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Thinking of You



I wish Kurama would notice me. I mean, he sees me just about every day, but I want him to notice me like..that. It's impossible, though. Guys like him just don't notice guys like me. Guys like him are beautiful, smart, witty, popular, mature, polite, loving... Guys like me are ugly, stupid, shallow, crude, immature, and never recieve the love of any halfway decent person. Not Yukina, and definately not Kurama. Yukina and Kurama: I love them both, and both of them deserve more than I could ever give them. But then, who knows? Maybe someday he'll see me, really see me, and maybe... he'll like what he sees. And maybe, just maybe, he'll want to be more than friends. Maybe even lovers. It could happen. Heh, if Yusuke could get a nice girl like Keiko, than surely I could get Kurama. Right? [pause] Perhaps from now on, that should be my ultimate goal in life. Yes, thats it! From now on I, Kuwabara Kazuma, shall dedicate myself to winning the love of that beautiful, red-haired Youko- my lovely kitsune.


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I actually wrote this in Drama class. I suppose this is what teachers get when they don't specify what kind of thing they want ^_^

Kurama: If only this sort of thing could be stopped. My life would be so much more pleasent..

Kuwabara: Ah, I dunno... I thought it was kinda sweet, actually.

Kurama & YK: *stare at him*


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