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Well, here it is (finally). The last part. All I really wanted to do was apologize for some oddities in this final instalment. I actually wrote this over two months, so its kinda odd in places where'd I started writting after having ignored it for, like, three weeks ^^; Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy it! .




Part 12a


Yukina leaned back with a sigh, closing her eyes. "Better, Kurama-san?"

Kurama experimentally took a deep breath, and grinned at the lack of pain. "Much better, Yukina-san. Arigato."

To his surprise, she leaned over and clasped his hand with a smile. "No, thank you, Kurama-san." At his surprised expression, she added, "For my brother, and... thank you." Almost absently, her hand went to Hiei's dark teargem, suspended from her neck by an ornate silver chain. Kurama figured it was the least he could do for her.

Still smiling, Yukina rose, smoothing her kimono. "It was nice seeing you, Kurama-san, Karasu-san, Shiori-san," She bowed to each of them. "I really must be going."

"Yukina-san, won't you stay for tea?" Shiori stood.

"No thank you, Shiori-san."

"Here, let me show you to the door." Shiori escorted the younger woman out of the room, chatting quietly with the Koorime. Kurama shifted awkwardly, looking anywhere but at his lover. It had been three days since Toguro had brought him home, and almost as much time since they'd actually spoken to each other. He nervously folded his hands in his lap, taking a deep, shaky breath. "Karasu, I-"

"If you're going to apologize again, Kurama," Karasu cut him off. "Don't bother. I already told you that I understand."

Kurama ducked his head. "So you've told me. But, Karasu... I feel like I owe something to you. All of you. I- I feel like I need to make it up to you somehow."

Karasu nodded slowly. "I think Genkai and.. Toguro have already forgiven you. And Kuwabara just imagined what he'd do if Yukina had been the one kidnapped." He smiled with genuine humor. "And he came to that conclusion all by himself. You know, he's pretty bright for someone so stupid."

Kurama smiled slightly. "Kuwabara-kun isn't stupid."

Karasu slitted his eyes at the redhead. "No, I guess he isn't." His expression became serious once more. "But Yusuke... I think you'll have a harder time making him understand." Karasu studied his feet intently. "Perhaps because he's grown up with a mother who loved him and Keiko, he takes love for granted. He doesn't know yet how precious and fleeting a thing like love is, or how much people like you and me- and Hiei, too- cling to it like a drowning man would cling to a rock." Karasu sighed, and raised his eyes, meeting Kurama's own. "How it's like an addictive drug- after your first taste, either you'll never want it again or you'll crave it forever. It's like an insatiable hunger. We'd do anything for the people we love. Betray everything, everyone... even our friends."

Kurama was left quite speechless by Karasu's eloquent speech. His breath caught in the back of his throat, and his eyes widened at the echoes of his own thoughts, the ones he'd had so long ago when Shiori first became ill. He hadn't thought them since. In his mind, every sacrifice he'd made to insure Shiori's health and happiness had been worth it. "Karasu, I..." He swallowed hard. "Karasu, do you truly... forgive me?"

Karasu sighed again. "I've thought long and hard about this, Kurama, and I've come to a decision." Kurama leaned forward slightly, only his tense posture revealing his anxiety. "I can forgive you.. on one condition."

“Condition?” Kurama blinked. “What’s the condition?”

Karasu pursed his lips and looked around. “Not here, Kurama.” The dark youkai stood, offering his hand to Kurama. The Youko took the proffered hand and allowed Karasu to pull him to his feet. “Now that you’re all better, Kurama...” the violet-eyed crow smiled slightly. “Come with me, koibito.”

Kurama nodded and followed Karasu to the door. “Going somewhere?” Shiori queried, her voice concerned. They nodded. “Is that a good idea so soon after being healed?”

“Hai. Daijoubu, ‘Kaasan. Yukina healed me completely; I’ll be fine.”

She nodded, her expression proclaiming that she didn’t believe him. “We’ll just be going out for a walk,” he assured her.

“Well, all right.” Her expression was still doubtful. “Karasu-san, you take good care of my Kura-chan. Make sure he doesn’t get himself into any more trouble.”

Kurama’s face turned a shade of red that almost matched his hair. “’Kaasan!”

Karasu, surprisingly, was able to keep his face straight. Barely. “Of course, Shiori-san. I’ll take good care of your son. Very good care of him.”

If before he’d thought his face couldn’t get any redder, he was wrong. He fixed his eyes firmly on the ground, trying to ignore the innuendo Karasu was flinging around... and the fact that his mother was nodding approvingly! For some reason it still felt wrong to discuss such things in front of Shiori. He caught himself before shaking his head in disgust. He was spending way too much time among ningens.

Forcing a pleasant smile to his face, he grabbed Karasu’s arm and all but dragged him from the house, ready to scold him for speaking to his mother that way. But thoughts of scolding died with a gentle hug and kiss, and somehow Kurama found himself trailing meekly after his lover. And beginning to fume silently. He had thought himself many things over the course of his lifetime; meek was not one of them.

It didn’t take him long to figure out where they were going. “Genkai-shihan’s temple?” he asked, more harshly than he intended. “What business do we have there?”

Karasu smiled at him, one of those melt-your-heart-and-set-your-libido-racing smiles that Karasu was so good at. “You don’t want to go with me?”

“Ah...” Kurama, one of the greatest seducers of the Makai, the heartless thief who’d steal your virginity while picking your pockets, could not say no to that smile. “Of course I do. I was.. just wondering.” Meek, indeed! He told himself firmly that he really had been “just wondering”.

Karasu nodded knowingly, and slid an arm around his waist. In spite of himself, Kurama leaned into his embrace. They walked together like that all the way to Genkai’s temple, where Karasu pulled away and ahead, Kurama trailing after him with pursed lips and angry eyes.

Karasu led him past the temple itself, into the wooded area beyond. They walked for a good twenty minutes until Kurama stopped and refused to move another inch. “Enough is enough! I want to know where you’re taking me, Karasu!”

The dark youkai paused without turning around to face him. “Come on, Kurama.” He sounded impatient. “Why are you being so stubborn today?”

Kurama seethed. He could pull out a seed right now, one of the nastier plants he owned, and... Karasu would tell him. But Kurama stayed his hand. Not because the very thought of hurting the youkai tore at his heart, but because Karasu was his lover (and one hell of a bed partner, too), and because he was rather curious. “Stubborn? You haven’t seen anything yet. I’ll not move an inch further until you tell me where we’re going!”

“Stop shouting,” Karasu said mildly.

“I’m NOT-!” Taking a deep breath, he moderated his tone. “I’m not shouting. Now, tell me what’s going on, or I’ll turn around and go home.”

Karasu sighed. “I was hoping to save this ‘til we arrived, but... if you insist.” Karasu turned, and Kurama’s jaw dropped at the sight of what he held in his hands. A collar!

A very nice collar, too. Black studded leather, with two shiny red tags and a black leather leash. He reflexively took a step back, eying the thing warily. “Karasu? What...? What is that for?” He wasn’t entirely sure he really wanted to know, though.

Karasu’s violet eyes gleamed. “I think it should be obvious, Kurama.” He held the collar out for Kurama’s inspection.

Nervously, Kurama examined the two tags. One had his name and address. The other… Kurama’s eyes jerked up to Karasu briefly before returning to the tag, eyes wide with surprise. The other simply read “Property of Karasu.”

"Karasu..." Big green eyes regarded the dark-haired man.

"Put it on, Kurama."

He took a step back. "Are you kidding? I'm not putting this thing on!"

From somewhere behind him, Karasu produced another toy. Kurama hissed softly in shock. A riding crop? What was he thinking?! Quick as his namesake, Karasu closed the distance between them and Kurama's buttocks stung as the crop connected with his clothed flesh.

He yelped and jumped. "Karasu!" Green eyes flashed a dangerous golden as the angry redhead whirled to face his lover.

Karasu chuckled softly at his expression. "Easy, koibito." The dark-haired youkai gently took the collar from him. "Let me put it on."

Eying him warily, Kurama nodded in consent, suddenly in a strangely submissive mood. As if Youko Kurama had ever been submissive. As Karasu slid the collar around his slender neck, Kurama decided it was high time he took an extended vacation in the Makai.. all this contact with ningens was giving him strange ideas and feelings. Submissive, indeed!

Taking advantage of the situation, Kurama slid his arms around Karasu, deft hands searching for the spot where his lover kept his little toys. Not his hair, surely. Kurama was damned if he'd let the violet-eyed sneak surprise him again! Karasu chuckled as Kurama's hands found the small of his back, which was suspiciously lumpy on close examination. He wrapped his fingers around the only other toy his lover had and drew back.

Snorting softly, he examined the leash he held in his hand. Black leather, studded... how nice of him. He'd bought the leash to match the collar. Shaking his head, he tossed it to Karasu. "You want to put this one me, too?"

His green eyes gleamed as Karasu approached. The crow put the leash on his lover, then wrapped his arms around the kitsune and kissed him passionately. Kurama responded eagerly, latching on to his lover and kissing with equal fervor.

Eventually Karasu pulled back, breathing heavily. "Oh no you don't," he said sternly. The affect was ruined by his breathless tone and wide, lustful eyes. "Its not time for that yet."

"Then when?" Kurama purred softly, stretching to nibble on Karasu's ear lobe. "I'm getting impatient."

Karasu chuckled softly and pushed him away, still holding the leash. "Crafty little fox. I can barely keep myself under control."

"I can't say that's a bad thing."

Karasu tugged lightly on the collar. "C'mon. We're almost there," he hesitated, violet eyes widening slightly. "Get on your knees."

"You want me to crawl there?!" Outrage warred with amusement. Karasu nodded slightly, tugging on the leash again.

"This is part of my condition, you know."

Amusement won, and Kurama obediently dropped to his knees and followed Karasu like a puppy through the trees. As Karasu promised, they arrived a few minutes later at a small, beautiful clearing, with many ferns and a tiny crick. Smiling to himself, he pushed his head between Karasu's legs, studying the place. "Very nice," he commented, eyes drawn to a few particular large ferns, whose arching leaves overlapped to form a sort of natural bower. That, he decided, was where all the fun was going to take place.

"Isn't it?" His voice was soft, almost dreamy. "I knew this was perfect when I saw it. I knew you'd love it." Kurama craned his neck to peer up at him. Karasu laughed at his lover.

"Now, if you don't mind my asking..." Karasu immediately stopped laughing at his serious tone. "What is the condition?"

"I'll show you." Kurama smirked at his eager tone, and his smile widened as Karasu led him to the fern bower he'd noticed. Now Karasu knelt before him, hands cupping his face as the dark youkai leaned in for a kiss.

Not wanting to wait a moment longer, Kurama eagerly wrapped himself around his lover, pushing Karasu back as he kissed fervently. "Karasu," he moaned, pressing his lover to the ground as he nibbled his lips, his chin, a path along his neck, tugging his collar down to plant kisses on his chest. Karasu groaned, tangling his fingers in thick red hair and pulling back. Kurama hissed softly, but his hands continued to tug at Karasu's clothing.

"Aah..." Karasu pushed Kurama's hands away, then directed his own to Kurama's clothing, which came off a lot more quickly than they had come on. He then pulled off his own clothes as Kurama crawled under the fern leaves and settled down on the soft bed of grass and leaves with a sigh. Karasu lay himself down beside the kitsune, hands running up and down his soft body. "You're so beautiful,"

Kurama arched his back in response, tossing one arm around Karasu and kissing him gently. "So're you," he murmured.

A light stinging on his thigh reminded him that Karasu still held the riding crop. "Roll on your stomach, koibito."

Grunting, he obeyed, positioning himself so that his bottom was thrust into the air. Karasu patted it fondly. "Do you want to be spanked?"

He writhed a bit, grin hidden by a thick veil of red hair. "I've been a very bad boy."

His buttocks stung as Karasu applied the riding crop to Kurama's inviting rear end even though the crow used very little force. Then Karasu dropped it and leaned over Kurama, his breath tickling the back of the redhead's neck. Kurama shivered as Karasu nudged aside his hair and nibbled at the back of his neck, his tongue darting across flushed skin as he pulled back.

Kurama moaned softly. "Oooh.." He arched his back as one of Karasu's hands slid down along his belly to his groin, toying with curly red pubic hair. "Tease," he hissed accusingly as he thrust his hips forward, wanting that hand to come in contact with his erection. Karasu chuckled and pulled his hand away.

"A little too eager, Kurama-chan? See who's in charge this time?"

He shifted slightly and peered back at his lover with wide eyes. "You're still upset about that?"

The dark youkai snorted inelegantly. "Hardly "upset." I just love to be on top... and you, you heartless fiend, took that pleasure away from me." A gentle slap with the riding crop accompanied his words.

Unable to contain himself any longer, Kurama tossed his head back and laughed. He collapsed on his side, rocking as he chortled at his lover's words. "Oh, Karasu," he finally managed to gasp breathlessly. "Have I ever told you how much I love you?"

"I can't remember," he replied drily, peering at the Youko with slitted eyes. "Are you finished? If there's one thing I hate more than being defeated in battle- besides being the uke, of course- its being made fun of." He grimaced dramatically. "And I really hate losing in battle." That said with a pointed glance in the redhead's direction, who contrived to look innocent.

"Oh, you..." Karasu rolled his eyes expressively. Lips curling in a reluctant smile, he turned around to rummage through his clothing.

Kurama propped himself up on one elbow, eying his lover's slim body appreciatively. "Have I told you what a lovely ass you have? If not, I'm terribly disappointed in myself." He grinned broadly as Karasu twisted to stare at him. "Such beauty deserves notice, and I pride myself on never overlooking something of great beauty."

Karasu raised his eyebrows. "You have quite a nice ass yourself."

He nodded modestly. "But mine isn't nearly as fuckable as yours."

Karasu's jaw dropped. The look of sheer indignation on his face was almost enough to make Kurama burst out laughing again. Almost. But knowing it might upset his lover was enough to keep quiet.

"Kurama..." The crow held up a tube of KY, and Kurama couldn't hold back a snicker this time. "Trust me when I say you have the most fuckable ass in all the Ningenkai."

"We'll see who has the most fuckable ass." So said, Kurama abruptly sat up and pounced on his lover, trying to wrestle him to the ground. Karasu grunted and pushed him back, attempting to roll over on top of him. "Whoever ends up on top gets to stay there," came the singsong, childlike taunt, as Kurama pushed his full weight against Karasu. The taller man merely smirked, and lifted his own body to put Kurama off-balance before rolling over, reversing their positions. Finally, he grabbed Kurama's wrists and pinned them above his head, his own legs covering Kurama's to keep the redhead from struggling.

"It looks like I'm on top," he said with a grin. "Any last words?"

"Do it already," Kurama hissed, hips thrusting against Karasu, rubbing his erection against Karasu's own. Groaning, Karasu fumbled for the tube of KY, grinding his groin against Kurama's.

His fingers closed around the tube and he sat up and got off his lover, getting some of the lubricant on his finger. "On your knees, pretty boy."

Kurama positioned himself quickly, and Karasu gently rubbed his rosy opening with KY. "Mmm, you're gonna be wonderful."

"So hurry up!" Kurama moaned and rocked back, trying to force Karasu's finger in. With a chuckle he obliged, inserting one finger and stroking Kurama's inner walls, impressed with how hot and tight the redhead was. He pushed in a second finger, and then a third. Gods, but the redhead was tight! Unable to wait another moment, Karasu pulled out his fingers and grabbed Kurama's hips.

"You want this?"

"Oh, yeah." Karasu pressed the tip of his length against Kurama's anus and entered with one quick thrust. Kurama arched his back, moaning loudly. Smirking, he thrust again and withdrew.

"N-nani? Wh'd you stop?!" The redhead rolled on his back and took his erection in hand, stroking himself. It took all of Karasu's self-control not to jump the redhead. But, he reminded himself firmly, payback was always rewarding in the end.


He hadn't realized he'd spoken aloud. Oh, well. "I told you I'd get you back, Kurama."

"Ooh?" He frowned slightly, then his eyes widened as he remembered.

Kurama cuddled against him, looking content. And rather pleased with himself. "Don't be so cocky, fox-boy." Kurama looked curiously at him. Karasu grinned easily. "I'm gonna make you pay for this, my pretty."

"Oh!" His eyes narrowed. "You've been planning this ever since then?"

Even though Kurama's hand had stilled, Karasu lifted the riding crop and applied it quickly to his wrist. "Hands off, redhead. That's my property you're fondling."

Emerald orbs went as wide as they could. "You're not serious."

"I am." He smirked at the lithe figure before him. "And if you don't hop to obey, I've got a method of holding you far worse than your little rose whip."

Kurama returned his smile coolly, his suddenly icy demeanor at odds with his heat-flushed body and erect penis. "We'll see,"

He was quick, but Karasu held the advantage, and Kurama ended up on his back. Seeing his chance, Karasu quickly used his ki, and Kurama cried out as bombs appeared out of nowhere, tentacled bomb that wrapped around his arms and legs, trapping him. Displeased with this sudden turn of events, Kurama began to struggle and curse.

"Lemme go! You filthy, conniving, carrion eater! I'm gonna... gonna..."

Karasu laughed loudly and pressed a hand against his mouth. "Shhh, lover." Kurama bit his hand. "I told you I'd get you back!" Violet eyes sparkled merrily. "If you struggle to much, koi, these bombs will blow you to pieces."

Kurama pouted sulkily. "Karasu," he murmured, almost pleadingly, eyes going wide. "You're really not going to-"

"Kitsune!" He covered Kurama's mouth with his own, rubbing and pinching hard nipples at the same time. Kurama was quick to forgive, lifting his body to press against Karasu's as he returned the kiss with passion. The crow reluctant;y pulled away, sighing. "You're so good, Kurama... I can't bring myself to punish such a good boy."

The redhead squirmed enticingly. "I could be a very naughty boy, if you like."

Karasu gave in eagerly, positioning himself between the redhead's legs and lifting his bottom for easier access. "And to think someone as wicked as you could look so innocent sometimes," he murmured as he thrust in. Kurama cried out in pleasure, hips thrusting, wanting more, which Karasu gladly gave. Each thrust pushed him into heaven, and he wanted it all. One hand went to Kurama's hard-on, pumping the Youko's erect length in time to his thrusts, until both of them came together. The bombs released the redhead at Karasu's orgasm, and they both fell to the ground.

Karasu didn't bother to pull away, rather enjoying the sensation of entwined limbs. Kurama had closed his eyes, lost in the afterglow of their rough lovemaking. Content, Karasu closed his eyes, languorous, not sleepy but not really awake.

"Kurama-san? Karasu-san?"

Growling, he opened his eyes, lifting his head to peer at the person who'd dare intrude on them. Kurama pulled away, untangling their limbs and sitting on his heels. "Oh. Hello, Yukina-chan." Blinking, Karasu sat up, giving the Koorime a harsh stare that went right over her head. Or so it seemed. "Do you need something?"

"Genkai-shihan said you'd be here," she sounded puzzled, cocking her head to one side as if trying to figure it out. Karasu would've liked to know why that meddling old woman knew what they were up to. Unless she was spying on them... "Botan-san is at the temple. She says she has some very important news."

"Do you know what news?" Kurama asked, crawling over to his clothes. "Did she tell you anything?"

Yukina shook her head, apparently not bothered by Kurama's nudity. "Okay. Thank you, Yukina. We'll be right there." She turned to leave. "Oh, Yukina?"


"Is Yusuke going to be there?" Karasu stiffened.

"Yes, Botan wants everybody there."


Karasu watched Yukina go, then crawled over and hugged his lover tightly. "Ai shiteru, Kurama."

"Boku mo." He gave his lover a big-eyed look. "Karasu... what is the condition?"

He chuckled softly. "Why, I just want to be on top, is all."

Kurama squeezed him tightly, laughing. They kissed quickly, then Kurama stood. "We can't start again right now, lover. We need to see what Botan thinks is so important."

"Maybe she lost her lipstick or something," he grumbled, following Kurama's example and pulling on his clothes.



On to part 12b