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Notes on Submitting Fanfics

Aren't subliminals fun?
Not that these are real subliminals
Karasu: No? Well, Lets test that theory, shall we? WORSHIP ME!!!
Kurama: Who would want to worship you?
Koenma: Not me, that's for sure!

First and foremost, please only submit fanfics that are written in ENGLISH. This is because the only language I speak and read fluently is (surprise, surprise) English, and I won't post anything I can't read.

Also, I can't stand terrible grammer. Personally, I dislike visiting fanfiction pages where half the stories are incomprehensible because of poor grammer and spelling. I'm not saying I won't accept fanfiction with terrible grammer and/or spelling. But I will edit it (and I'll try to keep the editing down to a minimum, but I can make no promises..)

Please e-mail me and ask before you send me your fic. I probably won't say no, but I feel more comfrotable doing things this way.^_^

Simple enough, ne?

Now, back to the fanfics page