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Part 5


Karasu considered the situation. Here he was, caught (literally) red-handed, and there was Yusuke, so much more powerful than Karasu it wasn't even funny. Well, that wasn't necessarily true. Everything could be considered funny, in the right situation. But this wasn't one of them. He glanced at Kurama. The redhead was still on his knees, but at least he was awake.

"Kurama." The Youko didn't look up. Yusuke pointed his finger at the dark youkai, assuming the 'rei gun' position. The way he was powering up this shot, Karasu wasn't certain he'd survive one blast. Well, in situations like this, there was only one thing to do. A few steps back placed him right behind Kurama.

He crouched behind the kitsune, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Kurama, I think you'd best call your friend off before somebody gets hurt." That someone being him. He didn't consider himself a coward, but there were some fights that just couldn't be won, and therefore were pointless to fight. This was one of them. He nudged Kurama. "Up, fox."

Yusuke closed the rest of the distance between them in three leaps. He stood not a yard away, aura blazing. "Bastard! Get away from Kurama and fight like a man!"

He scrubbed one hand through his hair uncertainly as he rose. Koenma's explicit orders had been to "not fight with any of the team no matter what the circumstances", with a pointed glance in Karasu's direction to make sure the dark youkai had understood. He had. But now Yusuke seemed determined to fight him no matter *what* Karasu said. Would Koenma consider this a violation of their agreement?

Unfortunately, there didn't seem to be any other choice. Yusuke wasn't more than two feet away, and pulling back his fist. Aww, he was going to fight Karasu the old-fashioned way. How... quaint.

"Hehehe.... two beautiful men fighting over me.. haha.. I'm flattered... I think."

Karasu looked down at Kurama. Yusuke looked down at Kurama. The fox was shaking with silent laughter, and when he looked up, he had a silly little smile on his face. Yusuke took a tentative step forward. "Kurama? Daijoubu?"

Obviously, there was something hilarious about Yusuke's question that Karasu had missed, for Kurama just laughed harder, shaking his head. "H-hai...hai, Yusuke.. daijoubu. Reeaaally...." He trailed off, laughing uncontrollably. The hilarity of the whole thing eluded Yusuke, too. He shook his head in puzzlement, relaxing from his battle-ready stance.

Karasu slid one hand under Kurama's chin, tilting the fox's head up so he could search for previously unnoticed head wounds that might cause dementia. None were visible, and running his hand through Kurama's silken hair proved fruitless. Though he noted with amusement that he now had several seeds stuck under his fingernails. He made a mental note to himself: remember to ask Kurama how he manages to keep track of all his seeds.

Yusuke was glowering again. "Touch him again, you son of a bitch, and I'll rip you to pieces."

Kurama promptly collapsed back against Karasu, still snickering. "Play nicely, boys... there's enough to go around..hehehehe..." Yusuke scratched his head, looking confused. He didn't get it.

Karasu did.

He shot Yusuke a challenging glare, then stooped down to lift Kurama in his arms. His lips brushed the redhead's ear. "I'm not willing to share, kitsune."

Kurama turned those lovely green eyes on him. Amusement caused them to sparkle in a most enticing manner. "I know..."

"Kurama." They both looked at Yusuke. "I don't get it." Karasu lifted his eyes, to where Toguro and Kuwabara stood on the hill.

Amusement faded in those emerald orbs. "I'll explain everything, Yusuke.." Kurama blinked, then yawned. "But first, I think I'll get some sleep. I'm really tired all of a sudden."

* * * *

They'd managed to travel several more miles before the sun set. After most of their arguments had been settled. They'd all been about a certain redhead, in some way or another. The biggest problem stemmed from how they were going to travel with the unconscious redhead. No one had wanted to wake him, but they hadn't been able to agree on who would carry him. Karasu wanted to carry Kurama, but Yusuke didn't want Karasu to carry Kurama. Yusuke wanted to carry Kurama, but the kitsune would be too awkward a burden for the boy, especially over such rough terrain. Surprisingly, it was Kuwabara who had come up with a solution: if Toguro could be trusted to carry Yusuke, he could be trusted to carry Kurama. Karasu and Yusuke had reluctantly agreed, and they had been on their not-so-merry way.

Personally, Karasu didn't trust Toguro to hold the redhead. He didn't sling Kurama over his shoulder like he had Yusuke, but craddled the kitsune in his arms. Not that he was getting jealous or anything. Nope. He was simply looking out for his good buddy Kurama's welfare. Ri-ight.

Now, at least, Toguro had put Kurama down to help set up camp. And Yusuke was nowhere in sight. Smiling behind his mask, Karasu silently settled himself down beside the redhead. The trees seemed to bend over Kurama, sheltering him from the elements. Karasu realized that Kurama didn't just control plants: he had a true affinity with them. He lightly stroked the kitsune's hair, enjoying the peace of the moment.

A small sound alerted Karasu to the fact that Kurama was awake. His eyes were half opened, his lips parted and curved in a tiny smile. Karasu stilled his hand, uncertain.

"Well don't stop." The imperious command and his slightly annoyed tone caused the dark youkai to smile as he continued his gentle ministrations. Kurama sighed, stretching lazily. The sensuous movement caused Karasu's mouth to go dry. And caused other problems to, ah, arise as well. It was a good thing, he decided, that darkness had already fallen. This was a most embarrassing state, and he really did not want to Kurama to know the effect he had on Karasu.

A light breeze picked up, and the leaves rustled in response to nature's gentle caress. Kurama sighed again, indicating with a slight tilting of his head that Karasu should stop. The kitsune sat up, grimacing. "I'm filthy."

Blunt, but true. "Dried blood isn't nearly as attractive as fresh."

Kurama favored him with a smile. "Do you know if there's a stream or pond anywhere nearby?"

"Hai... a pool about five minutes south of here." They both stood, Karasu somewhat awkwardly. "May I...?"

Kurama waved him on. "Lead the way." They walked in silence. Then they came across Kuwabara gathering firewood. The carrot-top looked up as they passed. Kurama smiled and waved. Karasu smiled and waved. Kuwabara smiled and waved. And they all went on their merry way.

The pool itself was very beautiful: surrounded by large, drooping trees, fed by a waterfall. A spot for romance if ever there was one.

Kurama looked delighted; the fox couldn't get out of his clothes and into the water fast enough. Even battered and bruised, Karasu noted happily, Kurama's body was still the loveliest thing in sight.

He sat cross-legged on the ground, watching the kitsune play in the water. Kurama looked like he was having fun; Karasu, on the other hand, was not. Unless, of course, you considered fun to be watching beautiful, naked men frolicking in water, every once in a while giving you a tantalizing glimpse of pale flesh before submerging again.

Okay, so he was having fun.

But he would be having more fun if he was in the water, too.

The only thing that stopped him was the thought that if he got in, Kurama might get out. And there would go all his fun. So he kept his cloths on and contented himself with watching the Youko.

Finally Kurama swam over to where he sat, pulling himself up onto the ground beside Karasu. He gave the youkai a cheerful smile, eyes sparkling in that amused way of his. There was something almost expectant in the way Kurama watched him. Sitting there as naked as the day he was born. Karasu forced himself to look away. "You need something?"

"Aren't you going to join me?" He brought his eyes back to the kitsune. Kurama gave him a bright, sunny smile and hopped back into the water. "I'm getting lonely in here, all by myself." He playfully splashed water at Karasu. "C'mon, don't you like to swim?"

We-ell, in that case... "Just let me get my clothes off." That didn't take long, though. Karasu was fairly certain he'd never stripped so fast in his entire life. Save the pants for last, and jump in quickly. Hopefully Kurama didn't notice how.. eager he was to join the kitsune.

Kurama, it seemed, wanted to play a game of chicken: he would swim close, then pull away, sometimes diving. Karasu was quite willing to play this game. He wondered what his reward would be for catching the Youko. The possibilities only added to his excitement.

The two of them splashed around, laughing as they played. Karasu was in heaven. The only thing that could be better was.. catching the redhead, of course. Finally, he saw his chance: the kitsune surfaced to close, and Karasu was able to close the distance between them in a single stroke. He reached for the Youko with a triumphant grin. "Gotcha- yiiike!"

Vines wrapped around his legs, dragging him under the water. More bound his wrists, and they dragged him along. He thrashed, feeling rather helpless, unable to use his gun powder under the water. He was dragged to the surface: half out of the water, bound to the ground face-down. He coughed a little, gasping for air.

"Damnit, kitsune, I'm gonna... Kurama?" No reply. He struggled against the vines, not even thinking to use his bombs. "Kurama!"

It was silent for several long minutes. Then he felt the water rippling. Something was moving. ".......Kurama?" His voice was soft.

A low, deep chuckle responded to his hesitant inquiry. He craned his neck, trying to get a glance at his captor. The vines loosened, allowing him to twist around. When he got a glimpse of his tormentor, all thoughts of escape vanished from his mind. His erection, which had gone limp when he had been caught by the vines, sprang back to life.

There, standing with confidence in all his nude glory, was Youko Kurama. Silver hair falling in a glorious mane to frame his hairless, well muscled body. Ears cocked jauntily to one side, tail swishing slowly back and forth. Karasu's eyes slid along the Youko's smooth legs, down to his calves and back up. And Kurama was rather happy to see him, if Karasu was any judge. Unless Kurama was that big all the time.

He swallowed hard. "Kurama..."

The Youko moved to stand behind him, lightly swatting his rear. "I hope you aren't planning on struggling, Karasu. I want you to be a good boy." His lips curled into a mischievous smile. "Actually, you've been a really good boy this entire trip." His eyes glinted almost evilly in the moonlight. "And you know what?" Karasu shook his head mutely. Kurama's smile widened. "Good boys like you deserve to be punished."

Karasu squirmed, his breath coming hard. Oh, gods... he couldn't let the Youko get the better of him, though. Concentrating his youki, he blew up the vines holding him. Free at last he stood, whirling to face the Youko. "Now, Kurama, I think I'll-"

"ROSE WHIP!" Karasu took an involuntary step back as the thorny whip appeared. Kurama cracked it once, then stepped out of the water. Karasu half-turned, looking for something to use against the kitsune. Suddenly he felt the thorny length or Kurama's favorite weapon wrap around first one wrist, then the other, binding them together. Another crack of a whip, and Karasu felt his ankles being bound together. Great, he had two. Kurama jerked on the one holding his ankles and Karasu fell, landing with a grunt on the ground.

He considered his position: bound by Kurama's thorny whips, laying on his stomach a soft bed of leaves and moss. All in all, not a bad place to be. Karasu wasn't certain he wanted to escape.

Kurama knelt beside him, running a teasing hand over his wet body. "Now, what did I just tell you, Karasu?" That throaty purr was definitely amused. "I told you not to struggle. But you-" He jerked on the one binding Karasu's hands, eliciting a gasp of pain from the dark youkai. "-you just had to disobey." The Youko's smile was positively sadistic. "I guess I'll just have to show you who's master around here, ne Karasu-chan?"

Another sharp tug, this time at both the whips. "H-hai, Kurama." He tried not to sound too eager.

Kurama smacked his bottom hard. "That's "Kurama-sama" to you, worm."

"Hai." Another smack. "Hai, Kurama-sama."

"Good boy." Kurama straddled his legs. "Now, I think I'm gonna teach you a few tricks."

Karasu gasped as one wet finger slid down to gently stroke his scrotum. Kurama grunted softly, shifting on Karasu. The whip released his ankles. "Spread your legs, my pretty little cunt. I want a better view."

He did as he was told, and more of those annoying vines appeared to hold his legs in place. "Yes," Kurama murmured delightedly. "Much better."

The Youko leaned down so he was laying on top of Karasu, his hands covering the whip that held Karasu's hands in place (presumably to keep that beautiful, flawless skin from being pierced by the whip's sharp thorns. He wasn't nearly so considerate when it came to Karasu's skin). The Youko's lips brushed his ear. Kurama's tongue caressed the lobe, then flicked inside, causing Karasu to moan in pleasure.

"Ah, yes." He hissed softly, aware of Kurama's hardness pressed against his rear. Kurama slid one hand down his body and underneath him, fondling his erection. Karasu moaned louder, thrusting his hips eagerly.

"Tsk, tsk, Karasu." The Youko sat up, removing his hand from Karasu's penis. "You'd better not be trying to take more than I want to give. Remember," the thorns dug deeper into Karasu's wrists. "I'm the master, and you" one hand slid under him to pinch his nipple. "are the puppet. You say what I want you to say, " a cruel twist, "do what I want you to do." Karasu cried out in pain as Kurama slid his other hand down to give his other nipple the same treatment. "And most of all, you take whatever pleasure I give you, and no more." His fingernails raked Karasu's nipples one last time, then he moved his hands down to rest lightly on Karasu's hips. "Do you understand?"

"Hai... Kurama-sama." He could almost feel the Youko smile. "Very good. I was beginning to think you were a terrible student. I really hate having to teach a lesson more than once."

Karasu buried his face in the soft moss. Gods, this was one humiliating lesson he'd never forget.

Kurama got off him, leaning easily on one arm with a provocative smile. Karasu craned his neck, eager for a glimpse of the fox.

Kurama flicked his fingers at Karasu with a smirk. "Stick up your rear, darling. I want to play seriously now."

Play seriously? Was the fox completely insane? Karasu squeezed his eyes shut, wishing it were all over. 'If Kurama leaves now, I'll buy myself a chastity belt and devote my life to helping others... just please stop the humiliation' he promised whatever gods may be listening. Except Koenma, of course.

He heard Kurama sigh and stand. "Karasu." He shook his head. "Karasu, look at me." In spite of himself, he looked. Kurama stood, framed by moonlight.. the most beautiful creature he'd ever seen. The Youko tossed his head, his hair glittering in the moonlight. He was truly in his element. "What, Karasu? Do you not want me? Am I not beautiful enough for you?"

Karasu's eyes traveled all over Kurama's exquisite form. "You," he took a deep breath, "are the very epitome of every adolescent youkai's wet dreams."

Kurama smiled, pleased. "I'm glad you enjoy my body." He got a lecherous look in his eyes. "The way I enjoy yours." His words sent shivers down Karasu's spine.

Kurama was down on his knees again, gently caressing his bottom cheeks. "So soft.." he was really enjoying himself. Karasu forced himself to stay still, lest he be forced to endure more of Kurama's "punishment". The thorns dug in deeper still, and Karasu felt his blood spilling out, trickling down his hands to pool on his back. Kurama caressed the wounds, covering his fingers in blood. He held his hand up to examine it. Smiling, he nodded in satisfaction, then turned his attention back to Karasu's rear.

The dark youkai gasped, squirming as Kurama eased one finger into his crack, past the puckered flesh of the anus to lightly stroke Karasu's perineum. Chuckling as his toy began to pant, Kurama inserted his finger, lubricated with Karasu's own blood, into his ass. Karasu moaned, shuddering with pleasure as Kurama stroked his inner walls. The Youko eased in another finger, stretching out his opening.

"Oh gods... please, Kurama. Kurama-sama. Please!"

The Youko laughed softly. "Since you used the magic word.." He removed his fingers. Karasu eased his hips back slightly as he felt Kurama position himself. The kitsune penetrated slowly, ever so carefully. Karasu all but whined in his eagerness to have the fox inside him.

Kurama buried himself in Karasu's embracing warmth as far as he could, then pulled back and thrust experimentally in a few times. "Ah, yes. You're so nice and tight." He thrust a few more times. "You want this?"

Karasu nodded eagerly, pushing his hips back to meet Kurama's thrusts. Chuckling, Kurama pressed his chest against Karasu's back and set his rhythm. One hand snaked around to grasp Karasu's erection and pump in time to his thrusts.

It didn't last long enough. Kurama came just before he did, filling the dark youkai with his seed. Then it was Karasu's turn, his hips jerking a few last times as he attained long sought-after release. He collapsed, panting. Kurama lay limply atop him, still inside him.

After a while, he felt Kurama roll off him, and the whip unraveled and fell off him. He rolled onto his back with a languorous sigh, turning his head to stare at his lover. Kurama had shifted back to his ningen form, and was stretched out on his stomach, a lazy smile adorning his face. Their eyes met.

Kurama began to chuckle. Karasu sat up, frowning at the redhead. "What? What is it?" Kurama shook his head. "What's so funny?"

Kurama didn't answer, just kept laughing. Karasu sighed, then scooted closer to the fox, wrapping his arms around the Youko and pulling him into his embrace. Kurama cuddled against him, looking content. And rather pleased with himself.

"Don't be so cocky, fox-boy." Kurama looked curiously at him. Karasu grinned easily. "I'm gonna make you pay for this, my pretty."

Kurama snorted softly, lowering his head to rest on Karasu's chest. Obviously, he wasn't very worried. Karasu curled around his lover with a contented sigh.

'Is this what love really is...?'



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