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Say My Name



There he was. Graceful as always, even when fighting. Well, training anyway, even though someone as experienced as him doesn't need experience. I blushed at the images that brought to my mind. Gods, I just couldn't keep my mind off him- that lithe body, graceful as any dancer's, the way his hair falls, the way he sometimes presses his thigh against mine when we stand next to each other... I firmly shook my head. No need to go there. At least, not yet. I'll save that for later.

Kurama finished the sparring session with Yusuke by slapping the dark haired boy with the flat side of the sword, then bringing it down and bashing Yusuke in the back of the knee. I smirk as Yusuke sputters indignantly at the redhead.

"You cheated, Kurama! CHEATED! 'Baasan, you saw, didn't you?"

Genkai chuckled and shook her head. "You can't expect your opponents not to cheat, Yusuke. You must learn how to anticipate it, and how to defend against it."

Yusuke's jaw dropped. "B-b-but 'baasan....!"

Laughing, Kurama offered Yusuke a hand up. "Genkai-shihan is right." His green eyes sparkled enchantingly. "You wanted to master all the weaponry we could teach you... and so you must learn the honorable, as well as the dishonorable."

Yusuke, gathering what little dignity he had left around him like a thick cloak, stood without Kurama's help and pointedly turned his back to the fox. "Is this how you and Hiei fight?"

Kurama looked insulted, and that's when I decided to move in for the kill. Figuratively speaking, of course.

"Oi, Urameshi, if you try to sully the honor of this noble spirit, you will face the wrath of the great Kuwabara Kazuma!" I yelled at him.

"Ne?" I looked back at Kurama, who was regarding me with widened eyes and a pleased, if somewhat confused, smile. "That wasn't necessary, Kuwabara-kun." Ahh, gods, he said my name! It sent thrills like little electric currents shooting down my spine. I stood next to him and draped an arm over his shoulders, delighting in the feel of his body so close to mine.

"Of course it was, Kurama. I couldn't let a jerk like Urameshi get away with insulting a dear and close friend of mine!" Kurama tilted is head, eyes narrowed. It felt like I had butterflies in the pit of my stomach. He knew, or at least suspected. Aw, shit, no! He couldn't figure it out yet! It wasn't the right time!

Thinking quickly, I (regretfully) removed my arm from his shoulders and took a challenging step toward Yusuke. "In fact, I think I oughta beat you for the _principle_ of the thing!" I told him. "No one messes with the great Kuwabara Kazuma- or his friends!- and gets away with it!" Yusuke took a step forward, fist raised threateningly.

Genkai-shihan buried her face in her hands and cursed the luck that had brought her a couple of delinquents like myself and Urameshi. Kurama stepped between us. "Yameru!" He put a hand on my chest. I sincerely hoped he didn't feel the pounding of my heart. "Down, Yusuke. That's enough, Kuwabara!" Beautiful emerald eyes pierced my soul. "There's no need to be insulting each other. Ne, Kuwabara-kun?" He raised a delicate eyebrow at me, and I felt myself flush, and not from anger.

"Hai," I muttered, lowering my gaze. Yusuke did likewise, and Kurama, satisfied, stepped back. "Yusuke-kun, shouldn't you wash up?" He was smiling again, the same beautiful smile that, without fail, caused everyone he came in contact with to fall madly in love. And I couldn't blame them.

Yusuke wandered off to wherever it was he went when he wasn't fighting, training, or making my life miserable (probably off to make someone else's life miserable), and Kurama nodded to me, turning as if to follow him. I grabbed his shoulder. "Matte, Kurama." He paused, but didn't look back at me. I felt hurt, but decided it wasn't intentional.. he was just as sweaty as Yusuke, and probably wanted to wash up. "Ahh.. you want to come home with me?"

Kurama turned slightly, giving me a clear view of his profile. So beautiful... "Um, Shizuru has been bugging me to get you to come over for dinner some time." He laughed, turning to face me fully.

"Okay, Kuwabara-kun. Can I call 'kaasan when we get to your house? I don't want 'kaasan to worry." I nodded, and the two of us left together.


"So, why did the turkey cross the road?" A drunken Shizuru leaned over to pound the table in front of Kurama. "Because he was carbon-bonded to the chicken! HAHAHAHA!"

Kurama, face flushed slightly from the alcohol he'd consumed, shot me a pleading look. One thing I hadn't counted on was Shizuru drinking so much sake and making a fool of herself. I hadn't touched a drop of the stuff, figuring I'd need my wits about me later on, when Kurama and I were alone. But Shizuru's embarrassing behavior proved to be a boon, for now I could get Kurama alone sooner than I had originally thought.

I stood, beckoning Kurama to his feet. "Neesan, Kurama and I are finished. We'll be going to my room now." She rose as if to follow, but I quickly herded Kurama into my room and shut the door firmly behind us.

We were alone.

He sat down on my bed, the silence between us growing awkward. I cleared my throat uncertainly. "So, uh.... how was the meal?"

"It was fine, Kuwabara-kun." He seemed as uncomfortable as I, though probably for different reasons.

For about half an hour we kept up a half-assed attempt at conversation, but there didn't seem to be anything that we could talk about. Finally he stood, glancing at his watch. "I think I'd better go home now. 'Kaasan gets worried if I stay out to late."

Well, it was now or never. I pulled him back down, then knelt in front of him. He looked surprised, then wary. Like he knew what was coming. "Really, Kuwabara-kun, I need to-"

"I love you, Kurama."

The redhead closed his eyes, sighing. "Kuwabara...."

"What? You don't like me? You don't think it could work?" I demanded harshly.

The look he gave me was filled with sympathy. Damnit, I didn't want his pity!

"Baka," he said gently. "Of course it wouldn't work."

I glared up at him, hurt. "You think I'm stupid? That I'm an idiot because you're so beautiful and wonderful and perfect and I couldn't help myself..." Tears came to my eyes, threatened to spill over, but I didn't care. "I'm not good enough for you? Damnit, Kurama, I need you!"

Kurama pushed me back, tried to stand. "That's not it, Kuwabara. You're just.. not my type." He stepped around me, intending to leave.

I stood, also, blocking his way. "Look, Kurama, you think I'm stupid for thinking we could work? You truly think that?" He nodded, suspiciously. I was desperate. "Well, how 'bout this. A deal. You make love to me, and if you scream 'baka' instead of my name, we'll know you're right, and I'll back off."

He was shocked, and it showed. "Kuwabara........" I pushed him down onto the bed, fumbling with the buttons on his shirt. He tried to push me away, but I straddled him, pinning his wrists to the bed with one of my hands, while the other one tore at his cloths. His struggling served only to arouse me further.

"Yameru!" Frustrated, I grabbed the collar of his shirt and ripped it off him. He grunted and tried to bring one of his legs up- possibly to kick me, or just trying to get away. Either way, I took advantage of his position by sliding one of my legs between his, rubbing it against his crotch. He gasped, all of his exposed body turning red. He was beautiful.

My free hand wandered over his chest, his smooth stomach. I brushed his nipples- which were, to my considerable surprise and delight, hard- lightly, then experimentally pinched one. I was rewarded when he suddenly ceased struggling and moaned. I released his hands and held his face still as I pressed my lips to his, running my tongue over his closed mouth. His eyes were wide, his breath coming hard and fast. He parted his lips slightly, as if to say something, and my tongue darted in, intent on tasting every part of him. I caught his tongue with mine and massaged it. He made a soft sound in the back of his throat and kissed back, pressing his body against mine. I could feel his erection against my leg.

I lifted my mouth from his, and Kurama made a small mewling sound, putting on hand on the back of my head. I lowered my mouth to his neck, his chest- I took one hard nipple into my mouth, biting down gently. He arched his back, giving a small cry. I suckled it and he moaned, then I turned my attention to the other one.

"Ah, gods, yes..."

I sat up, resting one hand on his stomach. He gave me a pleading look, much like the one he had given me earlier at the table, and spread his legs. I took the hint and got off him, peeling his pants off to reveal slim, girlie legs, and an erection to rival mine. His pubic hair was as red as his legs, and felt as silky as it looked, more like a fox's soft fur than actual hair. I buried my hand in it, caressing the underside of his penis. His hips jerked. "Oh.. oh please..." I removed my hand, stepping back and stripping quickly. He propped himself up on his elbows, eyeing my erection hungrily.

I stroked my penis, which was already drooling pre-ejaculation. "You want some of this? You want me inside you?" He nodded eagerly. I reached over to my nightstand, where a bottle of hand lotion waited. I got a little on my hand and rubbed it into my erection, then put a little more on my fingers. "On your hands and knees, fox."

He obliged, his beautiful rear sticking up in the air enticingly. I parted is cheeks, revealing the tight little opening. He murmured encouragement as I experimentally eased one finger in, stretching him out. He made a pained sound, and I stroked the inside of him, trying to give pleasure. My finger brushed a hard spot and his hips thrust back as he cried out in delight. I rubbed the spot and he panted like a puppy, his head thrown back as his hips moved to the rhythm I set.

Finally I could wait no longer and pulled my finger out. He protested loudly, and I shushed him with a hand on his back, pressing my hardened penis against his opening. "You want this?"

"Oh yes, please...... damn you, DO IT!"

Chuckling, I shoved into him. He was as wonderful as I'd always imagined, a better fuck than any mere girl. I pulled almost completely out, then thrust back in, again and again. He was moaning with pleasure, begging for me to do it harder. It was my turn to oblige him, fucking him like an animal in heat, wrapping my hand around his penis and pumping to the time of my thrusts.

I felt his muscles clench, knew he was close to an orgasm. I went at it as fast and hard as I could, immersed in pleasure, aware of nothing but myself and my lover. We came simultaneously, our cries mingling as we achieved much sought-after release.


The redhead collapsed underneath me, spent. I lay limply atop him, unable to move or speak.

It was the most wonderful feeling in the world.


Eventually I pulled out of him, curling around my gorgeous fox. I was so happy, I felt almost giddy.

"I won." The whispered words seemed somehow more profound, as if they held some deeper meaning. And maybe they did.

I examined the face of my sleeping lover. In the amber light cast by my lamp, he seemed pale and fragile, almost as if he would break at the slightest touch. But I knew better. "You're mine now, fox." The memory of his voice was fresher in my mind then our love making.

He had screamed my name.

Of course, it might not last. He might put some seed in my coffee that will cause me to explode, or call his carnivorous plants to devour me, but it doesn't matter.

That will be tomorrow.

Tonight, he belongs to me.


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