without his Dark Kingdom uniform. It was kind of… odd.

His large green eyes conveyed hope, fear, and pain… She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t refuse. “All right.”

He sighed with relief. “But first,” she added, “tell me what it is you need my help for.”

He bit his lower lip. “It’s… my brother.”

“Your brother?!” Zoisite had a brother?

“My brother,” he affirmed. “Jadeite. My brother.”

“JADEITE?!!” He nodded, smiling slightly at her disbelieving tone. “I just don’t believe it…” She shook her head, amazed. “What happened to him?”

“He…” Zoisite swallowed hard. “Beryl locked him into a crystal. That’s why I need your help. To free him.”

Usagi nodded firmly. “Right! We can’t leave him to suffer like that!” Past quarrels with Jadeite seemed far away now. She barely remembered him as an enemy. “What are we going to do?”

“Well, first I’ll teleport us there… and then…” He shrugged. “We’ll figure it out when we get there, I guess.”

He extended his hand. Usagi had seen him teleport before, and knew what the gesture meant. She stepped forward and to take his hand.

“Sailor Moon!” They both looked at Naru. She smiled tremulously. “Be careful.” Usagi smiled reassuringly and nodded. “…You too, Zoisite.”

The green-eyed King looked startled, and then a little pleased. “I’ll bring her back safely.” Their eyes meet, and Usagi resolutely placed her hand in his.



A fluttery feeling of fear stirred within Naru as she watched the two disappear in a whirl of sakura blossoms. She didn’t doubt Zoisite’s sincerity, but… could he really protect her from the forces of the Dark Kingdom? Could he even protect himself?

She bit her lower lip, eyes darting about. No, they weren’t going to be all right. She just knew it. ‘But what can I do? It’s not like I can help them or anything.’ If only Nephrite-

“Of course! Nephrite!”



The Dark Kingdom was a lot like Usagi had pictured it. Dark, dank, and dreary. Tall spires rose around them, twisted and exuding a sense of “wrong-ness.” The whole place did! She shivered lightly.

“Sailor Moon.” Zoisite’s voice had dropped to a whisper. His eyes were narrow and focused on a distant castle, as twisted and dark as the rest of the place. He pointed to it. “That’s where Beryl resides. Most of the other spires house us Kings, and Beryl’s more high-ranking youma. They’re all connected by underground passages. The ground under us is practically hollow.”

“Oh, wow.” She squinted at the castle. “So we’re going there?”

“Aa.” He looked her over briefly, a bare flickering of his eyes. “I don’t think it would be such a good idea for you to stay in that… outfit. It would put us both in grave danger. Too recognizable.”

“Oh. Well… if you say so.” Zoisite watched with avid fascination as she changed back to her normal clothes.

“Oh! You! I’ve seen you before.” He grinned, slightly chagrined. “I never imagined you’d look so different out of the Senshi uniform. Uh… can I call you something besides Sailor Moon?”

“Usagi.” She supplied her name without thinking. “Tsukino Usagi.”

“Nice to meet you, Usagi.” He offered her his hand again. “Shall we?”

She drew in a deep breath, scrounged together what little courage she had, and took his hand. She was frightened, but knowing Zoisite was on her side helped to alleviate the fear.

“Lets do this.”



Kurama judged they’d been at this for at least an hour. He glanced at the sun, hanging low in the sky, and sighed. So much for being home in time for dinner.

“What?” Nephrite asked, glancing over at him. The two of them stood side by side on the roof of a large corporate building.

“I think it’s time for us to meet up with Hiei in the park,” he told the auburn-haired man. That was where they had agreed to meet. “I hope Hiei had better luck than we did.”

“There’s only one way to find out,” he replied. “Iku zo.”

No sooner did they reach the park- deserted except for a few bums- then Hiei appeared, dragging behind him a small figure that was definitely not Zoisite. The figure was young and female, her face tear-streaked and pale.

“Naru!” Nephrite exclaimed, rushing to her. Hiei released her, and she fell into Nephrite’s arms. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” That was directed at Hiei.

“I went back to your place a few minutes ago to see if Zoisite had gone back there. I found her banging n the door, screaming your name. So I brought her here.”

“Naru, what’s wrong?” Nephrite asked. Kurama drew closer, more curious than concerned.

“Oh, Nephrite! It’s Sailor Moon…”

“What about Sailor Moon?” Kurama asked sharply. Nephrite gave him a dirty look.

Naru sniffled and looked up at him. “She went to some place called the Dark Kingdom… with Zoisite…”

“Zoisite!” Kurama and Nephrite exclaimed together. “They went to the Dark Kingdom?” Nephrite continued. “Together?”

She nodded and wiped her eyes, which were filled with tears. “Yeah. Something about freeing Zoisite’s brother in a crystal and getting- what did he say?” She frowned. “Ginzuishou. I think, anyway.”

“The ginzuishou? My god, Zoisite’s not really going to- wait a minute? Brother locked in a crystal? Jadeite! You mean they’re actually related?!” He looked shocked.

“You saw the picture,” Kurama said in a tone usually reserved for particularly dense children.

"Jadeite was in it?" Hiei smirked at Nephrite's incredulous tone.

Nephrite looked terribly confused. Kurama decided to take pity on him. "Yes, it was him. Don't worry about it now. You'll get a full explanation as soon as we get Zoisite- and Sailor Moon- back."



It was laughably simple to get the crystals. There were only three guards, who went scurrying at a few sharp words from Zoisite. Usagi lifted one from the case, handling it with evident awe.

"I can't believe it," she whispered. "We've got them all."

Zoisite shrugged impatiently. "I don't suppose you happen to have the other two on you…"


"Oh well." He was disappointed, but not terribly surprised. Even a half-wit would have enough sense not to carry something so valuable.

She replaced the crystal, then closed the case and clutched it to her chest. "Now where?"

"To Jadeite." He glanced around quickly at the empty room, then grabbed her hand. "We'll walk this time."

Puzzled, she allowed him to lead her out of the cave-like chamber and into a similar hallway. "How come?"

"Someone skilled enough could use my energy signature to trace where I'd gone. Like Kunzite… or Linarite." He shivered slightly. "I don't want them to know where we've gone."

"You mean they already know we're here?" she squeaked in alarm.

He gave her a wry look. "Not yet, but soon enough. Beryl keeps track of the incoming energy signatures. Since you were with me, she'd have gotten a little feel of you, as well." At her frightened expression, he squeezed her hand and added reassuringly, "Since you weren't actually using your energy, she won't recognize it as... well, Sailor Moon. But she will have one of her youma investigate whatever it is I brought in."

"Oh." She had no real idea what he was talking about. He smiled at her, as if he sensed her confusion. "Anyway, the youma probably won't find us; not where we're going. Then he'll report back to Beryl, and, if none of the other Kings have returned, she'll use her own power to look into it." He sighed, heart heavy. "Damnit. I hope Linarite or Kunzite returned."

"Why? Aren't you and Kunzite friends or something?"

"We were," he replied stiffly. He didn't want to think about Kunzite. Thoughts of Kunzite hurt. Kunzite had known. Kunzite had let it happen. Kunzite had watched, damnit! Watched Linarite abuse the children that had been Zoisite and Jadeite. He hadn't lifted a finger to help them. He hadn't even protested!



Usagi trudged wearily alongside him, clutching at his hand like a lifeline. They had now been walking for almost an hour, deeper and deeper into what Zoisite had laughingly called the catacombs of Beryl's cesspit of putrescence. Whatever that meant.

"We're almost there," he said suddenly. Usagi squinted ahead, but couldn't make out a thing in the dim light.

"How can you tell? I can barely see five feet in front of me!"

He chuckled, but it didn't sound amused somehow. "I can see a little better than most humans, I think."


"Here." He lifted his other hand, and a small ball of bright light appeared above it, illuminating their way. Usagi squinted through the bright light, and spotted a large metal door directly ahead of them.

"Is that it?"

"Aa. That's where she keeps them."

"Them?" They stood in front of the door now. She placed her hand against the door. She experienced a tingling sensation, starting in the hand on the door and going down all the way to her feet.

"Them," he affirmed. "Jadeite isn't the only one she's put in a crystal. There are at least thirty of them altogether. I even recognize a few."

She shivered and pulled back from the door. "What's that strange feeling?"

"The door is magically sealed," he explained. "People sensitive to magical energies will feel a tingle when touching it. The stronger the feeling, the more sensitive you are."

"It's pretty strong."

"You're pretty sensitive." They grinned at each other for a moment, then Zoisite extinguished the light and placed his other hand against the door. To her surprise, Usagi felt the tingling sensation, now a little stronger than before. "You're feeling it too, right?" She nodded uncertainly. "Since we're both sensitive, you're picking it up through me. Let's mesh auras and I'll show you how to get through seals like this."

"Oh… mesh what? Huh?" She could see his eyes widen with surprise.

"You mean you don't know how to mesh auras?"

"Uh… no? I don't think so."

He shook his head in disbelief. "I can't believe you don't know how…" He gave her a suspicious look. "You do know how to use your powers outside of…" he trailed off as she silently shook her head. "Great good gods. You really don't know."

"I'm.. sorry?" His words made her want to cry. It wasn't her fault she didn't know!

"Well, I guess this is as good a time as any to start learning," he said with a shrug. "I'm not the greatest teacher, but I can show you the basics in a couple of minutes. I'm sure Kurama or somebody can give you more thorough lessons later."

"Okay. If you say so."

The ball of light reappeared, this time hovering between them. "I make this light appear by forming my energies with thought," he told her. "You can do the same, with a little practice and discipline." She nodded, a little excited. Wait till Rei saw her do something like this! "The very first step is to become aware of your aura. You should be able to feel the energy flowing through your body."

She concentrated, and felt nothing. "I can't."

"You can," he said confidently. "Extend your senses. Feel the energy within."

He continued along those lines for several minutes before becoming frustrated. "Damnit. This isn't working fast enough." He raised his hand, an energy ball forming. He pointed it at her. "Heads up!"

It flew, and she ducked instinctively. "There!" Zoisite shouted. "Your aura is flaring! Feel it?!"

And suddenly she did feel it. Pulsing around her, warmth and light… the power racing through her. “I did it!”

He grinned and put his hand over her cheek- hovering, but not touching. She felt his aura brushing her own. “Now you can feel me, right?” She nodded. “The next step is to open yourself to me. Let my power join with yours.”

This part was easier. His aura pushed against hers, and she opened herself- her heart- and let him in. The warm, cracking energy that was Zoisite rushed into her. For a moment she saw colors- the warm, flowing greens of life and healing; the swirling, icy blues and passionate reds of his personality. Undertones of bitter dark grays and anguished black. She saw them for only a moment, but the image remained vivid in her mind. “Oh, wow… you’re beautiful,” she murmured without thinking.

He chuckled, his hand dropping to his side. “It’s amazing, isn’t it? They’re beautiful.” He toyed absently with his hair. “The patterns are always changing, but once you’ve seen someone’s, you’ll always recognize it.”

“It’s amazing.” She giggled. “I can feel your little light ball.” She felt him make it move, bouncing through the air to hover next to the door.

He grinned and turned back towards the door. “Just pay attention now.” And she felt him unraveling the seal with his ki, saw it come apart and dissipate harmlessly. She laughed, elated, as Zoisite pushed open the door.

Once inside, however, her elation quickly faded, replaced by a growing horror. “Oh, Zoisite…”

“Awful, isn’t it?” he said quietly.

She reached out to touch the nearest one, with her hand and her newfound powers. She shivered and pulled away as she felt the life force: dim, but aware. Terrified and resigned. She jerked her hand back as if burned. “Those poor people…”

Indeed, most of them were people, she realized. Only a few were Beryl’s youma. Zoisite placed a hand on the small of her back and silently guided her to the back of the chamber, where one crystal stood by itself. Jadeite. Zoisite’s eyes fixed on the sight like a drowning man seeing land.

“Oniisan… we’re here, Jadeite. We’re gonna free you.” Jadeite seemed to stare directly at her, eyes wide with fear. She reached out, her hand hovering over the surface of the crystal. “I’m gonna need my Senshi powers for this,” she murmured.


She hesitated. “Zoisite?”


“If this really works… we’re going to free the others, too… right?”

“All right,” he agreed impatiently. “Lets get Jadeite out first.”

She nodded and raised her brooch, the words coming to her without thought. Zoisite pulled his eyes away from his brother to watch, a little impressed in spite of himself. His hand rested lightly on the crystal. "Soon," he whispered.

Sailor Moon frowned at the crystal before raising the moon stick. "Here goes nothing," she muttered. "Step back, Zoisite." He moved obediently out of her way. She took a deep breath.


The crystal shook. It rocked. It trembled. It quivered.

It held.

"DAMNIT! Damn it all!" Zoisite screeched in fury. Snarling, he stepped up to it and kicked as hard as he could, putting all his frustration into the movement. It shattered.

For a moment they both stood there, stunned. Jadeite lay on the floor at Zoisite's feet, motionless. Swallowing hard, he knelt. "Jadeite…?"

The other man stirred. Zoisite gently stroked his cheek, and his eyes opened. He stared blankly up at Zoisite for a moment, and for a moment he feared that Jadeite had lost his memory, or… worse, lost his mind. Then recognition flooded into his eyes and he smiled weakly. “Zoisite…?”

He sighed in relief. “Jadeite!” He gathered the larger man into a hug. “Are you all right?”

“I think…” His arms wrapped around Zoisite. He was alarmed at how weak Jadeite’s embrace was.

“Are you sure you’re all right?”

“Aa… just a little weak, that’s all. You would be too if you’d been trapped in a crystal for a week.”

Zoisite’s expression was pained. Sailor Moon took a step forward. “A week? You’ve been in there for months!”

“I have?” He put a hand to his forehead. “That’s strange, I-You!” His expression turned from puzzled to angry as he tried to rise. “Zoisite, it’s-“

“I know,” he said quietly. “Huh?” Jadeite looked from Sailor Moon to Zoisite, then back ot Sailor Moon again, confused.

“She helped me free you.”

“A stupid thing for her to do. But rest assured, it will certainly be the last mistake she ever makes.”

Zoisite shot to his feet, turning with Sailor Moon to see Linarite blocking the only way out. Zoisite was relieved to see that Kunzite was not with him. “I thought I detected a foul stench,” Zoisite sneered.

“So happy to see you, too.” He glanced at Jadeite, on his knees behind Zoisite. “Long time no see, Jadeite. How have you been?” He smirked nastily.

Jadeite lifted his chin, eyes narrowed. “Peachy. Just peachy. Would you mind telling me who you are?”

Linarite shrugged. “It doesn’t matter now. We’ll have plenty of time later to get… reacquainted. After I take care of Sailor Moon."

"As if!" she responded indignantly. "Good shall always triumph over evil-and that means you, pal!"

He laughed. “Silly child. You think you can defeat me?”

“Maybe she can’t alone, but together I think together we can manage something.” Zoisite stepped up beside her, his fingers curling around an ice crystal.

Linarite’s lips curled in a sneer. “You think so?” He released a blast of energy. Zoisite moved quickly, grabbing Sailor Moon’s arm and hauling her up into the air with him.

“Nice try, Linarite,” he taunted. “You almost managed to hit us.”

The next blast came without warning and easily hit its targets, sending the two flying into the rough stone wall.

Zoisite dimly heard Jadeite cry out. He staggered to his feet, wiping blood from his forehead and spiting blood. “Still get your kicks from picking on children, eh, Linarite?” He growled, sending an energy blast of his own in Linarite’s direction. The blue-haired man easily dodged it, only to be knocked off his feet from a kick directed at him by a shrieking Sailor Moon. Zoisite actually cringed. ‘My, oh my, she’s fast when she’s angry,’ he thought. ‘It’s kinda scary…’

“Argh!” Linarite lashed out with his own foot, knocking her off her feet. “You rotten little bi-”

“Watch your language around the young lady, Linarite,” Nephrite said airily from behind Linarite. Stepping up to flank him were Kurama and Chibi-chan, faces grim.

Kurama's eyes darted to where Zoisite stood, and met his gaze, relief evident in his eyes. Then his gaze went to Jadeite, still on his knees, unable to rise. He frowned slightly, but his attention went back to Linarite as the blue-haired man stood.

"Nephrite," his displeasure was apparent. "I should have expected you to show up. Always running to their defense... not that you ever managed to do anything about it..."

Zoisite cringed at the memories. Nephrite only looked confused. "Huh?"

"Never mind." Linarite stared long and hard at Kurama. "You again. I should have expected it. You and your troublesome meddling... Youko Kurama. Or should I call you Minamino Shuichi?"

Kurama's eyes widened with surprise. "You..."

Linarite flashed him a self-satisfied smirk. "I've been doing research for awhile, now. I was actually hoping we'd never hear from you again here in the Dark Kingdom. Unfortunately for you, you just couldn't mind your own damn business..."

"It ain't just Kurama that can't mind his own business," came the lazy drawl. Nephrite whirled, then slowly backed away from the door. Zoisite watched with amazment as a brown-haired boy with dangerous eyes stepped into the room, standing between Kurama and Hiei, who didn't look very surprised at all.

"Yusuke!" Sailor Moon, at least, seemed surprised.

"Who is this upstart?" Linarite demanded angrily.

"This upstart happens to be Urameshi Yusuke, leader of the famous Reikai Tantei, of which Kurama and Hiei happen to be part of. In case you hadn't heard," he added in an insolent tone. Kurama and Hiei were both smiling slightly. "The Sailor Senshi asked for our assistance against some trash. I think it might be you."

Linarite actually growled. "You..." His eyes swept across the chamber, taking them all in. "I won't forget this. The Dark Kingdom won't forget this!" Zoisite could feel the power in him as he teleported to safety.

Kurama wasted no time in going to Zoisite's side. He gazed deeply into Zoisite's eyes, briefly squeezing his hand before going to Jadeite.

"Well, so much for that guy," Yusuke said, observing Kurama with lazy eyes. He slowly swaggered forward, and behind him filed in another boy, this one tall with curly, bright hair, and the rest of the Sailor Senshi.

"What I'd like to know," said a high, tinny voice, "is what, exactly, is going on here." It was one of the cats, Zoisite noted with slight amusement.

"Yeah, Sailor Moon," Sailor Mars said snottily. "What do you think you were- aah!"

The room began to shake. Chunks of rocks began to rain down. "What's happening?!" Sailor Mercury cried.

"Oh, damn," Zoisite swore. "Linarite must have destroyed the supports for this part of the castle."

The chunks were becoming dangerous now, and the tremors knocking several of the Senshi off their feet. "We've got to get out of here!" That was the boy-cat.

"How?!" That was Sailor Venus. "It took us forever just to get here. We'll never get away in time!"

"We can teleport!" Nephrite stepped forward. "It isn't too hard."

Out of all the girls, only Sailor Mercury didn't step back. "How can we trust you?" she asked.

"You can trust me, can't you?" Sailor Moon stepped up beside him, tucking the nijizuishou case under her arm. "I say we can trust him. And Zoisite. And" she tossed a hasty glance over her shoulder, to where Jadeite finally stood, though Kurama took most of his weight, "Jadeite, too."

"We've got to hurry!" Zoisite stepped forward as well, grabbing Sailor Moon's hand.

Kurama came forward with Jadeite, grasping Zoisite's other hand, still holding on to Jadeite. Nephrite grabbed Sailor Moon's other hand. Sailor Mercury, bolder than the rest and quite a bit more intelligent, stepped up and grabbed Nephrite's hand. "That's it," Nephrite said. "Form a circle."

Yusuke was the next to come forward, grabbing Jadeite's limp hand. The rest came forward quickly after that, and not a moment too soon. There was an ominous crunch as the area where they'd been standing cracked, crumbled, and disappeared. One of the girls cried out.

"Ready to mesh auras?" Zoisite asked Sailor Moon. "It'll be a little different this time, with so many people."


It really was different, each aura blending in with the next. But it was easier this time, too. Sailor Moon absently identified those others who'd known what to do: Zoisite, Nephrite, Jadeite (though his was weak, and pulsed in a sickly way), Kurama, Hiei, Kuwabara Kazuma, and, surprisingly enough, Luna and Artemis. "Let's go!" she cried.

Nephrite took control, stretching their combined aura out to cover the entire group. Despite the fact that she wasn't really doing anything, Sailor Moon still felt her energy being sapped. Then it was time. The only thing she could think to compare it to was a net, snagging the others and pulling them along as they teleported. A moment of blackness, and then...

They were all standing one second; the next, all but the cats had collapsed, Usagi among them. In a slight daze, she realized that she hadn't been able to maintain her Senshi uniform during the teleport, and now wore her regular street clothes. It didn't bother her as much as it should have.

"Where the hell are we?" Nephrite asked in a strangled voice. He had collapsed next to her, and was propping himself up on his elbows as he looked around. "We should have gone to my place. What went wrong?"

"Nothing went wrong," Kurama said form the other side of Zoisite. Since Usagi couldn't see him, so she assumed he spoke from a vertical position. "I changed our course a little."

"But where-"

"Genkai's temple." She watched Yusuke force himself to his feet. "There's obaaba now."

Usagi forced herself to sit up, noting in dismay that she hadn't been the only one to lose her Senshi outfit. They all had, in fact. The precious case containing the nijizuishou lay beside her; she patted it absently. Then she noticed an old woman rapidly approaching them from a temple. She looked over at Zoisite, Kurama and Jadeite; the latter was still, out cold. The other two were casually sprawled in the grass, Kurama with his hands under his head, and Zoisite with his arms stretched out above him.

"Genkai-shihan was the logical choice," Kurama explained, his green eyes meeting her own. "She is very wise, and here we have access to the kind of healing Jadeite needs."

"It looks peaceful enough," Luna observed, pacing over to Usagi. "It'll be nice to rest here while we hear explanations." She gave Usagi a hard look, which didn't exclude Kurama and Zoisite, either. "It seems you have a lot of it to do."

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