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Part 1


The two figures stood silently before the teenage prince of the Reikai. "You may consider yourselves lucky. Because of this threat to the Ningenkai, you will be given a second chance. Because we cannot reach Yusuke, your combined strength will be essential to my tantei's victory." He raised an eyebrow at them. "In fact, you must consider yourselves as my tantei. You are part of the group now." A warning glance was shot in the direction of the smaller of the two. "Don't cause any trouble."

"Trouble?" The smaller one chuckled. "I wouldn't dream of it."

Koenma caught his eyes and gave him his most piercing glare. And, had Koenma been taller and more intimidating, it might actually have affected him. "I mean it. If you want to live, you must play by my rules, now."

The dark youkai bowed his head an acquiescence. The other, larger one, smiled grimly. "Whatever it is, we can handle it." This one radiated confidence. "Too bad about Urameshi, though. I would've liked to see him again.. we have some unfinished business, he and I."

Koenma turned his not-very-affective glare on him. "Don't be so cocky. You have no idea how strong this opponent is."

He cracked his knuckles. "You can't get stronger if you only fight those weaker than you."

Koenma grunted irritably. It would be nice to see this one cower in fear before the strength they would face. "Well, then. Let's not waste time. Follow me."

The smaller youkai smiled. "Could I have my mask back now?"

* * * *

Kurama smoothed the blanket over Hiei's prone form with a sigh. It had been almost a month since the kitsune had found the half-Koorime lying unconscious in his yard. Almost a month since Yomi's brutal take-over of Mukuro's territory. And almost a week since Yusuke's territory had fallen to the power-hungry Makai lord.

He pried Hiei's lips open, gently forcing down a mixture of herbs that would help diminish his fever. Not even Yukina had been able to heal the poor fire demon. "Hiei," he murmured softly. The little youkai stirred in his fevered sleep. "Wake up, Hiei. You're safe now."

Not like Yusuke. Kurama bit his lip, face creased with worry. No one had seen or heard from Yusuke since Yomi's army had defeated Yusuke's. The boy had dropped out of sight. Kurama prayed that Yusuke had escaped Yomi unscathed.

Hiei coughed, then opened his eyes. "K-kurama?"

The Youko carefully set the bowl containing the mixture aside, smiling gently at the half-Koorime. "Hiei, you're awake."

"I'm alive." He sounded amazed. "How is it that I'm alive? Kurama, you-" Amzement turned to grief. "Kurama, how could you?" Kurama flinched at the accusation and betrayl in Hiei's voice. "You, of all people, should have understood..."

"Hiei, I-"

The youkai raised one hand to finger the bandage on his forehead. A real bandage, this time. Not a ward. "I can't see anymore, Kurama. I CAN'T SEE!!!" He pressed his fingers into the indentation where his Jagan had once been. A keening wail escaped his throat and he thrashed, arms flailing. "Why, Kurama?! How could you do this to me?"

He pulled his small friend close, rubbing Hiei's back in soothing circles. "Hush, Hiei. There's nothing you can but get better, now." Hiei went limp in his arms, head lolling against his shoulder. "Power can be regained. Your life can't."

Perfect black gems formed at the corners of Hiei's eyes, spilled onto the floor in a noisy shower. "That bastard blinded my Jagan, Kurama... permanently."

"I know," he soothed. "I know..."

"Kurama-san? Is Hiei-san all right?" Yukina poked her head through the doorway, eyes wide and anxious. "Genkai-shihan said she thought she heard him scream."

"As well as can be expected, Yukina." He shifted Hiei out of his arms. "He's awake now, though."

Yukina rushed to her brother's side, sparing a glance for Hiei's teargems. If the tiny koorime hadn't already figured out Hiei was her beloved 'niisan, those gems would be a dead givaway. Kurama busied himself collecting the sparkling teargems as Yukina fussed over Hiei.


Clutching the teargems in one hand, Kurama stood to face Botan. "Yes?"

She stood rigidly, hands clasped behind her back. Her smile flickered. She shifted her feet nervously. "How is Hiei?"

Kurama glanced down at his comrade. "He'll live." She ducked her head. "But that's not what brings you here. Ne, Botan?"

She giggled nervously. "Koenma-sama sent me here with some reinforcements. They'll join you and Kuwabara-kun in your fight against Yomi." She bit her lower lip. Kurama grimaced.

"Very well." He strode past her. "I guess we'll need the help." He rolled the gems in his hand. "Where are they?"

"Out front." She scurried in his wake, eyes fixed on the floor. He wondered why she was acting so strangely. Surely whomever she'd brought couldn't be that bad. The sudden image of a drunken Chu standing up to Yomi and declaring that once he had consumed enough alcohol he'd whip the Makai lord invaded his mind, and he had to stifle a giggle. Not that bad, indeed.

The first thing he noticed was Genkai, standing on the temple's steps, glaring at the two newcomers. Kuwabara stood to the right of her, rei ken in hand. Botan stopped dead, gulping loudly and going pale. "No trouble!" she whispered. Genkai tossed a vicious glare over her shoulder at the ferry girl.

Kurama moved to stand at Genkai's left, so the two men were flanking her. He got his first good look at their new teamates. The blood drained out of his face.

"What do you want?" He was proud his voice came out calm and cool, not showing his almost paralyzing fear. Bully for him.

Karasu laughed out loud. The younger Toguro brother contented himself with a smile. "You could start by telling us who this Yomi fellow is, and why we must defend the Ningenkai from him."



On to the next part.

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