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Replacement Toys



"Thank you for coming on such short notice, Kurama. I have a very special assignment for you."

Kurama stood politely facing a teenage Koenma. The junior prince was lounging languorously behind his desk, an indolent smile tugging at his lips. The kitsune felt uneasy about the whole situation- there was something wrong about the way Koenma was acting. Kurama cast an uneasy glance around him. The usual noises of the Reikai were strangely quiet, as if the onis were afraid to bring attention to themselves. He schooled his face to deliberate blankness.

"A very special assignment, Kurama." Koenma leaned forward. "I wouldn't trust this to anyone but you."

Kurama raised an eyebrow skeptically, but said nothing. Koenma sighed and stood, gesturing for Kurama to follow him as he left the office. "Come with me."

Kurama followed him obediently as Koenma led them through a series of expensively furnished corridors. His admiring gaze fell upon a gilded and jeweled golden vase. 'I bet a few of those stones alone would bring in a fortune,' he thought gleefully. 'They're probably enchanted in some way- I doubt the Reikai would decorate it's walls with anything less than magical artifacts.' Koenma stopped abruptly, and Kurama almost bumped into him. "Ah..?" He flushed slightly at Koenma's smirk.

"In here, Kurama," he said, gesturing at a door so cleverly designed it was almost invisible to someone not looking for it. At Koenma's nod Kurama pushed open the door and proceeded him into the room, hoping his covetous eying of the vase hadn't been too obvious. And stumbled to a halt, jaw hanging.

The room looked like the kind of thing one would see in pornographic films depicting harem women of the Middle East. Gauzy material graced the walls, the floor was covered with lush, exotic rugs, and the furniture was upholstered with silk. Kurama wasn't sure whether he wanted to laugh or cry as Koenma locked the door behind him. He turned to face him. "Dare I ask what the meaning of this is...?"

Koenma gave a low chuckle. He tucked the key down his pants, then placed one hand on Kurama's chest. "Do you really need to?"

He couldn't believe he hadn't seen this coming. Undoubtedly ningens were a very bad influence on him. He removed Koenma's hand with a scowl. "I suppose not." He bowed his head. "I also don't suppose you'd let me go if I promised to come back later?"

Koenma laughed, wrapping his arms around the fox and pressing up against him. "Oh, no. I want you, fox, and I want you now." He rubbed against him seductively, brushing Kurama's lips with his own. Kurama pulled back, turning his face away. Koenma pouted cutely. "You're not going to make this easy for me, are you?"

Kurama didn't deign to answer, instead finding a couch and making himself comfortable. Koenma knelt beside him, running eager hands over his clothed body. When Kurama didn't protest, Koenma leaned forward to lick the kitsune's lips, then pressed his mouth fully against Kurama's. His lips parted slightly and Koenma's tongue darted in to take the fox's mouth by force.

Kurama had to admit to himself, as Koenma began stripping him of his clothing, that the demigod was certainly more experienced than anyone could have guessed. And what a pleasant surprise it was. He lifted his hips, tossing his head back as Koenma engulfed his semi-erect penis with his mouth, flicking his tongue teasingly over its length. A moan escaped his lips. Koenma reached up, lightly pinching one nipple, than the other. "Ahhh..."

Kurama grunted in protest when Koenma stopped putting that big mouth of his to good use and stood, eyes sparkling mischievously as he dangled something in front of Kurama. Two leather straps. Kurama swallowed hard. "Put your rear in the air, fox." Koenma instructed. Kurama obediently got on his hands and knees, exposing his pale bottom. "Now grab your ankles." Kurama understood, making a soft noise in the back of his throat as Koenma bound his wrists and ankles together.

Kurama had to crane his neck to watch Koenma rummaging around the room for some unknown object. Tossing a pillow aside, Koenma triumphantly held up a tube of lubrication. "Ha! Found it!" He grinned. Now we can have some real fun."

Kurama was panting as Koenma applied the gel roughly to his sensitive opening. The junior prince then tossed the lubricant aside with an eager grin, placing his hands on Kurama's back and thrusting into him. Kurama thrust his hips back, crying out in mingled pleasure and pain. "Oohh, y-yes!"

Koenma reached down to caress his erection, then cupped it and began pumping. His thrusts came faster and harder, the two sweat-slicked bodies heated with friction moving together in a dance as old as time. Kurama shuddered with multiple orgasms only a few moments after Koenma found release.

The two lay limply, unable to muster the strength to un-entwine their bodies. Silence reigned, the lovers contentedly dwelling in the orgasmic afterglow. Finally, Kurama raised his head, giving his new partner a lazy smile. "Koenma?"


"Why did you decide to do this now? Why not when we first met, or once we get to know each other better?"

Koenma blinked and smiled. "Oh, well.. for the last several hundred years I've been content with toys, but..."

"But?" Kurama prompted.

"About a week ago my father inspected the all the living quarters and found my toys. He seemed to think they weren't the sort of thing a respectable god owns and took them away." Koenma pulled away from Kurama, stretching. "I guess I'm kinda addicted to sex.. I really needed to get some, but I was unable to get my toys back, soo.." He smiled sweetly at Kurama. "I had to settle for the most easily obtainable plaything I could think of. You."

Kurama sweatdropped. "Easily obtainable... you mean all I am is a REPLACEMENT for your TOYS?!?!"


Kurama fervently wished he had never even heard of the Reikai.


. ------------

Koenma: Hey, what happened to my pacifier?

YK: I assume it was one of the *ahem* toys Enma took away... c'mon, don't try to deny it. We all know what you use that thing for.

Koenma: *sweatdrops*


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