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Solace in Your Arms



I don't know what I'm doing here. I don't know why I came to him after learning about Keiko. Dead. A car accident, they said. She died painlessly, they told me. I feel tears welling up in my eyes as I think of her bright smile, her cheerful laugh. Hell, even her angry glare and fantastic punches. Nobody dies painlessly. I've done it twice, so I should know. But Koenma assured me that it hadn't been bad for her, and that she's up for reincarnation in a couple of months. I think he broke a few rules to get her up for rebirth so fast. Because I'm his tantei... and his friend. That makes me laugh, bitterly. Keiko was my friend, too. My very best friend in all the three worlds.

"Why are you laughing?" he asks me.

I don't really want to tell him, so instead I grab two fistfuls of his silky black hair and pull his mouth against mine. When I came to him, he told me he understood. I collapsed in his arms and cried, and he told me he knew exactly how I felt. Gods alone know how different the circumstances were, but I know he'd gone through what I am going through. Still was, in fact. He clutched at the pain like it was a lifeline. For countless centuries he had done so. I hope I don't end up like him.

I sigh against his mouth. I still don't know why I'm here. I don't know why I chose to unburden myself to him, of all people.

All I know is that he's got the most wonderful hands in the Makai.

They roam up and down my clothed body as we kiss, and my body responds, the heat between my legs growing with each caress. His hands wander up my chest, begin to unbutton my shirt. He pulls his mouth away from mine to nibble at my neck, and I gasp as shivers run down my spine. He lowers his mouth to my collarbone, then to my chest, where he latches on to one of my nipples, sucking furiously. I arch my back, unconsciously spreading my legs. His hips slide between mine as he eases his greater weight onto me, and our crotches are pressed together. I can feel his enormous erection against mine as he begins to gently thrust his hips, grinding our hard-ons together. It feels wonderful, but... Groaning, I place my hands on his shoulders and push him off.

"Yomi," I murmur his name uneasily.

"What? Is something wrong?" He gently caresses one nipple, rubbing it between thumb and forefinger.

I grab his hand. "This wasn't want I came here for," I gasp.

"Then what did you come here for?" he murmurs, wrapping strong arms around my shoulders and pulling me close. I shake my head, unable to answer- because I'm still not sure myself.

"You came here," he answers for me, "because you wanted to be comforted. You came here seeking solace." He pulls away from me, regarding me in that peculiar way only blind men can. I bite my lower lip, unsure of myself.


"You know, Yusuke," he says softly, ducking his head. "When Kurama... when Kurama betrayed me, I felt like my world had come to an end. For so long I wished that his assassin had killed me. And then I thought more about what he did to me. And I began to hate." He sighs deeply, and my heart aches for him, and the pain he must have endured. "The hate sustained me as I became powerful and built my kingdom. And then came the rumors of his death. It felt like my world had collapsed around me when I heard that he had died, and I finally realized that I didn't I hate him. I loved him with all my heart... I always had.

"It was me I hated."

I gasp softly. Surely this is someone else's story, for I can't imagine such a proud, confident creature like Yomi giving in to self-hate and -pity.

"Because... because I wasn't good enough for him. Because it was my fault he'd done to me what he did. Because I was stupid and foolish and headstrong... I hadn't deserved his love." My eyes follow his hands down to the bed and I watch him clutch the sheets on his bed so tightly his knuckles turned white. He sighs again, mouth twisting into a grimace. "I was so happy when my agents informed me he still lived. You can't imagine the joy I felt upon hearing that. Stupid me, I thought that Fate had given me another chance... maybe after his near-death experience, he would be willing to give me another chance. I would be better this time. He would be able to love me this time. He would! And when I saw him again... they had all said he was different, that being ningen had changed him. I didn't believe them until I saw him. And as we became reacquainted, I realized just how much he had changed." He bites his lower lip, and I know that if his eyes were fully functional, tears would be leaking from them right now. "And I discovered... that there was no hope. He'd changed so much that he was beyond my reach now."

Feeling my own eyes start to tear up, I scoot closer and drape an arm over his shoulder. "You know, Yusuke... he might as well still be dead. I think it would be easier to love a corpse six feet under than to love the most wonderful, beautiful man in both our worlds, and have him be as indifferent to me as a corpse would be."

A single tear makes its way down my cheek as I wrap myself completely around him. "I never realized you felt so strongly about him," I whisper as he leans into my embrace. "Does he know the way you feel?"

He snorts softly, his arms going around my waist. "Kurama knows. Kurama just doesn't care."

Funny, but I've never considered Kurama cruel before this. Nor have I thought that Yomi could be so... sensitive? Emotional? Well golly gee whiz, today is just full of surprises. I trace Yomi's jawline with one finger, my lips curling almost reluctantly into a tender smile as I think that not all of them have been bad.

"Yusuke," he whispers huskily, capturing my lips. I moan softly as he slips his tongue past my parted lips and we spar briefly. I pull back first, panting and trembling with desire. I grab one of his hands and guide it down to my erection which, I notice with a faint blush, is tenting my pants.

"Yomi," I gasp. "I need you. Now."

Yomi doesn't waste a moment. Pushing me onto my back, he straddles my waist and begins fumbling with my buttons. "Screw this!" he exclaims when the buttons don't come undone fast enough, and rips off my shirt. He leans down, attacking my torso with tongue, teeth, and hands. I writhe with delight beneath him, encouraging him with moans and cries of pleasure. When he doesn't move down fast enough I tangle my hands in his hair and push his head down towards that aching heat and hardness between my legs. Chuckling softly he obliges me, settling beside me and peeling off my pants.

I gasp as my erection is exposed. Yomi slides off the bed, pulling my body to the edge. He kneels, spreading my legs, and I prop myself up on my elbows to watch with fascination as he leans close, blowing gently on the tip of my cock. I shiver, and beg for more. He laughs, then nuzzles my scrotum. He takes on of my balls into his mouth, sucking gently. He repeats the process with the other one, and the pleasure is almost more than I can bear. I tell him so, and he laughs.

"I expect the favor to be returned," he tells me. And then he licks his way up my shaft, lapping up my pearly white essence with great pleasure before taking my entire length into his mouth. My hips jerk before I can stop myself, and I give a high-pitched cry.

"Oh gods YES!"

I think he may be laughing at me, but it's muffled, and I really don't care at the moment. All I care about is his hot, wet mouth, and his tongue, which continues to massage my shaft. Ohmygodohmygod, this is better than anything I've felt before! (My experience is limited to masturbating though, so that really isn't saying much) Waves of heat travel through my body, and my fingers once again tangle in his hair as I fuck his heavenly mouth. My whole body is flushed, my nipples rock-hard. I wrap my legs around his shoulders, thrusting frantically into his mouth. He takes it all in stride, grabbing my hips and pulling me closer. My thrusts come faster and faster, and suddenly an orgasm is upon me. My body spasms and arches as I climax, spilling my seed into his willing mouth. I hear myself cry out loudly as I come, but dimly, as if I'm hearing it from far away. My world is composed of the pleasure he has brought me, and the heat rapidly draining from my body, as if Yomi is swallowing it along with my semen.

I collapse on the bed, panting. My vision faded, and I let myself go. When I opened my eyes, Yomi was leaning over me, stroking my hair. I blink up at him, a lazy smile adorning my face as I raise one hand to his face. "You're beautiful," I murmur, and am rewarded with his brilliant smile.

"No more than you," he whispers, tenderly kissing me. Despite having recently climaxed, my body responds to the close proximity of his. Wrapping an arm around his neck, I pull him closer, savoring the feeling of our bodies pressed together. Our naked bodies. While I had been drifting in pleasant oblivion, he had been a busy little boy. I chuckle at that thought, turning my head to the side.

A very busy boy indeed, for lying next to me was a tube proclaiming "KY Jelly" in big white letters. Smirking, I pick up the tube and hold it between us for closer inspection. Designed to provide moisture, lubricate condoms, ease the passage of anal thermometers, enemas and douches... not a contraceptive, does not contain spermicide... I grin at him. "You gonna use this stuff on me?"

He grins back as he takes the tube from me. "Damn right I'm gonna use this on you. Are you gonna like getting it as much as I'm gonna like giving it?"

I think of him inside me, and my penis assumes the upright, locked position. I can think of only one thing that will bring it down. "Ooooh yeah. Give it to me, Yomi. Give it all to me."

He tosses back his head and gives a hearty laugh. "On your hands and knees, boy. It's about time somebody teaches you how to really make love!" He playfully smacks my bottom as I do what he instructed. "Not like that bestial rutting you ningens call sex." He surveys my position then arranges me more to his liking, with my ass in the air. Begging to be fucked, I think with a lusty grin. This is going to be fun.

Nodding to himself, he slowly drags one finger down my back, then to my ass. He spreads my cheeks and gently strokes the puckered flesh of my opening. I gasp and shudder, the sensation going straight to my head. And other places. "You like that, hmm?" I pant an affirmative, and he chuckles. "You've got a delightfully sensitive body," he says musingly. "I wonder if you'll take to bondage like I-"

"Gods, yes, ANYTHING Yomi. Just. Do it. NOW!"

He murmured an assent, squeezing about one and a half inches of KY (as per the instructions) onto his finger before tossing the tube aside. Feeling his finger against my hole, I thrust my hips back, begging for penetration. He rubs the stuff in teasingly, and I begin to whine pitifully. Smirking, he eases one finger in. I moan softly as he expertly explores me, finger brushing against a place that caused me to shudder and cry out. He rubs it, and my hips move with his rhythm. He eases another finger in, and another, stretching out my opening to accommodate his large erection.

Finally he withdraws his fingers, and I don't protest, eagerly anticipating what will take their place. I feel the head of his shaft pressing against my opening, and my breath comes in short, eager pants. "Are you ready for this?" As if he needed to ask! Grunting impatiently, I thrust back against him, trying to force him in. "Well, if you insist..."

I do, and he gently pushes into me, not stopping until he's buried completely within me. I toss back my head and shout my delight for the world to hear. He chuckles, a breathless sound in my ear, and begins to thrust. Faster and faster, with him setting the rhythm, and me dancing to it. He gently bites my shoulder joint, muffling his moans. I begin to squirm, feeling another orgasm build. Not like this!

Groaning, I shift a little, trying to stop him. "What?" he hisses in my ear.

"We can't do it like this! I wanna see you, Yomi... unnh... wanna... watch you..oooh.. come."

Snarling, he abruptly pulls out of me. I grimace at the loss. Still panting, Yomi flips me easily onto my back. "Wanna see my come, eh?" He lifts my hips, then shoves into me again. I give a blissful cry, wrapping my legs around his waist and pulling him closer still. He leaned over me, thrusting hard and deep. My legs tighten around him as our moans become cries of ecstasy. He comes first, filling me with the heat of his seed. I'm not more then two or three seconds behind him, screaming his name as I orgasm, splattering both of us with my semen.

He collapses on top of me, both of us filled with contentment (and me filled with him, because he hasn't pulled out of me yet). I wrap my arms around him and bury my face in his silken hair. I feel ready to accept Keiko's death now, thanks to him. Perhaps it was our little heart-to-heart, or the passionate love making that followed, but now I no longer feel the horrid grief that was tearing me up inside. I feel sadness, and regret that she hadn't been able to live her life to the fullest, but also... peace. She was a ningen, after all, and fated to die while I was still young. Maybe it's better this way, that I don't have to face her in her old age. Because I'm not sure I would have the courage and faith to stand by and watch her fragile body deteriorate around her.

"Yusuke." His whisper brings me back from my musings. "I know you've got a home in the Ningenkai, and that Enki would have you working for him, but.... I want you to know that you'll always have a place here, if you so desire."

I hug him tightly. Not now, I knew. There was still a place for me in the Ningenkai, and Afukuro, the Kuwabara's, Kurama and even old 'Baasan, though she's holding on to life by a thread thinner than a noodle. But after that...

I do so desire, Yomi.



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