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Image Gallery


. Here, of course, you'll find image galleries of our favorite bishounen (and Kuwabara). I'm sure you all know the drill: click on the thumbnail to view the image, yadda yadda blah blah blah.. By the way, most of the images are stolen from other people (the exception being a few poker cards scanned in each section.. and the entire misc section ^_^). I'm trying to give them all credit, but most of the images have been on my hardrive for so long I'm not entirely sure where I got them ^^; So if you see a pic that belongs to you, e-mail me and I'll either take it down or give you credit.





*Speacial thanks to Becky Marie for letting me use her images on my page. Thanks, Becky! ^___^ And to anyone else whose images I stole... Arigato!

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